
The fight is enjoyable, but the disaster is also broken. The president's dark and gloomy face, he begged for more blessings.

author:Sunshine sheets
The fight is enjoyable, but the disaster is also broken. The president's dark and gloomy face, he begged for more blessings.

The picture comes from the Internet

"Good morning, husband!" As soon as An Shu went out, he ran into Bo Yan who came back from running, and greeted him with a smile.

Bo Yan, who was wiping her sweat with a towel, stopped her movements after seeing An Shu, her dark eyes were immediately filled with smiles, raised her hand to lightly clasp the back of her head and lowered her head to kiss her lips, and said softly: "Wife, good morning, are you going for a run?" ”

"That's right!" An Shu's eyebrows were stained with a smile and nodded.

The corners of Bo Yan's lips were slightly hooked, and he said, "I'll accompany you." ”

"Didn't you just come back from a run?" An Shu was stunned and looked at Bo Yan in surprise.

Bo Yan chuckled, "It's okay to run again." ”

"Okay." The corners of An Shu's lips couldn't stop rising, and he ran with Bo Yan with a smile, and told him that running was actually a trivial matter.

Steward Wang looked at the backs of the two of them running away hand in hand and sighed slightly, the young master really started to do his job out of business, and he was not as active as he used to be at work.

However, this kind of unprofessional work is a change that makes everyone in the family happy.

By the time the two of them came back from running, it was almost half past seven.

"Let's go upstairs and take a shower first, together?" Bo Yan's eyes looked at An Shu deeply and said.

An Shu's eyes flashed slightly, and he said with a smile: "You wash it first, and after washing, you will go to the company after breakfast, I am not in a hurry." ”

Taking a bath together is going to have an accident, she plans to talk to Zhang Shaocheng today, and she has to save her strength.

Bo Yan stared at her for a moment and nodded, "Okay." ”

Bo Yan didn't say anything more, went upstairs to take a shower and went to the company after breakfast, while An Shu took out his mobile phone to send a message to Zhang Shaocheng after he left.

[Is your friend's martial arts hall crowded today? 】

Zhang Shaocheng was on standby at any time, and as soon as he saw the message sent by An Shu, he immediately replied, [Madam, do you want to go to the martial arts hall again? 】

Anshu: [Well, I have this idea. 】

Zhang Shaocheng: [I'll call my friend right away, and I'll call my wife back when I'm sure.] 】

Anshu: [Okay.] 】

In three or four minutes, Zhang Shaocheng replied to her, [Madam, my friend said that if you want to go, you can only go in the morning, and there are other people who want to borrow the venue in the afternoon. 】

An Shu: [Okay, come and pick me up now.] 】

Zhang Shaocheng is also living in the old house now, but in the back house, not far away.

Zhang Shaocheng: [Okay, madam, I'll come over right away.] 】

An Shu thought of another bodyguard and asked: [By the way, how is Li Tianqiang's skills, call him together.] 】

Zhang Shaocheng hurriedly stopped: [Madam, don't call him this kind of thing. 】

An Shu was a little puzzled: [Why? 】

Zhang Miaocheng: [Madam, Li Tianqiang has some tendons, if he is called, it is estimated that it will take less than two days to stab the president. 】

Poke it to the president, and he'll definitely be cleaned up.

An Shu paused: [That's still it. 】

Zhang Shaocheng: [Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Madame, I'll be right over. 】

Anshu: [Okay.] 】

After sending the message, An Shu went back to the bedroom to change into comfortable casual clothes, carried a small bag, and went out wearing a pair of sneakers.

"Grandpa, I have something to go out, and I may not come back for dinner at noon." An Shu walked into the garden and said hello to the two grandfathers who were practicing Tai Chi.

Hearing An Shu's voice, the two old men stopped their movements, looked at her lovingly and said, "Okay, let's go." ”

An Shu smiled, turned around and left the garden to go to the gate, where Zhang Shaocheng was already waiting.

"Ma'am." Seeing An Shu coming over, Zhang Shaocheng immediately opened the car door.

An Shu nodded at him and sat in the back seat.

Zhang Shaocheng closed the door in the back row, went around to the driver's seat and started the car to go to the martial arts hall.

After arriving at the martial arts hall, only the owner of the martial arts hall was there, and the students all went back on vacation.

"Mrs. Thin."

The owner of the martial arts hall shouted An Shu with a smile on his face, and then punched Zhang Shaocheng to say hello.

The corners of An Shu's lips hooked slightly and looked at the owner of the martial arts hall and said, "Hello, I'm here to disturb again today." ”

"Mrs. Bo is polite, don't bother, don't bother." The boss smiled and waved his hand, "Are you putting on the protective gear first?" ”

An Shu nodded, "Okay." ”

"Madame Bo, please. I recently bought a new batch of protective gear, and the quality is better than before, you can try it. The boss showed An Shu the way and took her to put on protective gear.

An Shu smiled, "Okay, thank you boss." ”

"You're welcome."

An Shu went to wear protective gear, and Zhang Shaocheng went directly to the stage and waited.

After An Shu put on protective gear and came to the stage, the two of them started fighting directly without any extra words.

This time, An Shu's movements were obviously faster than last time, and his skills were a little more flexible.

"Madam, I didn't expect you to make progress!" Zhang Shaocheng's eyes lit up slightly and sighed.

An Shu raised his lips and said with a smile: "The last time I fought with you, it naturally had some effect." ”

When she was in the old house, she would go to the gym to practice when she had time, and it was inevitable that she would make progress.

