
The woman bravely saved the unfortunate death of Japanese women and children, and plans to posthumously award the title of righteousness and bravery, netizens: is a hero

author:Social attention 007

When the lives of others are threatened, do we choose to stand up or do we choose to stand idly by? This is not only a simple moral question, but also a test of the goodness and courage in the depths of human nature. In the historic city of Suzhou, an ordinary Chinese woman gave a firm answer with her actions.

Recently, the Suzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau issued an announcement to posthumously award a woman named Hu Youping the title of "Suzhou City Model of Righteousness and Courage". Hu Youping, an ordinary citizen born in 1969, used his life to interpret what a real hero is in an unexpected incident on the afternoon of June 24.

The woman bravely saved the unfortunate death of Japanese women and children, and plans to posthumously award the title of righteousness and bravery, netizens: is a hero

At about 16 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, a knife murder incident occurred at the bus stop of Xindi Center on Tayuan Road in Suzhou High-tech Zone. A 52-year-old unemployed man suddenly attacked with a knife and stabbed three people. Among them, a Japanese mother and son suffered misfortune while waiting for the school bus of the Japanese school. When Ms. Hu Youping discovered this critical situation, she immediately stepped forward to stop it. She was stabbed several times by the suspect, and despite the best efforts of the medical staff, she eventually left this world.

Hu Youping's heroic actions not only prevented more people from being harmed, but also demonstrated her fearless courage and noble qualities. As soon as her deeds were reported, they quickly attracted wide attention from all walks of life. Many netizens have said that Hu Youping is a real hero, and her behavior is worthy of everyone's respect and learning.

The woman bravely saved the unfortunate death of Japanese women and children, and plans to posthumously award the title of righteousness and bravery, netizens: is a hero

There has been little coverage of the incident in the domestic media. However, it can be learned from Japanese media reports that on the afternoon of June 24, a Japanese mother and son were waiting for the school bus and were stabbed by a middle-aged man with a knife.

After attacking the two men, the killer intended to break into the school bus and continue the assault. At this time, the brave Ms. Hu Youping blocked the door of the school bus to prevent the murderer from getting on the bus, protecting the safety of dozens of Japanese children on the bus. Protected the innocent students in the car. Her courageous actions won the admiration and gratitude of everyone present.

The woman bravely saved the unfortunate death of Japanese women and children, and plans to posthumously award the title of righteousness and bravery, netizens: is a hero

This incident has attracted widespread attention and discussion. Some people on the Internet praised Hu Youping as a hero, she did not hesitate or flinch at the critical moment when the lives of others were threatened, and showed extraordinary courage and selfless spirit. However, some netizens expressed that they did not understand Hu Youping's behavior, believing that Japan had invaded China and had a deep blood feud with the Chinese people, and it was not worth saving the Japanese.

This view is narrow and one-sided. We must not forget history, but we must not allow the hatred of history to blind us. In this case, the killers targeted innocent women and children and young children, who were not at fault. If you think that it is right to hack and kill Japanese women and children at will, what difference does it make between Japanese devils back then who have this kind of thinking?

The woman bravely saved the unfortunate death of Japanese women and children, and plans to posthumously award the title of righteousness and bravery, netizens: is a hero

Ms. Hu Youping's courageous act is not a forgetfulness of the past history, but a respect for life and adherence to justice. Her actions transcend borders and ethnicity and are the embodiment of kindness and bravery in human nature.

We should remember history, but we should also face the world with an open, inclusive and friendly attitude. Ms. Hu Youping has interpreted the spirit of righteousness and courage with her own life, and her behavior is worthy of respect and learning from each of us. In today's society, more bravery and kindness like her are needed to convey love and warmth. She deserves the title of "righteous and courageous", she is a real hero.

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