
At the beginning, he was kind enough to tutor her homework, but she coveted his beauty? Wrong, it was he who coveted her beauty

author:Sunshine sheets
At the beginning, he was kind enough to tutor her homework, but she coveted his beauty? Wrong, it was he who coveted her beauty

The picture comes from the Internet

Today is the last day of training for new employees.

There is one more item to unlock.

As soon as Lu Si got up in the morning, he took out a pen and paper to calculate his cumulative score for the month.

Looking at the final total score, she was secretly happy in her heart.

As long as today's project is played properly, she has a good chance of winning the first prize.

Closing the notebook, she hummed a little song and went to the bathroom to wash up.

It was rare to see her showing such a relaxed look, Xu Zhan leaned against the door, smiling.

"Dreaming of a handsome guy?"

One sentence succeeded in bringing Luthley to the ground.

"It's not!"

She spit out the toothpaste bubbles in her mouth and shook her head in a panic.

I even coughed because I was too anxious to vomit.

Seeing this, Xu Qing immediately stepped forward and patted her on the back.

Tsk, her sister-in-law is so innocent, what will she do if she falls into the hands of her cousin in the future?

Xu Qing drooped his head and sighed lightly.

Thinking she was worried about herself, Lu Si comforted her and said, "I'm fine." ”

"By the way, I just calculated my score, I think I might win the first prize."

Looking at her eyes as bright as stars at night, Xu Qing swallowed and swallowed when he came to his mouth, and finally barely showed a smile.

"Sister-in-law, come on!"


"No, Sisi, come on!"

Xu Qing, who almost said that he had leaked his mouth, fled and sat down on the swing outside.

She took out her phone and quickly reported to her cousin.

"Sister-in-law seems to be looking forward to that award, are you sure you're not lying?"

She had already inquired that the group had never set up incentives for the training of new employees.

On the first day of gathering, when she listened to HR's passionate introduction to the rules of point rewards, she didn't believe it at all.

But the innocent Sisi, every few days, you have to calculate your cumulative score.

Such an innocent man is about to fall into the mouth of the big bad wolf, alas, evil!

Soon, Xu Xinghai's phone called.

"You don't know who I am, I Xu Xinghai has always been a promiser. Say it and do it. ”

The quality of the mobile phone is good, and people who are hundreds of miles away are like hearing it.

His stinky fart appearance made Xu Qing speechless, "You'd better be." ”

Then he hung up the phone neatly.

"Of course I am."

She stared dumbfounded at the black-screen phone for a moment before realizing that the sound was coming from behind.


Xu Xinghai motioned for her to whisper, but Xu Qing took the opportunity to show a fox-like sly smile, and then palms up.

"Hush money."

"One hundred thousand!"

Xu Xinghai: ......

He slowly opened the mobile phone transfer interface, entered a string of numbers, and then entered the password, and sent it.

Then he lazily said, "Buyout price." ”

The mobile phone vibrate, and Xu Qing opened it and saw a prompt text message for the arrival of the account.

Counted the strings of numbers, ten, hundred, thousand, thousand, million, million......

Her eyes were straight, she swallowed, and looked up at her cousin, "When will the buyout be?" ”

Xu Xinghai's eyebrows were slightly raised, and his thin lips opened lightly: "After the wedding." ”

Xu Qing couldn't help pinching his fingers.

How long does it take for two strangers to get married?

Is it a good deal?

Forget it, with her understanding of her cousin's black belly, she must be going to fall soon.

Alas, chokehold, deplorable.

But this money and... It smells so good!

"By the way, what about Brother Xu Jiang?"

Xu Qing, who jumped out of the eyes of the money, realized that the person who was thinking about it day and night did not come today.

Xu Xinghai's dark eyes glanced at her, and said lightly: "The company has something to deal with from him." ”

In fact, since the last time Xu Qing called him "Brother Xu Jiang" in public, Xu Jiang has been very resistant to seeing her.

even took the initiative to tell Xu Xinghai this morning that he wanted to change seats.

People who have always been forbearant and never took the initiative to make requests were forced to do this, and Xu Xinghai also admired his cousin.

Xu Qing's face was a visible loss.

"Qingqing, I told you a long time ago that Xu Jiang doesn't like you, don't bother him."

She insisted on coming to the company to be his assistant for Xu Jiang, and asked to sit opposite Xu Jiang by name.

What did she say then?

"He just doesn't know me now, and once he does, he'll definitely like me. ”

The only little princess of the Xu family, a little girl who has been pampered since she was a child, is ashamed to think that anyone will be fascinated by her pomegranate skirt.