After hearing this, Zhang Shaocheng's expression gradually became excited, "Then, I won't keep my hand like before, madam, be careful." ”

Being able to fight heartily is naturally more in line with his heart.

"Okay." An Shu raised his lips and smiled, put on a posture, and the two fought again.

Zhang Shaocheng, who no longer kept his hand, was really difficult to deal with, although a few tricks could be avoided, but he was still injured, fortunately, Zhang Shaocheng collected some strength when he hit her, so the injury was not serious.

"Madam, I'm sorry, I didn't keep it for a while." After the fight, Zhang Shaocheng began to be frightened, if the president knew that he had injured his wife, he might have to peel off his skin.

It's all to blame for being too excited for a while.

Don't let the president know about this!

An Shu shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, just take two days to recover from a small injury." ”

It's just that there will definitely be bruises, and you have to find a way to avoid Bo Yan's intimacy at night, otherwise you will be exposed.

Thinking about it, he was about to take off his protective gear, but he didn't want the slightly hesitant voice of the martial arts hall owner to suddenly sound, "Mrs. Bo, that ..... Can I .... Have a fight with you too? ”

Since he opened a martial arts gym as a coach, he rarely fights with others, Zhang Shaocheng he definitely can't beat him, but Mrs. Bo's skills should be similar to him, and he wants to learn from him.

An Shu was stunned and nodded with a smile, "Okay!" ”

"Old Hu." Zhang Shaocheng wrinkled his eyebrows and glared at his friend, his eyes full of blame.

Lao Hu's skills are not as good as him, and he is also worse than him in the control of strength and moves, he has injured his wife, let alone Lao Hu.

In case the lady is really seriously injured, the president will ....... I don't dare to think about it.

After glaring at his friend, he looked at An Shu again, and persuaded: "Madam, it's not too early, didn't you say that you still want to go shopping, so let's not stay here." ”

Hu Xing also came back to his senses, secretly scolded his impulsiveness, and hurriedly followed Zhang Shaocheng's words to make up for it: "Since Mrs. Bo still has something to do, then let's do it another day, it just so happens that I also have something to do." ”

An Shu smiled and said, "You don't have to be so nervous, there is no harm in fighting, if Boss Hu really has something, forget it." ”

Hu Xing was a little moved, glanced at Zhang Shaocheng and got into the ring, hugged his fists at An Shu and said, "Mrs. Bo, please." ”

"Boss Hu, please." An Shu put back the half-drawn protective gear gloves and said to Hu Xing.

Zhang Shaocheng: .........

Just when he was speechless, An Shu and Hu Xing had already started fighting, and Zhang Shaocheng could only stand aside and watch the battle in a panic.

Then he found that Madame seemed to be a superior skill.

Call! Fortunately, Zhang Shaocheng let go of his heart a little.

Half an hour later, the fight ended when An Shu kicked Hu Xing out of the ring.

"Mrs. Bo is so skilled, I lost!" Hu Xing stood under the ring with a slightly red and swollen half of his face, expressing his sincere admiration for An Shu.

An Shu took off the protective gear and rubbed his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Boss Hu is also good. ”

If she hadn't learned from Zhang Shaocheng twice, I am afraid she would not have been able to win against Hu Xing.

Sure enough, you have to practice more to make progress.

"Madam, you just suffered some injuries in both fights, let me take you to the hospital first!" After the two stopped, Zhang Shaocheng walked up to An Shu and asked worriedly.

After speaking, he turned his head and glared at Hu Xing, he didn't know how to retract, Hu Xing touched his nose with some reason.

The fight is enjoyable, but the disaster is also broken.

An Shu waved his hand, "It's okay, it's not a big deal." ”

When she practiced before, she was even more seriously injured!

"Madam, are you really okay, let's go to the hospital to have a look, you can get better sooner with medicine!" Zhang Shaocheng was very worried.

An Shu paused, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "Okay, let's go to the hospital." ”

She felt that Zhang Shaocheng's last sentence was the point, and the sooner she did, she could reduce the risk of being discovered by Bo Yan.

"However, there is no hurry, let's go to the neighborhood for a meal first."

When Zhang Shaocheng heard this, he saw that the time was almost twelve o'clock.

"Okay, ma'am, you can arrange it."

An Shu responded, turned his head to look at Hu Xing and chuckled: "Boss Hu, let's come along, I should thank you for lending me the venue twice." ”

"Madam, you don't have to do this, I gave him the money to borrow the venue." Zhang Shaocheng glanced at Hu Xing and said.

Hu Xing touched his head awkwardly, "Lao Zhang is right, Mrs. Bo doesn't have to be polite." ”

An Shu smiled, "It's lunch time now, it's just a meal, Boss Hu doesn't have to push around." ”

Hu Xing paused, looked at Zhang Shaocheng and then at An Shu, nodded and said, "Then thank you Mrs. Bo." ”

I really didn't expect that the wife of the president of Bo Group is not only good-looking and well-skilled, but also so easy to get along with.

Lao Zhang takes a high salary to protect such a person, which is also considered a blessing for him.

An Shu smiled, "Let's go." ”

Hu Xing locked the door of the martial arts hall and took the elevator downstairs with Zhang Shaocheng and An Shu.

"Where to eat here, do you have any recommendations from Boss Hu?" Getting out of the elevator, An Shu asked.

