
In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

author:Jiazi unwinded
In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution


"As long as you tell the whereabouts of the Communist Party, I will let you go, you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your daughter!"

"Phew, dog traitor, revolutionaries are never afraid of death, if you want to kill or chop you up!"

On November 17, 1941, Liu Huixin held the one-year-old baby girl in her arms and walked firmly to the execution platform. Her body was covered with scars, and the heavy shackles on her feet made it difficult for her to walk every step, just as she did on the road of revolution.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

But there was no fear in her eyes, the revolution required sacrifice, and if her death could lead to the victory of the revolution, then she had no complaints or regrets.

The enemy also wanted to threaten her with her daughter and extract information from her. Liu Huixin glanced down at her daughter in her arms, then threw her into the grass on the side of the road, and resolutely walked to the center of the execution ground, and with a gunshot, Liu Huixin fell in a pool of blood.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

Abandon the pen and follow the Rong and firmly revolutionize

Liu Huixin was born in a scholarly family, her grandfather was a talent in the Qing Dynasty, and her father was a top student at a prestigious university. After graduating from Nanjing Girls' High School, Liu Huixin was admitted to the School of Engineering of Nanjing Central University to study mechanical engineering.

Liu Huixin understood that if she wanted to revitalize China, she had to develop industry and study mechanical engineering, which also satisfied her wish to save the country through industry. During her school years, Liu Huixin worked very hard, getting up before dawn every day to study, and was one of the best students in science and engineering.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

At that time, students were the main force of the revolution, and the enthusiasm of the student movement was unprecedentedly high, and Liu Huixin was also infected by this atmosphere and participated in the 129th Patriotic Movement. At that time, there were not a few people who abandoned their pen and followed Rong, and Liu Huixin also realized that reading could not wake up the present, so she chose revolution.

She joined the Rural Work Service Corps under the leadership of the Communist Party and went to the countryside to publicize the anti-Japanese work to the masses. She went deep into the fields, workshops and factories to propagate the anti-Japanese spirit to the workers and peasants.

The cause of the revolution was very difficult, but she never thought of giving up, and if her own strength was weak, then she would use her weak strength to awaken more people.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

After the fall of Nanjing, Liu Huixin and others were arranged by their superiors to study in the party training class in Qiliping, Huang'an County, and since then, she has a further understanding of communism. In addition to being more determined to the cause of the revolution, Liu Huixin also gained love.

She and Ma Zhitu fell in love and became husband and wife under the arrangement of the organization. The union of the two is, first, because of love, and second, to facilitate the work of the special commission organs. It can be said that both of them dedicated their lives to the revolution.

Everyone may be a little unfamiliar with Ma Zhitu, but if you talk about "Let the Bullets Fly", everyone must know that this film is based on Ma Zhitu's novel "Ten Tales of the Night".

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

Ma Zhitu's original name was Ma Qianmu, and the name Ma Zhitu was changed after he joined the Communist Party. Ma Shitu's family is well-off, so in the enlightenment stage, his father found him a teacher. It's just that the teacher is an old-fashioned teacher, and most of the teaching is rote memorization.

Ma's father felt that this teacher was not suitable, so he changed him to a new teacher. This teacher graduated from the Department of Education of Southeast University and has very advanced thinking.

It's just that Ma's father thinks that boys should not grow up under the protection of their parents, and it is difficult to grow up in a too comfortable environment. So he "kicked out" his son from the house and left him to study alone.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

After getting to know Liu Huixin, Ma Zhitu was quickly attracted to this cheerful and positive girl, and especially liked Liu Huixin's singing. They have considerable knowledge and common ideals, and are both like-minded partners and ideal lovers.

Although Liu Huixin and Ma Zhitu have become husband and wife, they have not been together for a long time, and it can be said that they get together less and leave more.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

After Ma Shitu secretly joined the party, he went underground under the leadership of Qian Ying, which meant that he had to cut off contact with all relatives and friends around him, including his wife Liu Huixin.

After Liu Huixin learned about this incident, she was not sad or puzzled. He understood his husband's choice, because for them the revolution was far more important than personal feelings.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

Betrayed by spies, he would rather die than give in

Liu Huixin also devoted herself to the revolutionary work, and in order to disseminate revolutionary ideas, she compiled a lot of popular reading materials and used simple and easy-to-understand language to propagate revolutionary ideas.

Even when she was pregnant, she never stopped, but held her pregnant belly and traveled to every remote village to promote the truth of anti-Japanese resistance. The comrades felt sorry for her and advised her to rest and pay attention to her body.

However, Liu Huixin always felt that she could do more for the revolution now, and if she was unfortunately arrested one day, she would not be able to do what she wanted to.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

After her daughter was born, Liu Huixin did not have time to accompany her daughter, but hurriedly returned to work, comrades wanted her to go home to rest, who knew that her belief was so firm that she couldn't get rid of it.

In 1941, Liu Huixin was betrayed by traitors and unfortunately arrested by the Kuomintang.