Apricot eyes were covered with layers of mist, she pinned her face to the side, the knuckles of her fingers grasping the swing rope turned white, and her voice trembled slightly.

"It's only been a month."

Xu Xinghai saw her like this, and couldn't bear to persuade her anymore, so he let her go.

Anyway, he knows Xu Jiang's personality better than anyone else.


After breakfast, everyone gathered on the beach.

HR stood on a high place with a megaphone, and his excitement was palpable. Although everyone was confused about her excitement.

"Comrades, today is the last day of our training, and everyone must be very reluctant!"

The sluggish young man below snickered awkwardly, reluctant to see hell.

They can't wait to pack up their things and go home for a good night's sleep.

But HR is immersed in his own pink bubble world, and the more he talks, the more excited he becomes.

"In order to show the importance of the new employee training program, the company specially sent the president to the scene!"

Swallowing her saliva, she continued: "In other words, Mr. Xu will participate in the project with everyone today! ”

After joining the company for three years, this is the first time she has had such close contact with the president! It's exciting to think about!

But the reaction of the new employees was very different.

Most of them are this year's management trainees, except for Lu Si and Xu Qing, everyone thinks that the president of Xu's Group must be a bad old man.

Wang Yang of the marketing department is a conspicuous bag, and he complained loudly: "Who wants to be in a group with the old man, it's a drag!" ”

The others burst into laughter when they heard this, "That's it!" ”

"Who said the old man was a drag?"

"Our Xu Group has always only looked at ability, not age."

A clear voice came from the side.

Everyone looked at the comer.

Xu Xinghai didn't know when he changed into an all-white sportswear and stood in front of everyone.

Even if it is a monotonous sportswear, it is particularly expensive to wear on him.

Several girls around Lu Si covered their mouths in surprise, this... Could this be Mr. Xu?

No, no one told them he was so handsome!

Only Lu Si and Xu Qing behaved calmly.

"Sisi, do you think the president is handsome today?"

Xu Qing stood on tiptoe and whispered in her ear.

Lu Si, who was originally concentrating on who to team up with today, heard this question and whispered "ah".

"Also... It's handsome. ”

She suddenly remembered how he took off his suit jacket in front of her on the first day of employment.

At that time, the absurd image of the president wearing casual clothes popped into her mind.

Sure enough, today I saw him wearing sportswear, exactly like what he imagined.

"Oh my God, Sisi, why are you red? You say, do you have an idea for the president? ”

Just received the money in the morning, and Xu Qing's positioning of his assists became clearer and clearer.

She has been thinking about how to "give back" to her cousin, and when she seized the opportunity, she brainwashed Lu Si.

And Lu Si was almost frightened when he heard this, and immediately covered her mouth.

"I... I didn't! ”

The Xu family is a wealthy family, what is their identity? Even Mother Xu dislikes herself, how dare she think about the Xu family.

Xu Xinghai stood beside HR with his hands in his hands, his eyes swept over the new employees below one by one, and finally fixed on the delicate little girl.

She wears a ponytail today, a baseball cap, and the same white tracksuit as him.

The face is not powdered, and the face is like a peach blossom.

He suddenly remembered that when he played basketball with Xu Xiangdi in college, she stood aside and shouted cheers.

He always thought it would be nice if she was cheering herself on.

"Now let's start grouping, please four of you put it together by yourself!"

With the order of HR, there was a crowd of people below.

"Mr. Xu, which group do you think you joined?" HR asked softly with a smile on his face.

Xu Xinghai, who had been staring at a certain place and saw the boy named Wang Yang running over to offer his courtesy, squinted his eyes playfully.

He pointed in a loose tone, as if he didn't care, "That group." ”

He can see it clearly, Lu Si, Xu Qing, Wang Yang.

Just one person missing.

After Xu Xinghai joined, the atmosphere in the group was a little awkward.

Because of the unintentional complaint just now, Wang Yang's face was blue and white at the moment, and it felt very uncomfortable to be slapped in the face.

He rubbed his palms and asked Xu Xinghai with a dry smile: "Mr. Xu, where do you think we start searching first?" ”

The rules of this project are simple, the team that searches for the most items with the logo of Hui's Group within 2 hours wins, and each team member adds 10 points.

The resort is huge, and where to start can be a real challenge.

Throwing such a difficult question to the president, Xu Xinghai couldn't help but look at the energetic boy in front of him twice.

Have guts.

He glanced at the map of the resort that everyone had in hand, and looked down in thought.

In the shade of the trees, his face is in semi-shadow, and the side lines are neat and distinct, with a faint sense of alienation.