Hu Xing scratched his hair and said a little embarrassed: "I don't have any recommendations, Mrs. Bo looks at the arrangement." ”

What he usually eats is either a boxed lunch or a small restaurant in the surrounding area, how dare he recommend it to the wife of the president of the Bo Group.

An Shu smiled and said, "In that case, I know there is a good private restaurant here, so let's go there to eat at noon." ”

Hu Xing: "It's all up to Mrs. Bo's arrangement." ”

Zhang Shaocheng has no opinion.

Just when the three of them were discussing the place to eat, Song Tianyu, who was on the opposite street, opened his mouth in surprise, "President, Mrs. and Zhang Shaocheng are actually here." ”

When Bo Yan heard this, he raised his eyes and looked at what Song Tianyu was pointing at, it was really them.

In addition to the two of them, there was another man walking beside An Shu, and the three of them looked very happy talking and laughing.

The three of them were walking towards the opposite street, discussing the two hearty fights just now, not paying attention to the surrounding environment or the people coming and going.

"Madam, shall we have a fight next time?" Zhang Shaocheng asked with a little expectation.

An Shu nodded, "Naturally." Once I've fully grasped what I've learned today, we'll make another appointment. ”

"I didn't expect Mrs. Bo to look like Sven, her skills are so good, and she is not ambiguous at all when she fights." Hu Xing said with a smile.

Song Tianyu, who was already not far away, gasped when he heard this, who did Madam fight with?

No, Zhang Shaocheng actually took his wife out to fight!

Thinking of this, Song Tianyu quietly glanced at Bo Yan, ho! This dark and gloomy face....

Zhang Shaocheng, you ask for more blessings.

Song Tianyu originally wanted to remind the three people who were not far away, but when he thought of the two thousand words he felt after reading it last time, he thought about it again.... Forget it.

Anyway, it was Zhang Shaocheng who was unlucky.

It's just that he didn't expect that the three of them could say something more exciting.

"Although I am not ambiguous in fighting, my skills are still worse after all, otherwise I would not have been injured by you." An Shu sighed and shook his head.

Song Tianyu was numb when he heard this, Zhang Shaocheng, you are going to die! You're dead!

Feeling the cool air coming from Bo Yan's body, Song Tianyu tiptoed to the side with small steps.

Moving around, he found that his wife actually walked past the president without paying attention...

Go, pass, go.... Finish!

"Ma'am." Feeling the dark aura emanating from the president's body, Song Tianyu had to shout loudly at An Shu.

An Shuzheng and Zhang Shaocheng Hu Xing were talking happily, and suddenly heard Song Tianyu's familiar voice and thought they were hallucinating.


Song Tianyu shouted again, An Shu finally confirmed that it was really Song Tianyu, and followed the voice to look over....

There is not only Song Tianyu, but also Bo Yan, whose face is about to turn black.

Zhang Shaocheng's face changed, and his hanging heart finally died!

"Husband." An Shu pulled out a smile, trotted closer to Bo Yan, and asked softly, "Husband, why are you here?" ”

Bo Yan's face was so ugly, shouldn't she have heard her talk with Zhang Shaocheng and Hu Xing just now?

Bo Yan glanced at An Shu coldly, "It's really unfortunate, I shouldn't be here today." ”

After that, he raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Shaocheng, who was stunned behind An Shu, with an earthy face.

An Shu laughed dryly, took Bo Yan's hand and shook it and said, "How come, husband, I was going to lunch, you eat with me!" ”

She's used it all for coquettishness, it should work, right?

Bo Yan didn't respond to An Shu's words, but frowned and asked with concern, "Where did you get hurt?" ”

An Shu's expression was stunned, and the next moment he raised a smile and said coquettishly: "No, it's just a small injury." Husband, I'm so hungry, shall we go eat first? ”

Bo Yan was still expressionless, and looked at An Shu from top to bottom, and saw that her face was really not like a serious injury, so he responded: "Where do you want to eat?" ”

"There is a private restaurant not far from there, called Yaweixuan, and it tastes good." Hearing Bo Yan's words back to her, An Shu's heart was relieved, and he pointed to the street on his right and said with a smile.

Bo Yan nodded, took her hand and walked towards the street on her right.

Song Tianyu naturally wanted to follow, and when he passed by Zhang Shaocheng's side, he symbolically patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, let's go, let's go eat the severed head meal first." ”

Zhang Shaocheng: .........

He panicked even more.

Hu Xing, who was standing on the side, swallowed his saliva in fear, "That..... I remembered that there was something to do, so I didn't go to dinner and left first. ”

"Don't, brother." Song Tianyu stretched out his hand to stop Hu Xing, who wanted to run, and said with a smile, "Although you can't eat with my wife, there is still me, and our Zhang Shaocheng warrior, we can eat together." ”

"Huh." Hu Xing laughed dryly twice, and waved his hand again and again, "No, no, you eat, you eat." ”

After the words fell, he turned his head to look at Zhang Shaocheng, "Old Zhang, you eat more!" ”

It's all severed rice, can you eat more!

"Brother, don't be in a hurry!" Song Tianyu raised his hand to hold Hu Xing's shoulder, and said with a smile on his face, "Brother, the president of the Bo Group has a treat, the opportunity is rare, let's go." ”

After that, he grabbed his shoulders and led him to catch up with Bo Yan and An Shu, and didn't forget to beckon Zhang Shaocheng to follow.

Zhang Shaocheng: No, he doesn't want to keep up at all.

