
Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

author:I can't do it
Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

The richer you are, the more likely you are to get into trouble; The richer you are, the more you believe in Feng Shui.

Have you ever heard of Nina Gong, the richest woman in Asia?

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

As a frequent visitor on the rich list, Nina Gong's lifetime wealth has far exceeded that of the Queen of England, and when she was brilliant, she was worth 30 billion yuan, and it took 5 years to achieve a market value of 80 billion yuan for the company.

But the entries surrounding her are always "fragrant and bizarre, her husband was kidnapped twice, lawsuits and all kinds of magical feng shui rumors, as well as peachy news with feng shui masters" and so on.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

She has no children and no daughters in her life, and when she is over 60 years old, she insists on combing a double ponytail and wearing heavy makeup, and she is known as the "old witch" by the outside world, and she only does this to find her kidnapped husband.

After her death, she was rumored to be scandalous, exposed her quirks and privacy, and became the talk of the streets, and her legendary life made the gambling king Stanley Ho sigh for it.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

From self-made to the "richest woman" in scandals, what has Gong Nina experienced?

Is her husband, who has been searching for half her life, still alive?

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

The husband was tied up and became famous overnight

There are thousands of billionaires in Asia, and Hong Kong accounts for half of them.

In the last century, Hong Kong, where every inch of land is valuable, gave birth to countless wealthy families, and they have been legendary in their lives, and it can be said that they have seen countless winds and waves.

In Hong Kong in the 80s, the underworld was in chaos, and various anecdotes such as "fostering, cheating, and black incidents" surrounded the rich one after another, so many celebrities and rich people lived cautiously.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Source:, link attached at the end of the article

But for the experiences of Nina Gong and her husband Wang Dehui, these are pediatrics, and no one would have imagined that this wealthy couple "became popular all over Asia" not because of business, but because of a disaster.

In 1983, Wang Dehui and his wife Gong Nina were driving to work when they were surrounded by robbers armed with knives and guns and forced to stop their cars.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

The kidnappers then put a knife around Wang Dehui's neck, dragged him into the car and drove away, and after arriving at an apartment, the robber called Nina Gong and asked her to prepare a ransom of $11 million and warned her not to call the police.

Worried about her husband's safety, Nina Gong obediently did not call the police, and a few days later she received another call from the kidnappers to take the ransom money to the women's toilet in a building.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

After the money arrived, the robbers released Wang Dehui.

After being kidnapped once, Nina Gong and her husband went out with a group of bodyguards for a long time, and the husband and wife were safe and sound in a short period of time.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Gradually, they saw that the days were calm, and the thrifty Wang Dehui thought that so many bodyguards were also a lot of expenses, so he quit them.

But he never thought that this time, his life was almost gone.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Source: Guangdong Public Security Department, link attached at the end of the article

In 1990, after Wang Dehui ended the activities of the "Happy Valley Jockey Club", he was kidnapped again on the way home.

By the time Nina Gong received the call, the kidnapper's request had changed from $11 million to $60 million.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Gong Ruxin didn't want to send the money over, but this time, Gong Ruxin didn't exchange $6 million for her husband's homecoming.

Wang Dehui is completely missing, and his life and death are uncertain.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Create wealth together

In the two years since, Nina Gong has never given up the slightest opportunity to find her husband, although everyone says that her husband is dead, but she never believes it.

Because for her, Wang Dehui is not only the other half of his love, but also her spiritual support.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Nina Gong and Wang Dehui are childhood sweethearts, the two did business in Shanghai in the early years, and life was smooth until many years later, when 11-year-old Wang Dehui moved to Hong Kong with his family.

Since then, the two who have sympathized with each other have begun to be separated from each other, and they can only communicate by writing letters.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

When Nina Gong was 12 years old, her father died in the Taiping Wheel Incident, and her family was in the middle of the road, and since then she has completely lost hope in life.

Fortunately, Wang Dehui from Hong Kong comforted her with letters, so that she gradually got out of the pain of losing her father.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

When she was 17 years old, Nina Gong went to Hong Kong to join Wang Dehui, because she had only been passing on the book to the wild goose, and the seeds of love had already taken root in the hearts of the two, and Wang Dehui planned to marry her.

But at this time, the Wang family has already become a wealthy family by relying on real estate, and his parents don't look down on this poor daughter-in-law at all."

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Even after the two got married, Wang Dehui's mother was always picky about her shabby background, couldn't cook, was not virtuous, etc., in the face of her mother-in-law's pickiness, Gong Nina with strong self-esteem decided to make a career with her own door.

It is precisely this idea that completely unveils the legendary life of Gong Nina .

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

She and her husband set up their own business to co-founded "Chinachem Real Estate", mainly dealing in western medicine and chemical raw materials, during the entrepreneurial period, the husband and wife worked hard, and in just a few years, the company became world-renowned.