The breeze was blowing, and a faint woody fragrance wafted into the tip of Lu Si's nose.

Lu Si couldn't help but be stunned at this side face.

She was wrong.

It's not very handsome, it's very handsome.

His handsomeness is completely different from Xu Xiangdi.

Xu Xiangdi is handsome like a spring breeze, especially a pair of peach blossom eyes, showing gentleness, thoughtfulness and affection.

It's a pity that this affection is indiscriminate, for any girl.

And Xu Xinghai has a clear love and hate.

Thinking of this, she began to think about another question.

Which kind of Xu Xinghai is to her?

Probably not, no good or evil.

"Lu Si, let's go."

Wang Yang came to her side at some point, intending to take her hand and walk to the left.

"Ah, where to go?"

Oh no, she was wandering just now, and she didn't notice what they were saying!

"Mr. Xu said, considering that the resort is a circular design, it is best for the four of us to divide into two groups, one group to start the search from left to right, and the other group to search from right to left, outflank left and right, and finally meet at the end point."

Wang Yang enthusiastically recounted Mr. Xu's proposal. I have to say that the president's brain is good, why didn't he think of such a time-saving and labor-saving idea.


Lu Si, who was in a daze, subconsciously wanted to raise his feet and follow him.

Unexpectedly, Xu Qing slapped Wang Yang's back suddenly, "Handsome guy, I like you so much, why don't we go in a group!" ”

Regardless of whether Wang Yangtong disagrees or not, he dragged his head and left without looking back.

Walk a few meters away and give the two people behind you a wink.

Xu Xinghai raised his eyebrows, the money was well spent.


Xu Xinghai and Lu Si set off from the other side.

Looking at her serious search, Xu Xinghai lowered his head and chuckled.

It seems that he really wants to win.

"Ah, I found it!"

Lu Si raised the metal sign in his hand, on which was engraved the word "Xu".

I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and I just took two steps to find one.

She smiled widely.

Xu Xinghai sighed in his heart that the little girl was quite powerful.

In order not to fall behind, and to make the little girl happy, President Xu Da made full use of the advantages of height and hand length, and did not let go of any corner, even the trees and one-meter-high bushes were carefully inspected.

The hard work paid off, and he found 5 things alone.

Looking at the little girl's precious smile, he felt that the fingers scratched by the thorns were not so painful.

As long as she likes it.

"Mr. Xu, it's time soon, let's go back ......"


Before the words fell, Lu Si was caught off guard, and his whole body was about to fall to the ground, when suddenly, a pair of strong arms hugged her slender waist, and he was like an octopus, holding him firmly.

The woody scent strikes again.

His handsome angular face was close in front of him, and his masculine body was clinging to hers.

For a moment, she felt like she couldn't breathe.

Not only her, but Xu Xinghai also felt the same way.

His thin lips twitched up and down, and his sexy Adam's apple rolled with it.

"Are you alright?"

Lu Si's face was crimson, his long eyelashes trembled, and his breathing stagnant.

By the time I had reacted, it was already a matter of seconds.

"It's fine".

She said softly, and then scolded herself in her heart.

Lu Si, how did you do it, three times and twice!

Isn't it just a handsome guy, you are also an international student, and there are a lot of handsome guys you have seen since you were a child.

Please, you fight hard!

At this time, it was already very close to the two-hour appointment, and familiar faces walked back one after another, and when they passed by the two of them, they all showed surprised eyes.

Lu Si realized that the posture of the two was too ambiguous.

She let go of her grip on him, leaned to the side, and the two returned to a safe distance.

"I'm really fine, I can go."

Knowing that she was reckless because of suspicion, Xu Xinghai did not stop her, and put one hand behind her.


As a result, as soon as he took a step, Lu Si was covered with cold sweat in pain, couldn't straighten his waist, and almost fell to the ground again.

The empty hand hugged her firmly again.

"Luth, I have a way to get you back to the starting point quickly and painlessly."

His deep voice rang out above her.

Lu Si was curious, "What way?" ”

Could it be that Xu Xinghai will be boneless?

The next second, she realized that she was thinking too much.

He held her waist, half-squatted down, hit her horizontally, and picked her up steadily, and carefully adjusted his posture, not wanting her to feel the slightest discomfort.

His arms were clean and warm, his steps were steady, and his every move was full of pity.

"It doesn't hurt, does it?"

Lu Si only felt that his face was hot, and he couldn't tell whether it was shy or sunny.

She lowered her baseball cap, covered her face, and whispered back to him, "It doesn't hurt." ”

The man's long legs were also fast, and in a short time he was back in the shade of the starting point.

