
一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

Zhongguancun Online

2024-06-28 12:02Zhongguancun Online Official Account

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01OnePlus Ace3 Pro was officially released, with a starting price of 3199 yuan, which is 600 yuan more expensive than OnePlus Ace3, and the main upgrades are focused on chip performance, battery capacity, and body texture.

02 OnePlus Ace3 Pro uses the third-generation Snapdragon 8 chip, which supports Genshin Impact native 120 frames, and the gaming performance is excellent.

03In addition, the OnePlus Ace3 Pro battery capacity reaches 6100mAh, the battery life is improved, and it takes 35 minutes to fully charge it.

04 OnePlus Ace3 Pro uses the same flagship 602mm? The ultra-large X-axis linear motor provides a better vibration experience.

05Overall, it is recommended to buy OnePlus Ace3 Pro, which is extremely cost-effective, suitable for friends who do not pursue the ultimate image and do not need wireless charging.

Technical support is provided by Tencent Hybrid Model

On the evening of June 27th, OnePlus Ace3 Pro was officially released, the new machine has the third generation Snapdragon 8, 1.5K oriental screen, metal frame, IMX890 OIS main camera and other features, the price starts at 3199 yuan. Compared with the previous OnePlus Ace3, the starting price is 600 yuan more expensive, what are the specific differences between the two? Which one is worth buying? Today we are going to solve these problems.

First of all, I will give a parameter table to facilitate you to quickly understand the product information——

一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

It can be seen that the main upgrades of OnePlus Ace3 Pro are focused on chip performance, battery capacity, and body texture, so the experience changes brought by these upgrades are the key to deciding which one to buy.

1 Appearance: The design has changed and the texture has been upgraded, and the Ace3 Pro is on par with the flagship

OnePlus Ace3 Pro has a more significant change in design, OnePlus Ace3The splicing design of the metal module and glass body of the camera part of the back case has not been used in the new machine, the glass version and the plain leather version use bright strip decoration, and the ceramic version is directly integrated. This design brings a cleaner visual look.

In addition to the design redesign, the back case material is also commendable, not only offering relatively mainstream glass and leather options, but also bringing a ceramic version that was previously only available on high-end flagship phones. This not only provides users with greater space for personalization, but also greatly reduces the price threshold for experiencing ceramic materials.

一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

It is worth mentioning that even the ordinary-looking glass version has something special: the back glass is made of OPPO crystal shield glass. According to OnePlus, this glass is 160% more resistant to drops and 100% more scratch resistant than the previous generation.

Both models of the OnePlus Ace3 series use metal bezels and are rounded and decently shaped, which can give the phone a very good grip, which is very rare among mid-range devices.

一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

Overall, the OnePlus Ace3 Pro can be seen as an upgraded version of the OnePlus Ace3, which was on par with the entry-level flagship, and now the OnePlus Ace3 Pro can be on par with the high-end flagship.

2 Performance: Equipped with the third-generation Snapdragon 8, the native frame rate of "Genshin Impact" is full of 120 frames

After more than half a year of waiting, the third-generation Snapdragon 8, the flagship chip of this generation of Qualcomm, has finally been devolved to the mid-range machine, but this is not the only selling point of OnePlus Ace 3 Pro's performance, OnePlus has carried out comprehensive and in-depth performance tuning of this new machine. According to OnePlus's official website, OnePlus Ace3 Pro is currently the only phone in the industry that supports Genshin Impact's native 120 frames.

In this regard, we also tested the game performance of the OnePlus Ace3 Pro, and the game frame rate is really stable, with an average frame rate of 117.8 frames per second for 30 minutes of Genshin Impact, and the game is basically running at full frame when playing.

一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

OnePlus Ace3 Pro 30 minutes "Genshin Impact"

Of course, if you don't pursue the ultimate silky, OnePlus Ace3 is also proper, and "Genshin Impact" can achieve 60 frames per second in 30 minutes.

一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

OnePlus Ace3 30 minutes "Genshin Impact"

In addition, you can also take a look at the temperature performance of the two, the game frame rate has doubled, and the surface temperature of the fuselage has only increased by less than 3°C, which is still very good.

一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

OnePlus Ace3 Pro temperature

一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

OnePlus Ace3 temperature

Overall, the OnePlus Ace3 Pro is a better choice for those who are looking for a more extreme gaming experience. If you're not interested in pursuing the ultimate, it's a good idea to save some money on the OnePlus Ace3.

3 Others: The battery capacity is greatly upgraded, and the linear motor flagship is the same

Another big upgrade of the OnePlus Ace3 Pro is the battery capacity, which reaches 6100mAh. This is thanks to the latest generation of silicon carbon anode battery technology, which has an energy density of up to 763 Wh/L.

The battery capacity has increased, but the thickness and weight of the body have not changed much, the OnePlus Ace3 Pro is only 1.5mm thicker than the Ace3, and the glass version weighs only 5g more. Of course, this may also have the effect of a new and upgraded heat dissipation structure.

Judging from our actual measurements, the battery life of the OnePlus Ace3 Pro has indeed improved, with 78% of the remaining battery after 5 hours of battery life testing. The OnePlus Ace3 runs the same test model with 70% battery remaining.

一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

In terms of charging, the OnePlus Ace3 Pro takes 35 minutes to fully charge due to the increased battery capacity. The OnePlus Ace3 takes only 23 minutes.

Therefore, another purchase decision point is to see whether you want a longer battery life or faster charging.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the motor of the OnePlus Ace3 Pro has also been upgraded, using the same 602mm of the flagship? The ultra-large X-axis linear motor provides a better vibration experience.

4 Purchase suggestions: Wait until this time, buy Pro if you can

Although the second-generation Snapdragon 8 is strong enough to run current mainstream games, the fourth-generation Snapdragon 8 will be released in October, and the performance will inevitably be significantly upgraded. So now it is more appropriate to buy a mid-range machine with performance and choose the third-generation Snapdragon 8, simply put, it can fight in the future. After all, the demand for performance in software is constantly rising, and the third-generation Snapdragon 8 will be more secure.

一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

Ace3 Pro is recommended, another reason is that the price increase of 600 yuan includes chip, battery capacity, body texture, vibration motor and other upgrades, and the cost performance is very high. Moreover, this price allows us to use the flagship machine or even surpass part of the experience of the flagship machine, and it is also a cost-effective choice for friends who do not pursue the ultimate image and do not use wireless charging.

Of course, if you want to get a high-quality experience at a lower price, even if it has been released for half a year, OnePlus Ace3 is still a good choice in the current mobile phone market.


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  • 一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了
  • 一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了
  • 一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了
  • 一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了
  • 一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了
  • 一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了
  • 一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了
  • 一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了
  • 一加Ace3 Pro/Ace3对比,价差600元这么选就对了

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