No matter how much he didn't want to, he could only lift his legs, which weighed as much as a thousand pounds, to follow.

Song Tianyu searched the private restaurant An Shu said on the road, called to book a box and a place in the hall, and then ordered.

He knows the president's tastes very well, and his wife's tastes also know a little, so there is no pressure to order.

As for the three of them.....

"Brother, what do you like to eat, and do you have any taboos?" Song Tianyu asked Hu Xing with a smile.

Hu Xing stiffly pulled out a smile, "Hehe, I can do it, don't pick." ”

"Then I'll just order it." Song Tianyu patted him on the shoulder, and the two brothers said well.

Walking into Yaweixuan, the three of them found a table closest to the box where Bo Yan and An Shu were and sat down.

At this time, in the box, Bo Yan saw that there was no monitoring in the room, so he wanted to check the injuries on An Shu's body.

"Don't, don't." An Shu hurriedly raised his hand to stop him, "Husband, I'm really fine." ”

Bo Yan's deep eyes stared at An Shu faintly without speaking, and he saw An Shu uncomfortable.

Eventually, An Shu raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay, I said." ”

As he spoke, he pulled down the shirt on his right shoulder, lifted the short sleeve on his right, and showed his two calves to him.

"Husband, I'm really not seriously injured." Seeing Bo Yan's gloomy face, An Shu cautiously spoke.

"I'm also here to improve my skills, so I can be safer when I meet gangsters in the future!"

Looking at the bruises on An Shu's body, anger swelled in Bo Yan's dark eyes, "Follow me to the hospital after eating." ”

There will be bruises in such a short time, and if you don't deal with it, you won't know what to do when you wake up tomorrow morning.

"Okay, okay." An Shu nodded again and again, how well-behaved and well-behaved he was.

Bo Yan took a deep breath and said, "If you want to find someone to train in the future, come to me directly." ”

"Huh?" An Shu was stunned, "Husband, what are your skills?" ”

Bo Yan snorted heavily, "Don't worry, it's no problem to beat you." ”

Anshu: ..........

She always felt that there was something wrong with Bo Yan's words!

"My husband is amazing!" Unable to think of anything wrong, An Shu raised his eyes and looked at Bo Yan with a smile and praised.

There's always nothing wrong with boasting!

Bo Yan's eyes darkened, and he pulled An Shu and kissed him. The kiss with anger is fierce and ruthless.

It was the first time he was so unrelenting, An Shu's lips were painful, he raised his hand to beat Bo Yan, and there was a protest sound in his mouth.

But Bo Yan didn't react at all, and didn't let go of her until there was a knock on the door.

When the waiter entered the door, Bo Yan clasped the back of An Shu's head and hid her moist lips and charming and shy face into his arms.

After lunch, Hu Xing ran back to the martial arts hall with a wolf chasing him, while Zhang Shaocheng and Song Tianyu followed Bo Yan and An Shu to the hospital.

"Do you have something to do this afternoon?" After An Shu dealt with the injuries on her body, Bo Yan looked at her and asked.

An Shu shook his head, "It's okay." ”

In fact, there are a few emails that are not very important to deal with.

Bo Yan hummed lightly, "Then come with me to the company." ”

"Okay." An Shu paused and answered.

At this time, it's better to follow the point.

Seeing An Shu agree, Bo Yan put his arm around her waist and entered the elevator.

He didn't speak, Zhang Shaocheng naturally wanted to follow.

Along the way, except for the initial look, the president did not look at him again, let alone say a word to him.

The more this is the case, the more Zhang Shaocheng is beating the drum in his heart.

When he was some distance away from the president, he pulled Song Tianyu to cry and chirp, "Brother, help!" ”

Song Tianyu directly gave him a big roll of his eyes, "Brother, I didn't say you, if Madam wants to find a sparring partner, you can inform the president." The president's skills, Mrs. don't know, don't you know? ”

"When you knew about it, you still dragged Madame to practice with you, but you couldn't master the strength and moves and injured Madame, how can you let me save you?"

"The key is that you are actually practicing with your wife is to see your wife's skills, and you want to satisfy your selfishness for a while, who do you say the president doesn't cut you?"

Song Tianyu patted Zhang Shaocheng on the shoulder, "You have eaten all the severed head meals, ask for more blessings!" ”

Zhang Shaocheng: ..........

your guillotine!

In the end, he could only follow Bo Yan to the company lifelessly.

"Would you like to take a nap?" When he arrived at the president's office, Bo Yan looked at An Shu and said softly.

An Shu immediately nodded in response, "Okay! ”

When he got up from sleep, Bo Yan shouldn't be so angry.

So, she's better stay away for the time being!

The corners of Bo Yan's lips hooked a shallow arc, and he brought An Shu into the lounge and found Zhang Shaocheng after settling down.

"President." Zhang Shaocheng cried with a sad face, and didn't dare to look at Bo Yan at all.

Bo Yan raised his eyes slightly to look at him, and said in a cold voice: "Follow me to the gym." ”

After the words fell, he looked at Song Tianyu who was standing on the side and said, "You are also together." ”

"Okay president." Song Tianyu responded with a smile, and then pulled Zhang Shaocheng, who was like a vegetable, and followed Bo Yan to the president's exclusive gym.