When HR saw it, he immediately stepped forward to offer condolences.

The little girl is well-behaved and obedient and hardworking, who doesn't like this kind of new colleague.

But Lu Si thanked them one by one, saying that he had no problem and didn't have to worry about her.

She didn't say this to pretend to be strong.

When she was studying alone in country M, she encountered many more difficult situations.

The most memorable time, she fainted in the snow with a high fever. Fortunately, a kind person sent her to the hospital, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Half an hour later, the game officially ended.

After HR counted the number of people and confirmed that everyone was present, they began to announce the rewards for this training.

She first announced the top five scores.

With a leg injury, Luth was a little skeptical that he would be able to score in the top five.

After all, the score of the last item is quite high.

But to her surprise, even if she was injured, her score was still far ahead of the others, and she was firmly in the first place!

Xu Qing looked at her surprised face, distressed and speechless.

"Baby, have faith in yourself."

After all, no one takes this game seriously except you.

After the score is announced, HR starts announcing the reward again.

In order to create a sense of suspense, it was deliberately announced from the fifth place.

The top four prizes are all painless prizes, such as a book signed by the president himself, a pen with the company logo, a customized canvas bag, and so on.

This led to a lot of anticipation for the prize of first place.

The dignified Hui's Group will not even be able to win the first prize......

"The prize for the first place is..."

Okay, HR, you know how to host.

As if she had lost her breath, she whetted everyone's appetite and gently put it down.

"Lunch with the president!"


Everyone's hanging hearts are finally dead.

Lu Si was confused, and Xu Qing was shocked.

Only Xu Xinghai showed a smile of unknown meaning.

He applauded as the crowd applauded, to himself and to Luth.

When Lu Si got into Mr. Xu's car in full view, Xu Qing scolded lightly.

Xu Xinghai, you TM are such a dog!

The most exclusive restaurant in Jiangcheng.

Lu Si and Xu Xinghai chose a position by the window and sat opposite each other.


The man asked with interest, with his long legs folded, lazily leaning back in a leather chair to read the menu.

When HR announced the first prize, his eyes changed from bright to dark, and he saw it clearly.

Jiang Cheng didn't know how many women lined up to ask him for dinner.

The little girl was not happy at all.

This made Mr. Xu, who had been proud for more than 20 years, unable to hold his face.

He stared at the menu but couldn't read a word, he just wanted to hear what the other party had to say.

"No... No! It's quite unexpected. ”


"Accidental... HR's arrangement is so ingenious. Bother, hehe. ”

She hated herself for not being as clever as Wang Yang, and she didn't know how to say pretty things.

can only be silly and cute.

Glancing at the other party, then inadvertently staggered again, grabbing the wine glass on the table casually to relieve the embarrassment, she took a sip of water.

Unexpectedly, the transparent liquid in the wine glass was not water, but champagne.

"Cough cough..."

Xu Xinghai immediately stood up, glanced at her with concern, and said softly, "Choking?" ”

Lu Siru was a panicked deer, blushing and nodded.

So Xu Xinghai stretched out his hand and beckoned the waiter.

"Please get this young lady a glass of warm water, thank you."

After drinking a few sips of warm water, Lu Si felt much better, but the flush on his face was still there.

"I was also surprised, I didn't expect it to be arranged like this."

Xu Xinghai touched his nose, his face was not red and his heart was not beating.

It's as if I forgot who personally called HR to designate the prize of the first prize.

His slender fingers tapped lightly on the table, and then a deep, sultry voice sounded.

"To make up for your wounded heart, I have decided to reduce your rent for half a year."

Faced with the sudden surprise, Lu Si's eyes widened in surprise.

She heard her right!

"Okay, that's it."

With that, he handed the menu to the waiter.

At noon, the restaurant was less crowded, and soon the food they ordered was delivered.

"You have studied in country M for many years, and you must be able to get used to their steak."

Xu Xinghai pushed a plate of excellent M9 medium-rare steak in front of her.

Lu Si was a little strange, how did he know that he had studied in country M for many years.

She put the steak in front of her, and shyly glanced at the elegant and noble man who was skillfully cutting the steak across from her.

In fact, she has never eaten steak in the four years she studied in country M.

The limited few opportunities to eat steak are still in Jiangcheng, and each time either her father cuts it for her, or Xu Xiangdi cuts it for her.

She had never cut a steak herself.

Looking back on the past, she was a little sad. But I can quickly adjust my mood again.

Dad is gone, and Xu Xiangdi has become a stranger.

She had to learn to cut her own steak and live on her own.

