
Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

author:Goshi Ryuyoshi

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

Every man has a life, and some were born in Rome.

Recently, the college entrance examination score of "Young Master Maybach", which has become popular all over the Internet, has come out, and he scored a full 700 points!!

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

After seeing it, netizens were originally sour because of Maybach, but they didn't expect this young master to be really "rich and powerful", not only that, but after learning about the candidate's family background, netizens were excited, and their sour hearts were also calm......

«——【·“ Shuangwen male protagonist "·]——»

On June 25, 2024, the results of the college entrance examination were announced, and in the past few days, the Internet has been full of videos of checking scores and admissions, and many champions and scholars have also been scrambled by Peking University Qinghai, but I didn't expect Liang Shi, who aspires to go to Sichuan University, to spend half his life pursuing his dream, but his recent score is only 446 points, which is still 11 points away from the score line of Sichuan Erben, and he has broken his dream in the examination room again.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

And 35-year-old Tang Shangjun, as a professional college entrance examination candidate, has gone through 16 college entrance examinations, and his heart is to Tsinghua, although this time he has more than 600 points, but for Tsinghua University, it is still out of reach.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

At that time, he took a Maybach worth more than 1.8 million to take the college entrance examination, which attracted the attention of many people, but he didn't expect to score 700 points.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

The candidate's name is Zhu Yetian, his father is the fifth generation of "Zhufu Copper Art" Zhu Junmin, he created the "Zhu Bingren Copper" brand, the price of the product ranges from a few hundred yuan to thousands of yuan, which is behind the confidence brought by his exquisite craftsmanship.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

The famous scenic spot in Hangzhou, "Jiangnan Copper House", built by their family, is even more shocking, for this copper house, they invested a lot, a total of more than 150 tons of copper, and even did not hesitate to mortgage the property.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

And this copper house, which is full of family inheritance and art feelings, is also open to the public for free, regardless of status, everyone can appreciate the charm of copper art, some people believe that his success comes from the help of his family background, and he feels that his achievements are piled up by money, and are the results of famous teachers and various cram schools.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

But is that really the case? The college entrance examination scored 750 points, and he scored 700 points, so close to a full score, how could it be achieved by simply making up classes?

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

In the face of many voices from the outside world, "Young Master Maybach" himself behaved very calmly, in an interview, he said that he was indeed very excited, but also thought that this was not a very high score, for the title of "Young Master Maybach", he clearly expressed his dislike, hoping to remove the label of "no learning and no skill" through his own efforts.

In the eyes of some people, his remarks may have the flavor of Versailles, but some people have seen his inner pursuit of more lofty pursuits, and some netizens commented on him: "This child's eyebrows look unusual." ”

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

Everyone also found that his eyebrows did reveal a bit of heroism. Someone else quipped: "Which window did God close for him?" Some netizens responded humorously: "The window of poverty." It is undeniable that his excellence is not only reflected in his achievements and family background, but also in his mentality and pursuit.

In today's era full of competition and opportunities, the emergence of "Young Master Maybach" makes us understand that a wealthy family is not necessarily a gentleman, but can also produce a noble son. He has stood in "Rome" since he was born, and the starting line is far beyond ordinary people, but he has worked harder than most people.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

Some people feel that they can't catch up with him even if they work hard, because the starting point of others is our end. However, this should never be a reason for us to give up our efforts, but rather an incentive for us to work harder. Perhaps his family background is the label he wants to get rid of the most, he does not want to be bound by things outside his body, and he is eager to prove his self-worth with his own strength.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

For most of us, although we may not have such a good starting point, we can also achieve satisfactory results on our own path in life if we persevere.

«——【Liang Shi and Tang Shangjun·】——»

Everyone should be no stranger to these two people, they exist in the college entrance examination army every year, and "Young Master Maybach" is different, how many points they score in the hot search every year, Liang Shi stepped into the college entrance examination room for the first time at the age of 16, but he didn't expect to fall off the list.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

This failure hit Liang Shi hard, so much so that he chose to stay at home unemployed for the next three years, focusing on preparing for the exam, hoping to achieve the desired results in the college entrance examination.

You must know that at that time, technical schools were quite a good choice, and they could be assigned after graduation, but Liang Shi had a bigger dream in his heart, he had no interest in technical schools, and he resolutely ran home half a year later.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

He then took the adult college entrance examination with great enthusiasm and successfully entered the adult education college of Nanjing Forestry University, but after a while, he realized that this was not what he really wanted, and finally returned to his hometown of Sichuan.

In 2001, the college entrance examination registration policy was adjusted and the age limit was abolished, which undoubtedly opened a new door for Liang Shi, and since then, he has firmly signed up for the college entrance examination every year, as if it has become an indispensable part of his life.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

Liang Shi has always had a clear goal in mind - Sichuan University, although as he grew older, his grades hovered in the more than 400 points many times, and the best one only reached the second line in 2018, but he never had the slightest idea of giving up.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

However, Liang Shi's life is not only about the college entrance examination. He sold televisions, refrigerators, and clothing, and walked the streets to sell goods; He also worked hard in a lumber mill and opened a building materials shop, and the college entrance examination was more like a unique hobby for him, although he was not understood by everyone, but he persisted.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

On June 7, 2011, Liang Shi and his son walked into the college entrance examination room together, this scene formed a unique and emotional landscape, now, his son has studied in the United States for graduate school, and Liang Shi is still on the road to the college entrance examination.

