
Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Aunt Jiang Peiqun is a salesperson, and one day, when she was chatting with a customer after a relaxing dinner, she heard an interesting saying: "You know what? Jujube is actually a hidden killer of blood lipids! This sentence made Aunt Jiang curious, and she had doubts in her heart. Hasn't jujube always been known as a health holy product?

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

This made her go home sullenly, but the doubts in her heart grew stronger and stronger like weeds. Aunt Jiang decided that early the next morning, she would go to the hospital to find Dr. Hu, whom she knew, and ask for clarification. Dr. Wu is an experienced veteran doctor with his own unique insights into various popular health perspectives.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

The next day, the sun was shining, and Aunt Jiang came to the hospital early in the morning. Dr. Hu was busy processing the medical records, and when he saw Aunt Jiang, he smiled slightly and motioned for her to sit down. ”

Aunt Jiang didn't go around in circles, and directly told Dr. Hu what she heard about jujubes. After hearing this, Dr. Hu thought for a moment and began to explain: "Jujube is indeed a good thing, rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, especially iron, which has a good effect on blood replenishment. However, nothing is absolute, and jujube is no exception. ”

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

Dr. Hu said, "The sugar content in jujube is also quite high. Although it is a natural sugar, if you consume too much, especially without a moderate amount of exercise, too much sugar will be converted into fat and stored in the body. This can lead to elevated blood lipids, especially for people with blood lipid problems, and consuming large amounts of jujubes can indeed be a potential threat. ”

Aunt Jiang listened carefully and nodded, and Dr. Hu's explanation made her doubts begin to dissipate gradually. "So what should we do?" She asked.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

"It's actually quite simple." Dr. Hu smiled, "Eating a balanced diet is key. Jujube is not not edible, but it should be in moderation, especially for friends with high blood lipids, and more attention should be paid to controlling the daily consumption. At the same time, strengthening physical exercise to improve the body's efficiency of sugar utilization can also effectively avoid the increase of blood lipids due to excessive sugar intake. ”

Through Dr. Hu's detailed explanation, Aunt Jiang has a clear understanding of the relationship between jujube and blood lipids. She felt very relieved and glad that she was able to solve the doubts in her heart.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

When talking about blood lipid control and preventing cardiovascular disease, we usually hear general advice such as avoiding high-fat foods. Some not-so-obvious factors that can affect your blood lipid levels may even be something you don't usually consider. Fruit. Although fruits are part of a healthy diet, not all fruits are friendly to maintaining healthy blood lipid levels.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

For example, certain fruits, such as grapes and cherries, are high in fructose, and excessive consumption can increase the burden on the liver and promote fat synthesis, which may lead to elevated blood lipids. Choosing low-sugar fruits such as berries and apples and controlling your daily fructose intake is a wise choice.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

Alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption is extremely detrimental to blood lipids. Alcohol has a direct impact on the liver, prompting the liver to increase the production of bad cholesterol and reduce good cholesterol. Therefore, even if you choose to drink red wine, you should strictly limit the amount to a small glass per day.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

And for those of you who are passionate about modern fast food culture, here's something you might not want to hear: even so-called "healthy fast food," such as salads or gluten-free products, may hide the risk of increased blood lipids.

Sauces in many fast food salads contain high amounts of sugar and fat, and gluten-free foods sometimes add extra sugar or fat to improve taste, which can adversely affect blood lipid levels.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

Not to be overlooked is the use of vegetable oils. Vegetable oils are considered healthier than animal oils, but not all vegetable oils are lipid-friendly. For example, the high use of refined vegetable oils, such as corn oil and sunflower oil, which is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, if not maintained in the right ratio to omega-3 fatty acids, may promote inflammation in the body and affect blood lipids.

Instead, olive oil and flaxseed oil, which contain more monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, are more beneficial for controlling blood lipids.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

By taking a more holistic view of our lifestyle and dietary choices, we can not only better control our blood lipids, but also promote overall health. This unique and comprehensive way of discussion hopes to bring you new enlightenment, so that you can be more calm and effective on the road to controlling blood lipids.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

While it is important to focus on diet and exercise when discussing the lifestyle habits of patients with hyperlipidemia, there are other details of life that also play a crucial role in the management of blood lipids. These aspects may not be noticed much in daily life, but they have a significant impact on the control of blood lipids.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

The quality and duration of sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to metabolic disorders that affect hormonal balance and, especially, the action of insulin, which can lead to abnormally high blood sugar and lipids. If you stay up late at night to watch a drama and wake up the next day feeling like a crushed biscuit, then your blood lipids may also rise quietly there.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

Let's talk about personal hygiene. This may sound outrageous, but personal hygiene habits, especially oral hygiene, have a significant link to cardiovascular health. There is an association between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease because inflammation in the mouth can spread throughout the body through the bloodstream, including affecting blood lipids.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

Don't ignore environmental factors. For example, living in a noisy or polluted environment may indirectly affect blood lipids. Noise can cause long-term stress responses, and air pollution has been shown to be associated with atherosclerosis, which can adversely affect blood lipid levels.

Improving the living environment may require more social and policy efforts, but personal choices such as using air purifiers and choosing to live in relatively quiet areas with good air quality are all feasible lipid management strategies.

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

Blood lipids can be influenced by much more than just food and exercise. Every detail of life can have an impact on our blood lipids, and by considering and improving these life details, we can manage our blood lipids more holistically, thereby promoting overall health. Hopefully, this information will give you new inspiration and make you more comfortable on the road to controlling your blood lipids!

(All names have been changed)

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Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things



[1] Wang Hua, Cai Guoliang. Progress in evidence-based research on the combination of exercise and diet in the intervention of hyperlipidemia, Sichuan Sports Science, 2022

Jujube is the "hidden murderer" of blood lipids? The doctor said bluntly: I don't want my blood lipids to get out of control, so I don't want to touch these things

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