With his eyes lowered, staring at the neat and clean movements of the man opposite, Lu Si praised "elegant" in his heart, and then learned in style.

But the girl's hand strength is limited, and she cuts very hard.

It was so hard that the man on the other side couldn't stand it, and frowned slightly.

"I'll help you."

He got up and bent over, and took the porcelain-white plate with his long arms.

The knife rises and falls, and the clean and neat movements are as standard and efficient as a textbook.


Looking at the steak on the plate that had been cut into thin strips, Lu Si was a little embarrassed.

Mr. Xu cut steak for his subordinates.

No one believed it.

"Thank you." She blushed and whispered.

Silence spilled between the two.

But Ruth was grateful for the silence, which was enough to resist all embarrassment.

Xu Xinghai, who finished eating the steak first, wiped the corners of his mouth, and looked at the little girl who was chewing slowly opposite with deep eyes.

He could see that she had not had a good time in country M for four years.

He was tempted to ask why?

Didn't the Xu family claim to treat her as a daughter?

Xu Xiangdi, doesn't that guy love her very much?

But looking at her dodgy eyes, Xu Xinghai felt distressed.

Isn't it enough to explain that the sunny girl in my memory has become the timid and timid she is now?

The truth of the matter is that the Xu family treats her badly.

Xu Xiangdi empathized and said goodbye.

He clenched his glass tightly, his eyes suddenly cold.

Knowing this, he shouldn't have let go easily in the first place.

He put down the water glass, sat up slightly straight, leaned forward, the familiar woody fragrance came to his nose, and Lu Si couldn't help but sit upright.

I saw Xu Xinghai smiling slightly, his eyes full of unclear affection.

Lu Si was a little nervous, and she found that she was always easily nervous in the face of his gaze.

"Lu Si, do you remember, in fact, we met before?"

And more than once.

As soon as the words came out, Xu Xinghai found that his voice was actually a little trembling.

He smiled bitterly, and the president of the dignified Xu Group was actually scared.

If it was known by the reporters in Jiangcheng, I am afraid that my jaw would drop and make news overnight.

Lu Si didn't know why he asked, but he still politely wiped the corners of his mouth and put down his knife and fork.

She nodded, "Well, I remember. ”

In fact, on the way to the apartment that he rescued her on the day of renting, she remembered it.

"I remember. You talk to... Xu Xiangdi is a friend from high school to adulthood. You were in college and I was in high school. I often go to see you guys play basketball after class. ”

Xu Xiangdi is three years older than Lu Si, Lu Si is a freshman in high school, and Xu Xiangdi is already a sophomore.

He often plays with Xu Xinghai from different departments in the School of Finance.

And Lu Si, who has a crush on Xu Xiangdi, is always the first person in the class to pick up her schoolbag after class, and she will also pull the girls in the same class to rush to the Jiangda playground next door to cheer Xu Xiangdi.

"Oh, you remember. Then you should also remember that Xu Xiangdi and I are always on the right side, right? ”

A cool voice sounded above her head.

Lu Si's face was hot, and he raised his eyes to meet Xu Xinghai's smiling eyes, and his scalp tightened.

She didn't forget.

Maybe Xu Xinghai and Xu Xiangdi are both proud of the sky, and the two of them are among the best in Jiang University in terms of appearance, family background or study, and they can be described as the "courtyard grass" of the School of Finance.

The two of them are divided into different groups, which can not only balance the strength, but also arouse everyone's interest in watching.

As a result, Jiang University formed an unwritten rule.

As long as Xu Xinghai and Xu Xiangdi participate in the same competition, the two must be right.

As Xu Xiangdi's former fan sister, Lu Si only cheers for him every time.

Not only that, but she also applauded Xu Xinghai......

Dense memories came into his mind like seawater, and Lu Si's lips were dry, and his toes buckled in embarrassment.

"Remembered, huh?"

Lu Si's eyes widened, pretending to be innocent, "I was young and ignorant at that time, haha." ”

If you have a lot of adults, forgive the small ones!

Xu Xinghai glanced at her sharply, and the expression on his face seemed to say: I don't believe it!

Lu Si retracted his head like an ostrich and continued to pull the steak on his plate.

Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!

Xu Xinghai looked at the little girl who was stuffed with a mouthful of meat in a large piece, and couldn't help but lower her eyes and chuckle.

In fact, they didn't just meet on the pitch.

Some memories were forgotten by Lu Si, but they were carved into the depths of his memory by Xu Xinghai.

He clearly remembered that in his junior year, he once saw Lu Si with a sad face downstairs in the college.

Somehow, that day he came forward by a ghost.