Walking into the gym, Song Tianyu closed the door with his backhand, Bo Yan turned to look at him, and said expressionlessly: "Say it." ”

Song Tianyu folded his hands and naturally fell in front of him, bowed his head slightly, and said: "President, the owner of the martial arts hall is called Hu Xing, and Zhang Shaocheng is a good friend, and he and his wife are going to Hu Xing's martial arts hall for the second time today.........

Knowing the president, he knew that the president didn't want to give Zhang Shaocheng a chance to hide it.

Therefore, he deliberately dragged Hu Xing to eat with him. When I was having dinner with Hu Xing again, I asked everything clearly.

Song Tianyu reported endlessly, but he didn't see Zhang Shaocheng staring at him secretly, and his eyes were about to poke him into a sieve.

Zhang Shaocheng's eyes don't say that Song Tianyu didn't see it, even if he saw it, he wouldn't care, after all..... He still understands the truth that friends of the dead Dao do not die and the poor Dao.

"President, according to Hu Xing, that's the way it is." Song Tianyu finished with a smile on his face.

Bo Yan snorted lightly, looked at Zhang Shaocheng with a cold gaze, and asked, "Is there anything to add?" ”

"Nope." Zhang Shaocheng stood there trembling and opened his mouth in fear.

Bo Yan coldly hooked the corners of his lips, "Very good." ”

After that, he raised his hand to unbutton the collar of the two shirts, and said with a face like frost: "Zhang Shaocheng, you like to find someone to talk to?" ”

Song Tianyu kept retreating the moment Bo Yan spoke, and he didn't stop until he stepped back to the corner of the wall, trying to stand in the farthest place from them.

"No, no, no." Zhang Shaocheng listened to Bo Yan's words, and his head shook more than a rattle.

Bo Yan smiled coldly, completely ignoring Zhang Shaocheng's words, and said, "It's okay, I'll talk to you today." ”

"No, no, no... I used it. Zhang Shaocheng shook his head bitterly, how could he be the president's opponent!

The corners of Bo Yan's lips evoked Sensen's coldness, and he raised his long legs and kicked towards Zhang Shaocheng. Zhang Shaocheng subconsciously dodged to the side, and then reacted as if he shouldn't have hidden.

"President, I.... I didn't mean to hide. ”

Who would have thought that Bo Yan not only didn't blame him, but also praised him, "No, you are hiding right." ”

"Huh?" Zhang Shaocheng was a little dumbfounded, but the next moment Bo Yan's words made him want to cry.

"If you don't hide, then I can only count me as beating you unilaterally, I don't have the habit of beating employees, I just want to learn from you."

When the words fell, another punch attacked Zhang Shaocheng, Zhang Shaocheng could only be forced to dodge and dismantle the move to fight back, but he was not Bo Yan's opponent at all, plus he didn't dare to really go all out, and a fight was almost the same as a unilateral beating.

Song Tianyu looked at Zhang Shaocheng, who was paralyzed on the ground with a blue nose and swollen face, and a pitiful smile appeared on his face.

Bo Yan glanced at him lightly, buttoned his shirt, and said to Song Tianyu, "Take him to the doctor." ”

"Okay president." Song Tianyu had a professional smile on his face, and whispered Bo Yan's words.

After Bo Yan left the gym, Song Tianyu walked to Zhang Shaocheng and squatted down, and joked with a smile: "You want to get together when you see someone who is good at kung fu, can you get rid of it in the future?" ”

Zhang Shaocheng looked at the ceiling with empty eyes, "If you don't hit someone, you don't hit your face, the president didn't even let go of my face." ”

Song Tianyu: ...........

"Let's go, go to the hospital."

After speaking, he happily reached out to help Zhang Shaocheng, he missed work perfectly this afternoon, thank him so much!

On the other side, after Bo Yan returned to the office, he went to the lounge to look at An Shu, and saw that she was sleeping soundly, so he withdrew from the lounge and returned to the office to work seriously.

When An Shu woke up, it was already past four o'clock, and he stretched out and straightened his clothes and loose hair and walked out of the lounge.

"I'm paying such a high salary, is that why I asked you to talk this nonsense?" As soon as he walked out of the door, he heard Bo Yan coldly scolding several executives.


Just as he was thinking about retreating to the lounge to avoid embarrassment, Bo Yan saw her, "Wake up." ”

When several executives were scolded bloody, they witnessed the president who was still full of anger just now, and instantly smiled with his eyebrows and eyes as gentle as a spring breeze.

In fact, only the two executives who went to the Jiangshi Science and Technology Conference before saw An Shu, but after they came back, they popularized An Shu's identity and appearance with other executives, so everyone naturally knew An Shu's face.

"Mrs. President." Several executives looked at An Shu with relief, they had already seen the president's wife's ability to extinguish fires in the last meeting, and they would definitely be able to do it this time.

An Shu looked at Bo Yan who was walking towards her and curled her lips, "You get busy first, I'll sit in the lounge for a while." ”

"It's okay, not busy, did you sleep well?" Bo Yan walked up to An Shu and said with a smile.

Executive: Not busy? Are you sure?

Also, President, if you want to show affection to your wife, can you let us go first?

Bo Yan seemed to hear their hearts, and said to them compassionately: "You go out first." ”

"Okay president." Several people's eyes lit up and they left happily.

That's great! Although they may be scolded by the president the next time they come in, at least they are given time to figure out how to do it.

"Goodbye President, goodbye Madame."

An Shu chuckled and nodded, then looked at Bo Yan and said softly, "I slept well." ”

After a pause, he blinked his clear and bright eyes and asked, "That, aren't you angry about the martial arts hall?" ”

After thinking about it, I decided to take the initiative to solve the problem, so as not to keep hanging in my heart.