Later, the couple ventured into the real estate industry, and with Nina Gong's unique vision and advice, they bought and sold a series of houses in the suburbs of Hong Kong.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Information source: China News Network, the link is attached at the end of the article

By 1979, after 10 years of hard work by the husband and wife, Chinachem Land had become one of the largest private real estate developers in Hong Kong, participating in the development of hundreds of real estate projects.

The real estate projects with the Chinachem property logo cover almost the whole of Hong Kong, and Wang Dehui also holds the title of "Shanghai King", and Nina Gong has become the "woman behind the king".

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Wealth begets misfortune

However, this couple is different from other wealthy families, even if they have hundreds of millions of wealth, they still live a simple life, especially Gong Nina , she doesn't buy big names, doesn't buy lady cosmetics, and doesn't even deserve bodyguards.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

According to outside legends, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Nina Gong only bought a piece of moon cake, and then cut it into 16 portions for employees.

and their low-key two people have become the "invisible people" of Hong Kong's rich circle.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Information source: CCTV, the link has been attached at the end of the article

But even so, the husband and wife didn't think so, and they still made a lot of money while slamming the door to save money, but such a dull day was completely crushed with the disappearance of the husband.

In fact, not long after Wang Dehui was abducted for the second time, the police caught this group of kidnappers, and according to the kidnappers, Wang Dehui had been thrown into the ocean by them.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

It turned out that they were planning to take Wang Dehui to a remote island by boat, but they met a sea patrol ship on the way, and they were worried that the matter would be exposed, so they could only tie Wang Dehui up and throw him into the sea.

But this result is not what Gong Nina wants.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

She didn't believe the kidnappers' claims, and she always believed that her husband had just disappeared and not been torn up.

Searching everywhere to no avail, she began to become superstitious, constantly adopting feng shui and metaphysical methods, and even went to India, Nepal and other places to find monks for guidance.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

The richer the person, the more they believe in Feng Shui.

It was also after this incident that the "Feng Shui Master" Chen Zhencong appeared, and she was the only one who told Nina Gong that Wang Dehui was still alive.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Nina Gong and Chen Zhencong

At the same time, she began to take over the Chinachem Group, thinking that the company was her husband's brainchild and must not be destroyed in her own hands, and she must build a stronger Chinachem Group and wait for her husband's return.

Since then, a strong woman with a double ponytail and a girl's outfit has appeared in the Hong Kong business community.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband
In just 5 years, Nina Gong made the company's market value to 80 billion, at the end of the 90s, her personal assets exceeded 10 billion, and in 2001, Nina Gong was worth nearly 30 billion Hong Kong dollars, far exceeding the Queen of England, ranking first among the 300 richest people in the United Kingdom.

With the development of a huge business territory, Nina Gong has never forgotten to look for her husband, and she does not believe that her missing husband has died.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Nina Gong and Chen Zhencong

In the process of looking for her husband, she spent almost all her money on Feng Shui master Chen Zhencong, for which there were many scandals between her and Feng Shui masters.

But she still chooses to turn a deaf ear, she does whatever the master asks her to do, she wears pigtails, wears miniskirts, and she once didn't like to dress up, and she also began to wear heavy makeup, because all kinds of peachy news appeared.

Fame, money, and status are worthless in the face of finding a husband.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Source:, link attached at the end of the article

But in Hong Kong, disappearances for more than 7 years must be declared, so in the ninth year of Wang Dehui's disappearance, the Hong Kong police announced him dead, and in 1999 Wang Dehui's father Wang Tingxin took out his son's will written in 1968.

After that, Nina Gong and the Wang family began an 8-year battle for family property, and after various disputes and revelations, Nina Gong was able to win the lawsuit and get the inheritance.

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband

Although she won the lawsuit, Nina Gong exhausted her efforts to find her husband for many years, and she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

In 2007, 69-year-old Gong Nina left an inheritance of 40 billion yuan and died, and until the moment before her death, she still could not accept the fact of her husband's death and insisted on publishing an obituary in her newspaper in her husband's name.

A generation of strong women has been repeatedly tricked by fate and criticized by the world, and this is only because of the word "love".

Asia's richest woman: 60-year-old insisted on combing pigtails and wearing miniskirts, just to find her kidnapped husband


1. China News Network: Wang Dehui, Gong Nina and his wife co-create Chinachem Group, 2002-11-22

2. CCTV: "Asia's richest woman Gong Nina spent 3,000 yuan a month on frugality before her death", 2007-4-5

3. Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department: "Inventory of the Rich Men Who Were Kidnapped and Charged for Sky-high Prices", 2015-5-14

4. "The Legendary Life of "Britney" Gong Nina ", 2009-6-25

5. "Lawyer Reveals that Nina Gong still wants to give birth to Chen Zhencong for more than 50 years, and has gone to surgery", 2009-6-25

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