
The tragedy caused by a sentence of "son", a five-year-old boy was brutally beaten by a neighbor, mother: As for it?

author:Social attention 007

Recently, in the Zhengda Dongsheng Community in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, a five-year-old boy was violently beaten by a male neighbor in his 30s because of a joke about "son" while playing in the community. The boy was hit in the head continuously, resulting in head and facial trauma and skin contusions to his right orbit. This incident has aroused strong concern and discussion from all walks of life.

The tragedy caused by a sentence of "son", a five-year-old boy was brutally beaten by a neighbor, mother: As for it?

It is reported that at around 7:40 p.m. on the night of the incident, the boy was playing with other children downstairs when he ran into a male neighbor in the same community. The boy, perhaps mischievously or jokingly, shouted "son" to his neighbor. This unintentional act angered the man, who, like an enraged beast, slammed into his feet and slammed the unsuspecting boy to the ground. Immediately afterward, there was a storm of punches and kicks, and the boys' cries and begs for mercy echoed in the community, which was heart-wrenching. Especially the 4 feet on the child's head, each kick was like a hammer, smashing heavily on the heart of the boy's mother, Ms. Zhang.

Afterwards, Ms. Zhang said that the child was only five years old this year, and he usually had a lively and active personality and liked to joke with others. On the day of the incident, the child did not realize that his words would cause harm to others. She believes that even if a child speaks inappropriately, it should be guided through education rather than violence.

The tragedy caused by a sentence of "son", a five-year-old boy was brutally beaten by a neighbor, mother: As for it?

Ms. Zhang also revealed that the man was not a stranger, but a resident of the community, who was overweight and would occasionally play in her parents' chess and card room and tease her children. However, this time he lost his mind because of a joke and did this cruel to the child. What made Ms. Zhang even more angry was that the man also took his daughter with him when he committed the violence, and did it to other people's children in front of her daughter.

What a damage to a 5-year-old! The physical wounds may heal over time, but how can the mental wounds be healed? The child was supposed to be carefree, but now he was overshadowed by this sudden violence.

The tragedy caused by a sentence of "son", a five-year-old boy was brutally beaten by a neighbor, mother: As for it?

At present, the police have intervened in the investigation of the matter and promised to deal with the matter in accordance with the law.

Netizens have said that although the child is at fault, the man's shot is too heavy. Yes, an adult, in the face of a child's unintentional mistakes, can't he be more tolerant and understanding?

The tragedy caused by a sentence of "son", a five-year-old boy was brutally beaten by a neighbor, mother: As for it?
The tragedy caused by a sentence of "son", a five-year-old boy was brutally beaten by a neighbor, mother: As for it?

Five-year-old children are like delicate flowers, which need careful care from parents to avoid harm from the outside world. Parents should be their children's "safety mentors". From an early age, children should be taught to recognize dangers, such as not talking to strangers and being polite to friends or acquaintances.

Secondly, it is important to keep an eye on your child's whereabouts and social circles. Knowing where and with your child is like creating a safe boundary for your child's activity area. Once it is found that the child is interacting with bad people, it is necessary to guide and stop it in time to avoid the child being affected badly.

Parents themselves should also be good role models. When facing difficulties and dangers, showing calm, courageous and correct coping methods, children will be imperceptibly affected and learn how to deal with external challenges.

I hope that the police can find out the truth as soon as possible, give the child justice, and let the man pay the due price for his impulsive behavior. At the same time, I hope that such tragedies will not be repeated, so that every child can grow up healthily in a loving and inclusive environment.