
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

author:National Style Poetry Garden

- Commemorating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Text/Voice of the East

In the past, the party flag of the cradle of Jiaxing Nanhu Lake is still flying over the motherland. The glorious party flag, which was waving in the wind, was baptized by the smoke of the war in those years, and today it looks particularly solemn and sacred. At the foot of Jinggang Mountain, in the holy land of Yan'an, on the way of the Long March, in the ancient city of Zunyi, and in the ancient land of China, it is so chic and familiar, full of hopeful flags.

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

The party flag, why are you so bright today? You are dyed with the blood of countless martyrs, you are the heroes of the party, and the sons and daughters of the party harvest, forge, overlap, and carefully embroider with sickles and hammers, and you are the symbol of the party, so that you are so gorgeous and colorful today. Although you are not carefully dressed up, you are so touching, looking at your fiery red and elegant shadow, the children of the party smiled sweetly.

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

Party flag, you have gone through hardships and ups and downs, and you have been tempered by vicissitudes. experienced an arduous eight-year war of resistance; A long march that shook the world was held. You are strategizing to turn things around. Liberated the whole of China and sounded the death knell of the fall of the Chiang dynasty, the great party led the people to carry out a new Long March. New China stands majestically in the east of the world like a giant with a new look like a lion. You are like a lush pine and cypress—tall and evergreen; You are like a towering mountain—standing in the clouds; You are like the snow lotus and plum in the high mountains—hardy and frosty; You are like a giant ship of navigation – riding the wind and waves. You are the spring of the motherland, the people are your buds, your spring rain has nourished the 1.4 billion people, and the roots are deep and leafy under the sunshine of your banner, the motherland is prosperous and strong, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and China has a bright future and a long way to go.

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

Looking up at the blood-stained party flag, the original intention does not change, and the belief is firm. Since its birth, the Communist Party of China has shouldered the heavy task of saving the nation and rejuvenating the country. From the spirit of the red boat in Jiaxing Nanhu to the revolutionary belief on the Long March, the party's original intention and mission have always been the same. "Although it is hard to find thousands of waters, the sand is blown away and the gold is reached." In the stormy years, the party has always maintained its firm belief in seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation.

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

Look up at the bright red party flag, work hard, and strive for self-improvement. The history of the Communist Party of China is a history of arduous struggle. From the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to the War of Liberation, from socialist construction to reform and opening up, the Party has led the people through countless hardships and obstacles. "There will be times when the wind and waves will be long, and the clouds will sail into the sea." In the face of difficulties and challenges, the Party has always adhered to self-improvement and forged ahead bravely, and finally ushered in the prosperity of the country.

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

Look up to the hopeful party flag, reform and innovation, and stand at the forefront of the tide. On the journey of the new era, the Communist Party of China (CPC) will continue to carry forward the spirit of courage and innovation and promote reform, opening up and modernization. Whether it is the reform of the economic system or scientific and technological innovation, it has demonstrated the party's foresight and leadership. "If the country lives and dies for profit, will it not be avoided because of good and evil." The Party's reform and innovation have not only enhanced the country's overall strength, but also contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to global development.

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

Today, we stand at a new historical starting point, relive the glorious history of the party, and strengthen our confidence and strength to move forward. The party's century-old history of struggle enlightens us that only by having firm faith, hard work, and the courage to innovate can we continue to create a better future. Let us, under the leadership of the party, continue to write a more brilliant chapter and make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

Respect the bright red party flag, she has withstood the severe test in the wind and rain of a hundred years, she is on the journey of the new era, more and more bright and dazzling, no matter how the wind and clouds change, the party flag will always float in my heart, I will follow its footsteps, always keep in mind the original mission, and strive for the realization of communist ideals

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

"Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron, and now we are stepping forward from the beginning." On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, let us hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, unite as one, forge ahead bravely, and jointly welcome a better tomorrow.

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

Today, the 90 million heroic sons and daughters of the party across the country are cheering and flocking around you, celebrating your 103rd birthday with the most solemn, sacred and solemn etiquette.

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

In the fiery July, the bright red party flag, we are writing a new chapter together under the torch of the revolution. The heroes and martyrs under the red flag exchanged their blood and lives for our happiness and tranquility today. The great achievements of the heroes will be forever recorded in the annals of history and immortal, we will inherit the legacy of the martyrs, continue to gallop forward, and let the bright party flag fly high forever!

【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

The bright red party flag, with the clarion call of the times, guides the brilliant and magnificent voyage, releases a majestic power, overcomes all difficulties and obstacles, and finally clears all the fetters with indomitable perseverance, and strides into a new journey with the guidance of the country, the exaltation of words, the magnificent soul and heroic steps, and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the dream of a strong country, and the morning light full of hope and a bright future for tomorrow......


【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag
【Original】Prose poem: Looking up at the bright red party flag

(Picture from the Internet)