When Bo Yan heard this, he raised his eyebrows and smiled: "What are you going to do if you are angry?" ”

An Shuyan smiled, raised her hand to wrap her arms around Bo Yan's neck and kissed him lightly on the lips, and said crisply: "Coax you!" ”

Bo Yan's eyes darkened, he pulled An Shu into his arms and hugged her tightly, lowered his head and responded enthusiastically.

An Shu was slightly happy in her heart, she knew that Bo Yan was very easy to coax. It's just that she was pulled back by Bo Yan two minutes after she came out of the lounge.

It was the first time that the two of them had been so intense in broad daylight, and it was still in Bo Yan's office.

"Husband, I coaxed you, right?" Afterwards, An Shu threw himself into Bo Yan's arms, kissed his chin, and asked softly with a smile.

Bo Yan, who was contented, chuckled lowly, obviously in a good mood, "Well, it's okay." ”

An Shu curled his lips and smiled, at this time, the man's brain and lower body were connected.

Bo Yan's eyebrows and eyes were all smiling, and he looked at An Shu and said softly: "My skills are also very good, if you want to find a pair of trainers in the future, you can directly find me." ”

"Okay!" An Shu showed a mouthful of white teeth and responded in a crisp voice.

"I didn't know you could fight before, but now I know, we can fight when we have time."

Bo Yan hooked his lips, "Okay." ”

"I'll take you to the bathroom to wash up."

An Shu nodded, "Hmm." ”

After cleaning up, Bo Yan took An Shu's hand and walked out of the lounge, "You sit down for a while, I still have some things to deal with, and we'll go home after we finish dealing with it." ”

"Okay!" An Shu took a sip, let go of Bo Yan and walked to the sofa and sat down.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and An Shu took out his mobile phone and slid to answer.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang."

Bo Yan, who had just sat on the office chair, heard An Shu calling Mr. Jiang, raised his eyes to look at her, and guessed that it was Jiang Hongming.

I don't know what Jiang Hongming said, An Shu smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go to your company at ten o'clock tomorrow morning." ”

"Well, okay, goodbye Mr. Jiang."

After An Shu hung up the phone, he smiled at Bo Yan's gaze: "I asked Jiang Hongming to revise some details of the previous contract, and now he has changed it according to my wishes, and I will go to their company to sign it tomorrow morning." ”

"Hmm." Bo Yan replied lightly, "When you sign the contract, I will ask Jiang Hongming to come out and talk about joining forces to deal with the Ran family, the Yao family, and the Sheng family." ”

After all, if you want to calculate that Jiang Hongming will be cannon fodder in front, you have to talk to him well.

"Okay!" An Shu's eyebrows and eyes curled in response, and he was very happy to see this happen.

Next, An Shu didn't bother Bo Yan, and half an hour later, Bo Yan packed up his things and went back to the old house with An Shu.

"Young Master, Young Madam, you are back." When Steward Wang saw the two of them coming back, he immediately greeted them.

Bo Yan nodded at him and said, "What about the two grandfathers?" ”

Steward Wang: "The two old men just listened to the play. ”

Bo Yan snorted lightly, "Then let's start eating." ”

Steward Wang: "Okay young master, I'll arrange it right away." ”

After Steward Wang turned to leave, Bo Yan took An Shu's hand and walked into the living room, where the two old men were sitting on the sofa discussing something with a smile on their faces.

"Grandpa." Bo Yan and An Shu's voices interrupted the two.

The two old men immediately looked at them and said in surprise: "Xiao Yan, Xiao Shu, why did you come back together?" ”

"We met outside at noon, and she was in my office in the afternoon, so we came back together." Bo Yan explained.

The two old men understood, and nodded happily, "Oh, good, good." ”

Spending the whole afternoon together is sure to nurture bonding. Bo Yan, this kid, also knows that he called his wife to the company, and finally made some progress, not bad!

Thinking of this, Old Man Bo was full of relief.

"Grandpa, what were you talking about just now, so happy." An Shu asked with a smile.

Old Man An said with a smile on his face, "It's nothing, discuss the play just now with your grandfather Bo." ”

After speaking, he moved his somewhat stiff shoulders. Nowadays, if you sit for a while, your body will be easily tired, unlike before, when you were a hundred times more energetic.

Old Man An sighed in his heart.

However, his results are already good now, and he can't expect too much.

Bo Yan saw Old Man An's movements, and walked over to him without saying a word, "Grandpa, are you uncomfortable in your shoulder, let me help you press it." ”

"You also get a massage?" Old Man An looked at Bo Yan in surprise.

An Shu also looked at Bo Yan in surprise, but she was not surprised that Bo Yan could massage, but sighed at Bo Yan's subtle observation.

Hearing Old Man An's question, Bo Yan was about to nod, but Old Man Bo said with a smile, "He used to learn some from his father." ”

The men of his family are all serving their daughter-in-law's life!

"Yes, Grandpa." Bo Yan echoed.

When Old Man An heard this, the smile on his face became brighter, "Okay, then it's troublesome for Ah Yan." ”

"You're welcome, grandpa." Bo Yan smiled, walked behind Old Man An and raised his hand to help him massage his shoulder.

Looking at his enjoyment, Old Man Bo felt sour in his heart, Xiao Yan had never pressed him!