Liang Shi has said many times that this year may be the last time he will take the college entrance examination, but in the face of the ups and downs of his grades, it is always unknown whether he can really let go, whether he will choose to say goodbye to the college entrance examination, or continue to persevere.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

Compared with Liang Shi, Tang Shangjun's college entrance examination journey has a different background and story.

Tang Shangjun was born in a remote mountain village in Guangxi, and his father once took him out of the mountain village, allowing him to see the excitement of the outside world, and also made him deeply understand that the college entrance examination is the key way for him to get out of the mountains and change his fate.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

In 2009, Tang Shangjun took the college entrance examination for the first time, and his results were not satisfactory, but he was not discouraged, but decisively chose to repeat, and since then he has embarked on a long road of repeating. In the days that followed, his hard work paid off and his grades improved year by year.

In 2013, he successfully launched a book; In 2014, he scored 573 points; In 2015, it soared to 587 points; In 2016, he achieved a score of 625 and was admitted to many well-known universities.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

However, fate always seems to like to joke with him, in 2016, when he was about to step into the college campus, his father fell seriously ill, and at this time, other high schools provided him with the condition of giving 100,000 yuan for repeating, which made Tang Shangjun fall into extreme contradiction and pain.

On the one hand, his seriously ill father was in urgent need of funds for treatment, and on the other hand, he had pursued his dream of going to university for many years, and after a difficult choice, he finally decided to give up the opportunity to enroll in school in order to treat his father's illness and continue to repeat his studies.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

In this way, Tang Shangjun insisted on the road of the college entrance examination 16 times, dedicating almost all of his youth to high school life, when his peers have already entered the workplace for many years and are struggling in their respective fields, he still sticks to the high school campus, challenging the college entrance examination again and again for the dream in his heart.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

In the intense review stage before every college entrance examination, Tang Shangjun has put in more effort than ordinary people, he often buries his head in the classroom and reads hard, and does not forget to ask teachers and classmates questions during recess. When he returns to the dormitory in the evening, he will continue to fight at night, review the knowledge points of the day, and do a lot of practice questions to consolidate what he has learned.

Some people admired his persistence and thought that he had the courage to keep working hard for his dreams; But there are also some people who do not understand his choice, feel that he is too persistent, and even waste time. However, these voices did not shake his determination to pursue his dreams.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

After the announcement of the results of this year's college entrance examination, Tang Shangjun's mood was complicated and heavy, he had confidently estimated the score of more than 630 points in the previous live broadcast, but because the new college entrance examination system was implemented in Guangxi for the first time this year, and Tang Shangjun was repeating in Hebei, the difference in the education system between the two places added a lot of variables to the final result.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

If he does achieve the expected high scores, perhaps this will be the perfect time for him to say goodbye to repeating years and realizing his dream of becoming a teacher, and to step into the Normal University.

Liang Shi and Tang Shangjun, one of them is an "evergreen tree in the college entrance examination industry", and the other is a "living fossil" in the history of the college entrance examination, although they have different ages, backgrounds and experiences, they both have an extreme thirst for knowledge and a persistent pursuit of dreams.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

It also makes us reflect on the nature and purpose of education, and whether the gaokao is important, but is it the only way to succeed? For Liang Shi and Tang Shangjun, the college entrance examination may not only be to get a university admission letter, but also a challenge and proof to themselves.

In the long journey of life, the college entrance examination is only a stage, not the end, Liang Shi and Tang Shangjun in their own way, for us to show us different life possibilities, their experience tells us that as long as we have a dream, and work hard for it, no matter when is not too late.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

We can't fully understand their innermost thoughts and feelings, but we can draw strength from their stories to stand up for what we believe in and pursue the life we truly want.


"It is difficult to produce a noble son from a poor family" is what many people yearn for and admire, but the case of "Young Master Maybach" has brought new enlightenment, in fact, being born in a wealthy family or a poor family is not the key to determining whether you can become a talent. , "Young Master Maybach", although he was born in a wealthy family and has good material conditions, this did not make him slack.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

On the contrary, he has achieved remarkable results through his own efforts, which fully demonstrates the importance of a good family environment and education.

If a family can give the child the right guidance, cultivate their independent personality and tenacity, the child will have the foundation for success, and the wealthy family can provide rich resources, but without the correct education, the child may also lose his way; Although the poor family lacks resources, as long as we pay attention to cultivating the quality and will of children, children can also work hard.

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda


Sitting on the Maybach college entrance examination Grandpa is Zhu Bingren scored 700 points in the college entrance examination A candidate in Zhejiang is full of netizens: I want to know which window God closed for him

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

The boy who took the college entrance examination in Maybach scored a total score of 700 and aimed to apply for Peking University, and his father and grandfather were celebrities in Hangzhou (Song Ji Baozhe)

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

Beijing Youth Daily

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

The teenager who took the Maybach college entrance examination scored a total of 700 points! I responded →

Young Master Maybach scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, his father sold tens of thousands of pots, and his grandfather repaired the Leifeng Pagoda

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