"You're looking for Xu Xiangdi?"

Didn't Xu Xiangdi ask for leave today, why didn't he inform his sister?

Because of the "confrontations" on the court in the previous few times, Xu Xinghai's other teammates began to gossip about the relationship between Xu Xiangdi and Lu Si.

Xu Xiangdi smiled and said that Lu Si was his sister.

It's just that he didn't make it clear that this sister is not his own sister, just the sister next door.

When Lu Si heard the voice, he raised his eyes in panic, and saw that it was him, and he was nervous.

Xu Xinghai shook his head helplessly.

yes, I'm being treated as a bad guy.

He has always been lazy and nosy, and he didn't know what was wrong that day, and he was very patient.

He bent down, his gaze was level with the little girl's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were raised, "Xu Xiangdi is not here today, he has asked for leave." ”

"Ah, why didn't he tell me..."

"I want him to help me with my math homework."

The little girl, who was still heavily guarded, immediately drooped her shoulders when she heard this, and even her eyes dimmed.

As she turned to leave, Xu Xinghai stopped her.

He didn't know why he wanted to stop him, and his subconscious impulse startled even himself.

Looking at the little girl's blank eyes, Xu Xinghai scratched his head and took the initiative to invite, "If you don't dislike it, I can help you with your homework." ”

Lu Si didn't dislike it.

Compared to being criticized by the math teacher tomorrow, accepting the help of a handsome guy is simply a happy thing.


She bounced up to him.

"How many questions do I have in the assignment?"

Lu Si didn't know why, but obediently took out the homework book from his schoolbag and showed it to him.

Xu Xinghai, who had turned a few pages, frowned lightly and unfolded again.

"There are still a lot of topics."

"Let's go eat first, and I'll take you to the library when we're done."

Lu Si thought for two seconds and then nodded in agreement, she called her mother and said that she was eating out with her classmates at night, so she didn't have to wait for her.

Xu Xinghai looked at the little girl lying in front of him and admired it a little.

The face is not red and the heart is not beating, veteran.

At that time, he didn't know that Lu Si had lied countless times for Xu Xiangdi, but the final ending was embarrassing.

Xu Xinghai didn't expose her, so the two came to the second floor of the canteen silently and ordered two set meals.

As soon as I sat down, I met other roommates in the same dormitory.

"I'm going, we're in love with the academy of Finance??"

"Which department is this beauty, it's so beautiful!"

The lewd roommate managed to make the little girl look shy.

She glanced at Xu Xinghai, who was calm opposite, and sent him a distress signal.

Xu Xinghai ate slowly and methodically, chewing slowly.

Lu Si's face became redder and redder, and just when she thought he wouldn't save her, she heard a lukewarm word.

"In the last Ma Zhe class, Professor Su named him. I said none of the three of you were there. ”

"If you go after him now, maybe you can make a remedy."

Murotomo: ......

This was followed by the sound of head-to-head grabbing.

Lu Si smiled, "I didn't expect you to look cold, it's quite interesting." ”

After eating, Xu Xinghai took her to the library.

In order to prevent anyone from recognizing him, a location in the corner was deliberately chosen.

Lu Si took out his homework book and wrote. Writing to the third question will not be.

"I don't know that."

Her thin fingers tugged at his sleeve, and her tone was soft, like a coquette.

Xu Xinghai looked at her fixedly, and for the first time in his life, he became jealous of others.


Although the school said that he and Xu Xiangdi were tied to the double school grass of Jiang University, he didn't disdain this kind of ranking in his bones, and he didn't feel anything about Xu Xiangdi by the way.

It's just that the two happen to be high school classmates and both happen to love basketball, so when Xu Xiangdi suggested forming a team, he readily agreed.

But Xu Xiangdi, who he didn't feel, actually had a "sister" next door like Lu Si.

Jealousy made him unrecognizable.

What's the matter with my parents, why are their friends all born boys?

Why doesn't he have such a cute sister?!


Looking at his burning eyes, Lu Si was a little confused, she put one hand on her cheeks, carefully looked at his eyebrows, outline, and collarbone, and then said to Xu Xinghai: "I found that you are quite handsome, better looking than Xu Xiangdi." ”

Xu Xinghai, who was holding the pen, trembled slightly, and his hand uncontrollably drew a sinuous curve on the snow-white grass paper.

My heart skipped a half-beat.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow.

Little girl, you are so flirtatious, does Xu Xiangdi know?

Lu Si was confused by his vivid eyebrows, and for a moment he couldn't tell the difference between southeast and northwest.


Hearing the man's chuckle, she realized how out of bounds her behavior had just been.