When Bo Yan finished pressing it for Old Man An, Steward Wang came over and said that the meal had been prepared. When the four of them heard this, they went to the restaurant one after another.

After Bo Yan's massage, Old Man An relieved the discomfort in his shoulders and felt that his head was not so dizzy, so that he even ate half a bowl of rice.

Seeing his grandfather's better and better appetite and more and more ruddy complexion, An Shu was extremely happy.

After dinner, the four of them went for a walk in the house in pairs to eat.

Although the mosquitoes in the garden have been professionally sanitized, summer is the mosquito-prone season, and even if they are sanitized, they will occasionally encounter so two, and if they don't pay attention, they will be bitten.

"Let's go back." After An Shu was bitten by a mosquito again, Bo Yan looked at a small red bump on her arm and raised her eyebrows and said.

An Shu nodded, very agreeing, "Let's go, go back." ”

When I returned to my room, I was about to take a shower, and I was sweating and uncomfortable when I walked around the garden.

Bo Yan saw An Shu taking the pajamas and squeezed into the bathroom.

Anshu: ..........

"Can't you just let me wash it alone?"

Bo Yan raised his lips and smiled, and whispered in An Shu's ear: "I think it's better for two people to wash." ”

After that, he raised his hand to open the flower umbrella, and then took off the clothes of the two of them, and the purpose was obvious!

An Shu twitched the corner of her mouth and looked at Bo Yan who was helping her take a bath, and said, "Husband, this matter really needs to be controlled, let's ..... in the afternoon."

As a result, she was responded to by Bo Yan's eager kiss.

An Shu woke up the next day It was almost eight o'clock, and Bo Yan had already had breakfast and went to the company.

An Shu sighed and moved the shoulder that was injured yesterday, and after rubbing the medicine twice, it was no longer a big problem. Knowing that she was recovering well, she got up to wash up and eat breakfast, then put on makeup and changed clothes, and asked Li Tianqiang to come and pick her up.

As for Zhang Shaocheng, last night Bo Yan said that he would take a few days off, so now he can only find Li Tianqiang.

"Young lady." Li Tianqiang's face was expressionless, and he greeted An Shu with a glance.

An Shu had a professional smile on his face, nodded at him and got into the car.

When he arrived at Jiang's company, An Shu called Jiang Hongming directly, "Mr. Jiang, I'm downstairs in your company." ”

"An Dong, wait a minute, I'll come down to pick you up." Jiang Hongming responded.

An Shu was not polite, hung up the phone after saying yes, and then turned his head to look at Li Tianqiang and said, "You go to park first." ”

"Yes, ma'am." Li Tianqiang responded, started the car and went to the underground garage.

After Li Tianqiang drove away, An Shu walked into the hall of Jiang's company.

As soon as I walked in, I heard a slightly familiar exclamation, "You...... You...... You...... It's you! ”

An Shu looked at the source of the voice, as if it was Jiang Feiyue, who had been beaten twice by her before, no wonder his voice was familiar.

It was indeed Jiang Feiyue, his eyes widened, and he looked at An Shu with an incredulous expression, "Why are you here?" ”

After Jiang Feiyue finished speaking, he looked at An Shu, saw that she was dressed in professional attire, and guessed: "I heard Lu Jingshuo say that you haven't gone to work for the time being, and now it's like this........ You won't come to my company for an interview, right? ”

An Shu raised his eyebrows, "You are the young master of the Jiang family?" ”

"That's right!" Jiang Feiyue raised his chin in embarrassment, "The company belongs to me, you offended me before, and I don't want to succeed in the interview today." ”

An Shu raised his eyebrows, "Then I'm really scared!" ”

She had guessed that Jiang Feiyue was the Jiang family before, but now it has been confirmed.

"Hmph, if you know you're afraid, I'll apologize to Young Master Ben." Jiang Feiyue snorted heavily.

An Shu sighed lightly, "I think you thought you beat you too lightly last time." ”

Jiang Feiyue's face stiffened, and he subconsciously hugged his arms and stepped back, "This is my territory, you ..... Don't you dare... Dare to do it, I'll do it immediately.... Call... Call security. ”

Anshu: ............

She hasn't done anything yet, Jiang Feiyue actually started to stutter when she spoke, she was really cowardly and provocative!

An Shu turned his wrist and said with a smile: "Do you want to try?" ”

Jiang Feiyue's eyes widened in disbelief, and he was about to call the security guard when he heard his brother's voice, "Ah Yue, why are you still in the company?" ”

"Brother." Jiang Feiyue heard Jiang Hongming's voice and immediately turned his head to look over, as if he had seen a savior, and quickly ran to his side to complain, "Brother, you must not let this woman pass the interview." No, don't give her an interview. ”

Jiang Hongming wrinkled his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Feiyue, "What are you talking nonsense, do you know An Dong?" ”

"An Yuan? Her name is An Yuan! Jiang Feiyue looked at An Shu with sudden realization.

I always heard Lu Jingshuo call this woman Sister An before, but it turned out that her name was An Huan.

Jiang Hongfu looked at his stupid brother with black lines on his head and explained: "Her name is not An Huan, she is the chairman of Canyang Technology." ”

"Chairman?" Jiang Feiyue was shocked.

He has never asked about things in the mall, and he hasn't known much about them, so he doesn't know Canyang Technology, but he still understands the three words of the chairman.

"Isn't she just a motorcycle driver, how can she be the chairman of something?" Jiang Feiyue looked at An Shu with a shocked face, and couldn't believe that Sister An in a motorcycle uniform would be the chairman.