But she couldn't let the secret documents of the Communist Party fall into the hands of the Kuomintang, so she did not choose to flee at the first time, but to deal with the relevant documents as quickly as possible.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

Just after the last document was burned, the Kuomintang broke in, and they arrested Liu Huixin's mother and daughter in prison without finding anything valuable.

In prison, they tortured Liu Huixin, hoping that she would confess useful information and avoid the pain of flesh and skin. But Liu Huixin gritted her teeth and didn't say a word.

The Kuomintang had no choice but to threaten Liu Huixin's daughter. Looking at her daughter who was born not long ago, Liu Huixin felt infinitely sad in her heart, she knew that she would not be able to accompany her daughter to grow up.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

Even in this case, Liu Huixin did not reveal a word. The enemy couldn't bear it anymore, and moved on her again, even if Liu Huixin didn't have a good skin and flesh on her body, she still had firm eyes and didn't say a word.

During her days in prison, in addition to taking care of her daughter and being tortured every day, she did not stop the propaganda of anti-Japanese work, and even wrote everything in the prison on a note, trying her best to pass on the information, hoping that the organization could receive it.

The enemy did not intend to let Liu Huixin go, nor would she die easily, they tortured her in every way, hoping that she could tell the secrets of the Communist Party, while Liu Huixin used her life to defend the revolution and the Communist Party.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, the enemy decided to execute Liu Huixin. On the day of the execution, the weather was very cold, but her heart and blood were hot, and she firmly believed that her sacrifice would not be meaningless, and she firmly believed that the revolution would be victorious.

Liu Huixin hugged her daughter and walked to the execution ground step by step, until the last moment, she was thinking about how to protect her daughter, and she threw her daughter into the grass.

If she is lucky, her daughter will be saved; If she is unlucky, then she can only be sorry for her daughter. After a few gunshots, Liu Huixin's life was forever frozen at the age of 26.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

The daughter was rescued, and the father searched for 20 years

The news of Comrade Liu Huixin's sacrifice reached Ma Shitu's ears, and he was filled with grief for a while. But he knew that from the moment they joined the party, their lives were not up to them, and they were ready to sacrifice, but Ma Zhitu was most worried about his daughter.

Ma Zhitu has always had an idea in his heart, that is, his daughter must still be alive, and he must find her, and this search is twenty years.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

Fortunately, his daughter was lucky, and the villagers in the audience couldn't help but admire her perseverance when they watched Liu Huixin standing at the execution ground, and a woman was also moved by her, and after the crowd dispersed, she saved Liu Huixin's daughter.

It's just that because she can't afford to raise it, she gave the child to a worker couple in the village, who have never had a child of their own, so they are very happy about the arrival of this daughter. They named the child "Wu Cuilan" and taught the child carefully.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

Wu Cuilan's adoptive parents would tell her about Liu Huixin's heroic deeds, and under the influence of her mother, Wu Cuilan set up the ideal of serving the country from below.

She studied hard, and with excellent results, she was admitted to the Beijing Institute of Technology to study mechanical engineering. At this moment, her fate coincided with that of her mother.

After graduating from university, Wu Cuilan entered the Engineering Research Institute to work, and then made great contributions to the mainland's aerospace industry.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

At the same time, Ma Shitu is still looking for his daughter's whereabouts.

It wasn't until 1960 that he got news of his daughter, and when he looked at Wu Cuilan in the photo, he seemed to see Liu Huixin at the beginning.

On the day they met, both of them looked a little excited and nervous, and when Wu Cuilan appeared at the door, Ma Zhitu was sure that this was his daughter.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

Wu Cuilan looked at Ma Zhitu and silently left tears, she called "Dad" excitedly, and the two just hugged each other. This moment, both of them have been waiting for 20 years.

Ma Shitu is very grateful to the working couple, without them, he may not see his daughter today, so he did not change her surname back to "Ma", but kept her name "Wu Cuilan".

Wu Cuilan fulfilled her mother's ideal, serving the country with industry, which may not be possible in wartime, but in today's era, it is very important.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution

After the sacrifice of Comrade Liu Huixin, our party was extremely sad and held a memorial service for Comrade Liu Huixin on June 13, 1942.

In 1952, the bones of martyr Liu Huixin were relocated and buried in the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery of Wufeng Mountain in Enshi. In 2003, he was buried again in Fangjiaba, a northern suburb of Enshi City.

In 41, Liu Huixin carried her 1-year-old daughter to the execution ground, and saved her daughter's life with a move before the execution


The victory of the revolution was brought about by the blood of countless martyrs. Even at the moment of life and death, they still gritted their teeth and never did anything that was unfavorable to the party and the revolution.

We remember the hero Liu Huixin, who was both an excellent warrior and a qualified mother, because at the most critical moment, she used her weak body to protect her daughter's life.

It is precisely because of the succession of our ancestors and the death of countless revolutionaries that we have a happy and stable life in today's society. Let us pay tribute to the martyrs.

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