
In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Today's weather forecast says that a heat wave is coming, and we people with bad hearts need to be more careful." Sister Jian Qiuhua said to her neighbor Lao Li. Sister Jian Qiuhua, a community property staff in her fifties, is responsible for the daily management of the community and the coordination of residents on weekdays. She heard that the hot weather is a big test for heart disease, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

After all, my heart has also been "awkward", and doctors have repeatedly told me to pay special attention to weather changes. In her studio, the air conditioner was humming, but her mind had flown to the hospital. Thinking of this, she decided to use her lunch break to go to the hospital to find Dr. Gao and consult in detail about what heart disease patients need to pay attention to in this hot weather.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

Arriving at the hospital, Sister Jane went straight to the cardiology department. The hospital was full of people, and although the air conditioner was on, it still couldn't stop the scorching sun outside the door. "Doctor Gao, I heard that high temperatures especially affect heart patients, can you tell me about anything that needs to be paid attention to?" Sister Jian asked eagerly.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

Doctor Gao was an experienced old doctor, and he smiled and nodded in the face of Sister Jian's question. He pulled out a prepared document from a drawer detailing the effects of hot weather on heart patients.

"Sister Jane, first of all, we have to understand that high temperatures will increase the burden on the heart. The body dilates blood vessels to dissipate heat, which causes the heart to pump more blood to maintain blood pressure. Doctor Gao explained as he pointed to the information and showed it to Sister Jane.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

Sister Jian listened intently, nodding her head from time to time in understanding. She knew that she had made the right decision to come this time, and that this expertise was invaluable to her.

Dr. Ko went on to explain some preventive measures, such as avoiding prolonged activities in hot days, drinking plenty of water to stay properly hydrated, and using air conditioners appropriately to lower the indoor temperature. He also reminded Sister Jian that once she feels symptoms such as chest tightness and shortness of breath, she should immediately stop all activities and seek medical help.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

She thanked Dr. Gao earnestly, and then hurried back to the community, having already made up her mind to go back and spread this knowledge to other residents in the community, especially those neighbors who also had heart disease. In this hot summer, prevention is always more important than cure.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

In the heat of summer, heart disease patients face many challenges, especially when experiencing a heat wave, and they need to pay attention to some of the most important body signals that may not be noticeable.

Changes in heartbeat. The summer heat makes the heart beat faster, which can be felt even more noticeably in people with heart disease. Rapid heartbeat is a measure that the body has to take to dissipate heat because in high temperatures, the heart needs to pump more blood to help regulate body temperature. For those who already have problems with heart function, this is a warning sign that should not be ignored.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

Abnormal sweat production. In summer, the body regulates its body temperature by sweating profusely, but for people with heart disease, this process can occur at two extremes: sweating too much or too little.

Excessive sweating can lead to a rapid loss of water and electrolytes in the body, causing a drop in blood pressure and increasing the risk of heart attack; Insufficient sweating can mean that the body is not able to self-regulate and dissipate heat effectively, resulting in an abnormal increase in body temperature. Maintaining proper water intake is crucial, and the body's electrolyte balance should be monitored to ensure the body's water and electrolyte balance.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

Skin reactions, such as facial flushing or pale skin. Facial flushing is usually the result of dilated blood vessels and is the body's attempt to dissipate heat by increasing blood flow; Pale skin may indicate poor circulation, especially at the ends of the extremities, which can be a sign that the heart is not pumping well. Both of these conditions require urgent attention before they lead to more serious health problems.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

Unusual fatigue. Even light activity in hot weather can make people with heart disease feel unusually tired. This is because the heart needs extra effort to maintain normal functioning in a hot environment, and this stress, if persistent, can exacerbate heart disease symptoms or lead to other complications.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid physical exertion as much as possible in hot weather, ensure adequate rest, and monitor the effects of daily activities on the heart.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

By observing and managing these critical signals, heart patients can better protect themselves from the adverse effects of hot weather. Remember, prevention is always more important than cure, especially when it comes to the challenges of summer. In this summer, let's use a more scientific and intelligent way to jointly protect heart health.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

In hot weather, the daily management of heart disease patients is particularly critical. By making lifestyle and behavioral modifications, the negative effects of high temperatures on heart health can be significantly reduced. Some practical advice, especially for those who need careful care.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

Dietary modifications. In the summer, heart patients should choose foods that are light, low in fat and low in sodium to reduce the burden on the heart. For example, plenty of vegetables and fruits not only provide essential vitamins and minerals, but also help maintain a good water balance in the body. People with heart disease should avoid using large amounts of salt, as too much sodium can cause water retention in the body and increase the burden on the heart.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

Proper hydration. Heart patients should be careful not to wait until they are thirsty to drink water in the summer, but should drink water regularly to maintain the balance of water and electrolytes in the body and prevent dehydration.

However, you should not drink too much water, especially for those who already have cardiac insufficiency or renal insufficiency, as too much water may lead to fluid accumulation and increase the burden on the heart. It is recommended that the amount of water per day be controlled within an appropriate range and adjusted according to the individual's health condition.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

Keeping your room cool is another important strategy to avoid the effects of high temperatures. Using an air conditioner or fan to lower the indoor temperature and keep the environment within a comfortable range can help people with heart disease avoid the additional burden on their heart due to high temperatures. If you don't have air conditioning, you can close the curtains during the hottest hours to block direct sunlight and ventilate during cooler hours whenever possible.

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention

Through these comprehensive measures, heart patients can better cope with the challenges of summer heat, maintain heart health, and reduce unnecessary risks. In this hot summer day, let's pay more attention to our bodies and take proactive measures to ensure that every heatwave day is safe.

(All names have been changed)

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In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention



[1] Liu Guangying. Bayesian analysis of the influencing factors of sleep quality in patients with coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, China Health Statistics, 2022-12-25

In hot weather, doctors tell heart disease patients: 4 abnormalities in the body, we must pay special attention