
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

author:Eight Birthdays

He is recognized as the best actor of "Premier Zhou" inside and outside the circle, and he is also the object of his peers.

But people can't escape the link of life, old age, sickness and death!

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

On June 21, Wang Tiecheng unfortunately passed away due to illness at the age of 88, and the whole network was mourning Mr. Wang Tiecheng for a while.

On June 25th, the farewell ceremony of Mr. Wang Tiecheng's body was held in Babaoshan, Beijing, and the door of the funeral home was full of people early, including Wang Tiecheng's former friends and peers in the circle.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

At the ceremony, a family photo of Wang Tiecheng before his death was played, showing a warm and harmonious picture of a family of three.

Among them, Wang Tiecheng took his son to pick fruits, and the family went out to play, etc., these warm pictures made everyone present moved.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

At the farewell ceremony, Wang Tiecheng's son Wang Weiping slowly walked to his father's coffin with the support of relatives and friends.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

However, the most noteworthy thing is the interview between Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxi, the two of them exposed Mr. Wang Tiecheng's "great achievements" during his lifetime.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

Interview at the farewell ceremony

Judging from the few interview videos exposed at the farewell ceremony, Ma Weidu and Pu Cunxi said key information.

Among them, Pu Cunxi mainly praised Mr. Wang Tiecheng's achievements in acting skills during his lifetime.

"As an actor, he did the best, and he also played the prime minister the best."

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

And Ma Weidu told what Wang Tiecheng did as a husband and a father behind the camera.

"The personality of being a father is even greater than his personality as an actor"

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

As Mr. Ma Weidu said, after the actor leaves the spotlight, not everyone knows the real life.

The reason why Ma Weidu can say such things starts with Wang Tiecheng's "special" son.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

He is a good actor and a good father

In the spring of 1970, Wang Tiecheng and his wife Yan Lili ushered in their first child, for Wang Tiecheng and his wife Yan Lili, Wang Weiping's birth should have been a happy thing, and there was never any abnormality in the pregnancy for ten months, and the prenatal examination never missed any items.

Unexpectedly, when the child was born, his eyes were dull and he would not cry, and the couple was completely dumbfounded.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

However, the doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: congenital retardation!

When the doctor said these four words, a sense of powerlessness fell heavily on the hearts of the young couple.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

Faced with this cruel reality, some people suggested that they give up this child and that they could have it again if they were still young, but Wang Tiecheng and Yan Lili made an admirable decision.

That is, since the child has come to this world, it is a gift from God, and no matter how hard it is, he must be raised as an adult.

In order to treat their son, the couple began a decades-long struggle.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

At that time, Wang Tiecheng was just an ordinary actor with a meager income, and his wife Yan Lili taught music in a middle school, and her family conditions were very limited.

But for the sake of their son, they can be said to have given everything they have, although the valuable items in the family have been sold, and even the clothes and jewelry they once bought have been sold, just to make up for their son's medical expenses.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

However, congenital intellectual disability is a major problem in the medical field, and there is no specific medicine to cure it.

Watching their son grow up day by day, but his intelligence stayed at the stage of young children, the couple was like a knife, but they did not give up, but tried every means to help their son master various life skills.

Wang Tiecheng used his expertise to teach his son to beat the small gongs in Peking Opera and teach him to play the piano, while Yan Lili taught his son to recognize musical notes and play simple tunes.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

Under the careful teaching of his parents, Wang Weiping gradually mastered these skills, and the couple were relieved to see their son's progress.

In order to enrich his son's life, Wang Tiecheng also found a way to help him find a battery car specially designed for people with intellectual disabilities.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

He patiently taught his son to drive every day, from forward to reverse, from turning to parking, and so little by little, until his son completely mastered it, and when Wang Weiping drove out for the first time independently, Wang Tiecheng burst into tears at home.

After entering his old age, Wang Tiecheng's biggest concern is his son's future.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

Due to the impact of the disease, Wang Weiping failed to have his own family after all, although the couple tried their best, but there was always a trace of guilt in their hearts, Wang Tiecheng always felt that he was not dedicated enough, and there were still many things to do for his son.

Whenever Wang Weiping shouted "Dad", Wang Tiecheng would burst into tears.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

The son learned the Peking Opera gong, learned to play the piano, and even played a cameo role in film and television dramas, all of which condensed the hard work of his parents, and behind this is unimaginable hardships for ordinary people.

Even when he was dying, Wang Tiecheng was most relieved of his son.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

He repeatedly told his daughter that she must take good care of her younger brother in the future and not let him be wronged, and her daughter tearfully agreed to her father's request.

Wang Tiecheng is gone, but what he left behind is not only those classic film and television images, but also the great fatherly love he interpreted with his life.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

This love has touched and inspired thousands of people, and it has shown us that although life is unsatisfactory, as long as there is love, miracles can be created.

For Wang Weiping, he may not be able to understand the concept of "actor", but he knows that he has a good father who loves him.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

Whenever he thinks of his father, his eyes always fill with tears, and he is also deeply missing this great father in his own way.

This is why Ma Weidu said that sentence to the interview media at Wang Tiecheng's farewell ceremony: "The personality of being a father is even greater than his personality as an actor"!

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

He played Premier Zhou 54 times in his life

In Wang Tiecheng's long acting career, the most impressive thing is his interpretation of the role of Premier Zhou Enlai.

In order to better portray this great historical figure, Wang Tiecheng made unimaginable efforts, he not only carefully studied Premier Zhou's biography and historical materials, but also repeatedly watched Premier Zhou's video materials, and carefully figured out Premier Zhou's speech and demeanor.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

Outside the play, Wang Tiecheng put in a lot of effort, not only carefully figuring out Premier Zhou's tone, but also carefully imitating his movements and demeanor, his focus and professionalism on the role made people awe-inspired.

Wang Tiecheng has played Zhou Enlai in many classic works, including the movie "The Founding Ceremony", "Zhou Enlai", and the TV series "Zhou Enlai in Chongqing".

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

Every time he plays, he strives for perfection, trying to show Premier Zhou's style vividly in front of the audience, and his interpretation of Zhou Enlai's role has not only won praise from the audience, but also been highly appreciated by Zhou Enlai's wife Deng Yingchao.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

In 2019, Wang Tiecheng won the honor of "Lifetime Achievement Film Artist of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles" at the 32nd China Film Golden Rooster Awards.

This award is not only an affirmation of his outstanding contributions to the film industry over the years, but also the highest praise for his artistic achievements, and behind this honor is Wang Tiecheng's decades of hard work and persistent pursuit of art.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot


Wang Tiecheng's departure is not only a huge loss for the Chinese film industry, but also a regret for the entire cultural and artistic circles.

Let us always remember Mr. Wang Tiecheng, his contribution to the Chinese film industry, his dedication to art, his love for his family, and his love for life.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

His spirit will always live in our hearts, inspiring us to continue to move forward on the road of art, create more masterpieces, and contribute to the development of China's film industry. #长文创作激励计划#

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot


Beijing News - "The memorial service of famous performing artist Wang Tiecheng will be held in Babaoshan on June 25" - 2024/6/22
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

Beijing Daily Network - "He performed the most god-like Premier Zhou, who knows what price he paid?" 》—— 2021-06-15

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his 54-year-old son was supported, and friends in the circle praised his achievements on the spot

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