People are kind enough to give you homework, but you covet their beauty.

Lusi, Lusi, you're just newborn!!

In the man's clear voice, she blushed and listened to the solution.

In this way, she did not finish all the problems until eight o'clock in the evening.

Xu Xinghai turned the pen in his hand and asked her how to go back.

The little girl put on her schoolbag and took it for granted, "Take a taxi back." ”

Xu Xinghai frowned as he looked at the night outside the window when it was pitch black and there were no stars.

"It's too late, it's not safe, I'll drive you."

A tone that cannot be denied.

Lu Si froze, then nodded, "Okay." ”

She thought that Xu Xinghai was wrong, and she should have wanted to take a taxi to send her.

Recently, there have been several news of women being murdered in taxis at night in Jiangcheng, and the other party may be worried about her personal safety, so they want to take a taxi with her and send her home.

But when he saw the sports car downstairs in the library, Lu Si was simply stunned.

She knew this license plate, and it was a car that her father had always wanted to change, but was reluctant to change because the price was too high.

Are Brother Xiang's classmates so rich?

Sitting in the co-pilot, Lu Si always felt unreal, and his feet seemed to be suspended.

The sports car still drove slowly around the campus, and when it left the school and entered the main road, it accelerated violently.

Looking at Lu Si's white hand that was clenched the seat belt, Xu Xinghai couldn't help but comfort her.

"Don't be afraid, it's not speeding."

When he stopped at a red light, he still couldn't help but add another sentence.

"I'm afraid that you will be scolded by your mother when you come home late, that's why you drive so fast."

Lu Si was suddenly ashamed, it turned out that when he was doing his homework, he saw the content of his chat with his mother.

He must have known about her lying...

Before the curfew time of the Lu family, Lu Si finally returned home.

"Brother, thank you for sending me home, goodbye!"

That night, nineteen-year-old Xu Xinghai suffered from insomnia, and he finally knew what it was like to feel the throbbing often described in literary and artistic works.

"Mr. Xu?"

Xu Xinghai was pulled back to reality by this voice of Mr. Xu.

Although Lu Si was also shy in the past, she was generally a cheerful and lively little girl.

But in front of her, she always showed timid eyes, and she was so quiet that it was distressing.

But in four years, she has changed so much.

Xu Xinghai couldn't help but clench his palms.

After the meal, the two walked out of the restaurant, and in order to cooperate with her injured foot, Xu Xinghai deliberately slowed down.

"I'm fine, I'm almost better after rubbing the medicine."

Seeing the caring eyes of others, Lu Si was a little embarrassed.

She always can't accept the care of others.

Her sense of worthiness has become very low in the last four years.


Xu Xinghai saw that she was uncomfortable, and looked away from her to look ahead. But he still walked to her right, and his steps were still slow.

"Shall we go back to the office in the afternoon?"

She didn't know if she would go back to the company in the afternoon, if she went back to the company, Xu Xinghai's car still had her luggage in the trunk, and she had to take the subway after she got it.

Thinking too much, Lu Si didn't notice that the man beside her had already stopped behind her, and she wanted to turn around, but the whole person fell to the right due to the unstable center of gravity.

Xu Xinghai quickly grabbed her soft waist.

The distance between the lips between the two is less than a finger.

Lu Si's face turned crimson, and the memories of the morning suddenly rushed into her mind.

looked up at Xu Xinghai, but saw that his eyebrows were bulging like a curved bridge.

Oh no, I don't think she did it on purpose.

It's really suspicious to keep it over and over again......

The imaginable impatience did not come, but he spoke softly.

"Beware, little girl~"

He couldn't guarantee that he would be right next to her every time.

The three words of the little girl made Lu Si stunned, and she suddenly remembered the past with Xu Xinghai, and in her memory he seemed to have called herself a little girl many times.

And their meeting place is not limited to the basketball court.

It's just that those memories have been sealed in the dust for a long time, and she has forgotten a little.

"I won't be going back to the company this afternoon, I'll send you home directly. Rest well and go back to work tomorrow. ”

His tone was full of unmistakable firmness.

As a worker, Lu Si is even more happy.

As soon as I buckled up my seatbelt, I heard a crisp ringing of my mobile phone.

Lu Si took out his mobile phone from his bag and saw that the caller ID was actually Grandma Xu.

Except for the previous Xu Xiangdi, Grandma Xu is the best person in the Xu family to her.

She hadn't entered the sanatorium before, and every time Lu Si went to Xu's house, Grandma Xu had to cook food for her by herself.