An Shu put his hands around his chest and watched Jiang Feiyue change his face happily, not to mention, it's pretty good-looking!

Jiang Hongming furrowed his eyebrows when he heard this, "Motorcyclist? ”

The words fell, and he turned his head to look at An Shu, "Locomotive? Is this Chairman An's hobby? ”

An Shu nodded, raised his eyes to look at Jiang Hongming and said lightly: "That's right, is there any problem?" ”

"Naturally, there is no problem, An Dong's hobbies are quite good. It's just, does Mr. Bo know? Jiang Hongming said with a chuckle.

An Shu smiled, "He doesn't know yet." Still, he can always know. ”

It was obvious that telling Jiang Hongming that it would not work if he wanted to tell her or threaten her.

It's just that she hasn't tested Bo Yan's opinion on the locomotive yet, so she hasn't told Bo Yan about Hurricane for the time being.

Fortunately, Li Tianqiang didn't come back when he went to park, otherwise Li Tianqiang, according to Zhang Shaocheng's description, probably couldn't hide it.

"An Dong misunderstood, everyone has a bit of a personal hobby, it's not surprising." Jiang Hongming smiled, "Dong An, we are going to sign a contract today, so we don't have to worry about these little things." ”

"An Dong, please."

Jiang Hongming turned sideways and stretched out his hand to signal An Shu to enter the elevator.

Then, Jiang Feiyue watched in a daze as his brother took Lu Jingshuo's Sister An upstairs through the president's special elevator.

It turned out that the woman came to his company to sign a contract, and almost made him yellow.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feiyue wiped the sweat on his face in fear, and then took out his mobile phone to send a message to Lu Jingshuo.

[Lu Jingshuo, why didn't you say that your sister An is the chairman of Canyang Technology? 】

Soon, Lu Jingshuo sent a disdainful picture over, [Why should I tell you? Besides, even if you tell you, can you know what Canyang Technology is? 】

Jiang Feiyue grinded his teeth, [I don't know Canyang Technology, I don't know the chairman yet? 】

Lu Jingshuo: [Oh, that's amazing! 】

[I'm too lazy to pay attention to you, I still have something to do!] 】

Jiang Feiyue gritted his teeth and stared at the phone, but he was helpless!

Upstairs, the signing of the contract went smoothly, and An Shu signed it after reading that the contract was fine.

"Mr. Jiang, in the past two days, my husband has discussed with you how to work together to do the future." An Shu pushed the signed contract in front of Jiang Hongming and said.

Jiang Hongming smiled, took the contract, and said, "Okay, I'll wait." ”

I used to work against Bo Yan all the time, and I was really unaccustomed to cooperating with each other.

"Since the contract has been signed, I will leave first, and the follow-up will be handled by Mr. Jiang with our company's business department."

She had already taken a photo of the contract and sent it to Xiang Yao just now, and there was no problem with the follow-up.

When she returned to Jiang City in a few days, she brought back the paper contract.

When Bo Hongming saw An get up, he immediately got up and said with a smile: "Dong An, it's not too early, why don't you have lunch together, just celebrate the happy cooperation." ”

"You don't need to eat." An Shu smiled and shook his head, "I have something else to do, so I won't bother Mr. Jiang." ”

An Shu was reluctant, and Jiang Hongming was not reluctant, "Okay, An Dong can call me at any time if he has something." ”

Anshu smiled at him and turned to leave his office.

Jiang Hongming looked at the back of An Shu leaving, a strong woman is different, and it is not easy to make an appointment.

An Shu was naturally in no mood to eat with Jiang Hongming, because she promised Bo Yan to accompany him to eat at noon last night.

[Husband, the contract has been signed, I'll get in the car and go to you now.] As soon as An Shu got in the car, he sent a message to Bo Yan.

Bo Yan also quickly replied, [Okay, I'll wait for you, let Li Tianqiang drive a little slower. 】

An Shu: [Okay, don't worry. 】

After talking to Bo Yan, he sent a message to Xiang Yao again, [You send all the documents you want to deal with to my mailbox, and the follow-up matters of Jiang's cooperation will follow, and I will go back next week. 】

Xiang Yao: [Good boss. 】

After talking to Xiang Yao, An Shu turned off his phone and looked at the scenery outside the car window.

Well? Qu Jinmo?

While waiting for the traffic light in the car, An Shu saw Qu Jinmo, and wondered why he was in Beijing now.

According to Qu Jinmo, shouldn't he be dealing with his father in Haicheng Qujia's company now?

Just when she was puzzled, she saw Qu Jinmo shaking hands with Yao Zhengcheng who was walking towards her, and they had a very happy conversation.

Soon, the car started, and the picture of Qu Jinmo and Yao Zhengcheng talking happily gradually disappeared from An Shu.

Qu Jinmo and Yao Zhengcheng?

An Shu's eyes closed slightly, thinking about how these two people could get together.

Could it be because Qu Jinyan found the Sheng family to cooperate, so Qu Jinmo found the Yao family?

If so, the net of Qu Jinmo's alliance is wide enough. It's a pity that after a while, the Yao family may have to take care of themselves.

When An Shu arrived at Bo Yan's office, Song Tianyu had just set up the meals packed back from the hotel.


Continued from the next part:

He found that he wanted to cling to his wife more and more, but his wife didn't seem to be so clingy to him, what should he do?

If it is invaded and deleted