Grandma Xu often said to her, "Although your parents are gone, grandma treats you as her own granddaughter, and grandma wants to give you more love." ”

"Grandma wants to tell the world that we Sisi are the most beautiful and cutest girls."

But since her grandmother entered the nursing home, Xu's mother once tactfully told her that her grandmother's body needed to recuperate, and it was best to disturb her less.

Because of this, she hasn't spoken to Grandma Xu on the phone for a long time.

It's really strange, how could Grandma Xu take the initiative to call her.

Is there something urgent going on?

Xu Xinghai saw that she was staring at her phone and didn't answer for a long time, and looked at her with dark and deep eyes.

"It's okay if you don't want to take it. Refuse to make yourself unhappy, and no one will blame you. ”

He wanted to tell her to learn to love herself.

Lu Si didn't quite know what he was talking about, but it was clear that he had misunderstood his relationship with Grandma Xu.

"No, I didn't want to take it, it was just a little weird."

After that, swipe the word "connect" to the right.

"Grandma, I haven't seen you for a long time, why did you suddenly call me?"

On the other side, Grandma Xu's voice was much older, she looked at her attentive daughter-in-law and worried grandson standing in front of her, and she was a little confused.

Obviously, Sisi and his grandson are a couple, but why did the grandson suddenly want to marry the daughter of the Liang family.

The daughter-in-law explained it to her, but she still didn't understand.

Thinking that Sisi couldn't become the daughter-in-law of the Xu family, Grandma Xu's eyes turned red.

"Sisi, grandma misses you!"

The long-lost voice also made Lu Si's eyes moist.

"Grandma, me too, I..."

She just wanted to say that she would go to see Grandma Xu next week, but when she thought of her current relationship with the Xu family, she couldn't say it.

She is not qualified to visit Grandma Xu, and I am afraid that the Xu family will not allow her to go.

The sound of choking sounded in the carriage, and Xu Xinghai handed her a tissue.

Lu Si wiped the tail of his eyes and said "thank you" silently.

Mother Xu was very dissatisfied with Grandma Xu's grinding, and seeing that the conversation between the two was delayed and couldn't get to the point, she snatched the phone from Grandma Xu's hand and pressed the speakerphone.

"Sisi, hello, it just so happens that Auntie and Xiang Di are also in the sanatorium today. There is good news that you may already know, that is, Xiang Di and Liang will be engaged next month, and Auntie wants to invite you to participate. ”

Xu Mu's sudden interjection caught Lu Si off guard.

thought that deleting the contact information of Xu Xiangdi and Xu's mother would get rid of that message.

Unexpectedly, she received the boomerang of fate in this way.

The white knuckles clenched the seat belt.


The blood on her face faded, and her eyes lost focus.

If even he didn't cherish their ten years, then she didn't need to cherish them.

She said yes.

Xu Xiangdi just wanted to ask where Lu Si had moved now, but the phone was decisively hung up by Xu's mother.

She breathed a sigh of relief, not worrying that others would point fingers at her.

Looking at her son with a gloomy face, Mother Xu reminded him, "Less than a month before the engagement, you must cheer up and never slack off." ”

She would never allow anyone to ruin the engagement.

Xu Xiangdi turned around like a walking corpse and walked out.

What else can he do but obey his mother's arrangement.

And Xu's mother then left the sanatorium, leaving Grandma Xu alone in the room at a loss.


The car was speeding on the road, and Lu Si couldn't help but remind Xu Xinghai when he looked at the faster and faster speed.

"It's too fast, safety first."

Xu Xinghai glanced at her silently, and then lowered the speed of the car.

I didn't say a word to her the whole time.

Lu Si was already holding a breath in his heart, and seeing him like this made him even more angry.

Unpredictable man.

Soon, the car stopped under Luth's apartment.

Lu Si unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car directly, she opened the trunk, but the suitcase was already carried down by Xu Xinghai in the next second.

"I'll go with you next month."


Xu Xinghai pursed his thin lips, "Xu Xiangdi's engagement banquet, I'll go with you next month." ”

Lu Si's face was hot.

Sure enough, he heard it all.

Lu Si opened his mouth, but when he saw that he had already opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, he was embarrassed to refuse.


Xu Xinghai sat in the car and watched the girl enter the elevator before lowering the window.

Recalling the scene where the little girl's eyes were red at the end of the car and she shed tears for other men, he was very angry.

I lit a cigarette and exhaled heavily, feeling more comfortable.

In that case, you can only plan ahead.


Continued from the next part:

He swore to protect the girl for the rest of his life since he was sensible, and he treacherously lost her.

If it is invaded and deleted