
Liu Hui gave a lecture on the "July 1st" party class for the party members and cadres in the whole region, strengthened the construction of grassroots organizations, practiced the requirements of good work and good success, and contributed to the writing of a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Wuqing

author:Beautiful Wuqing official number
Liu Hui gave a lecture on the "July 1st" party class for the party members and cadres in the whole region, strengthened the construction of grassroots organizations, practiced the requirements of good work and good success, and contributed to the writing of a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Wuqing

On the morning of July 1, Liu Hui, secretary of the Wuqing District Party Committee, focused on the in-depth implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Tianjin, fully implemented the city's party building to lead the grassroots governance action, and focused on the theme of "strengthening the construction of grassroots organizations, practicing the requirements of good work and good success, and contributing to the writing of a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Wuqing". Xu Yingwu, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presided over the meeting, Gao Pingwu, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Fang Jingbiao, chairman of the district CPPCC, and Wang Yong, deputy secretary of the district party committee, attended.

Liu Hui pointed out that over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has insisted on strengthening the foundation, focusing on the grassroots, consolidating the basic unit of the party's organizational system, and building a strong fighting fortress for fulfilling the party's tasks, thus laying a solid organizational foundation for our party's continuous development and growth and from victory to victory. In the new era, grassroots party building has a great responsibility and a glorious mission, and it is necessary to be good at learning from and using the valuable experience and practices formed over the past century, but also to combine the characteristics of the times and the needs of the people to innovate the work methods of grassroots party building, improve the quality and efficiency of grassroots party building, and gather majestic forces to promote Chinese-style modernization.

Liu Hui emphasized that it is necessary to improve the political position, deeply study the important ideas of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party building, deeply understand the importance of grassroots party building from the three dimensions of political significance, historical development and practical needs, and constantly enhance the political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness of grassroots party building. It is necessary to deeply understand that doing a good job in grassroots party building is a strategic measure to consolidate the party's ruling foundation, deeply understand that grassroots organizations are the organizational support of the party's entire system, the work support for the implementation of the party's tasks, and the bridge support for the party to connect with the masses, further improve the party's organizational system, and continue to expand the effective coverage of the party's organization and work. It is necessary to profoundly understand that doing a good job in grassroots party building is an effective way to promote the success of the party's cause, and deeply understand that the process of strengthening and improving the building of the party's grassroots organizations has always run through the 100-year development process of the Communist Party of China, and is an important experience for our party to continue to grow and develop and achieve success in its cause. It is necessary to deeply understand that doing a good job in grassroots party building is an important guarantee for promoting the long-term stable development of society, and deeply understand that doing a good job in the construction of grassroots organizations is a strong support for promoting high-quality economic development, an effective way to implement the rural revitalization strategy, and a necessary condition for improving the efficiency of grassroots governance.

Liu Hui stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously benchmark against the table, accurately grasp the various regulations and requirements of grassroots party building, closely integrate with the actual situation in Wuqing, and do a good job of implementing them to the letter. It is necessary to deeply understand the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Municipal Party Committee on grassroots party building, establish a clear orientation of grasping the grassroots and the foundation, adhere to party building to lead grassroots governance, and make every effort to promote grassroots party building to a higher level. It is necessary to conscientiously study the laws and regulations on grassroots party building, learn to understand and understand the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on the Work of Rural Grassroots Organizations", "Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China and State Organs", "Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of the Communist Party of China in Ordinary Colleges and Universities" and other work regulations, and strictly implement the "Standardization System of Effective Rural Grassroots Governance in Wuqing District", "Work Guidance on Establishing an Organizational System with Party Organizations as the Axis at the Village Level", "Work Guidance on Weaving a Dense and Strong Community Governance Organization System" and other system regulations. Do know what it is and know why it is true, and effectively transform the learning effect into real work results.

Liu Hui emphasized that it is necessary to face the actual performance, deeply reflect on the problems of grassroots party building in our district, and make every effort to rectify the problems. It is necessary to work hard to strengthen the political construction of grassroots party organizations, promote party members and cadres to continuously strengthen their awareness of the overall situation and the spirit of responsibility, perform their duties and responsibilities in the overall situation of the service center and promote high-quality development, and reflect their loyalty to the party. It is necessary to work hard to enhance the vanguard and exemplary consciousness of party members, deeply practice the "Fengqiao experience" and "Pujiang experience" in the new era, implement the "four grassroots level" system, and make good use of mechanisms such as monthly visits by leading cadres and the 12345 government affairs hotline, so as to confidently promote the solution of the problem of infringing on the interests of the masses and improve the people's sense of gain, happiness and security. It is necessary to work hard to strengthen the education and management of party members and cadres, strictly implement the organizational systems such as "three meetings and one lesson", organizational life meetings, and democratic evaluation of party members, and control the "entrance gate" of party members with a sense of responsibility and standard awareness, strengthen the management of "eight hours away", and educate and guide party members and cadres to understand discipline and abide by the rules. It is necessary to work hard to improve the coverage of the organization and the quality of party building, constantly improve the working mechanism for the contact and guidance between party organizations and other grassroots organizations, thoroughly study and rectify the marginalization of party organizations, and ensure that the party's overall leadership is implemented.

Liu Hui emphasized that it is necessary to promote the comprehensive improvement of the quality and efficiency of grassroots party building, focus on key points, innovate ways and methods, implement precise policies, do good work, and continuously improve the level of grassroots party building, so as to provide a strong guarantee for shouldering the responsibility and mission of accelerating the construction of "Beijing-Tianjin Pearl and Happy Wuqing". It is necessary to stress loyalty, take political construction as the guide, continue to study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on party building, deeply understand the scientific connotation and viewpoints and methods of the "Thirteen Insistences", strengthen loyalty to the party, theoretical arming, and political responsibility, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics and action, and move forward in the right direction. It is necessary to stress compliance with regulations, take the leadership of party building as the starting point, further weave a dense organizational system, improve the quality of party building, improve the organizational operation mechanism, focus on the five major areas of rural areas, communities, institutions, state-owned enterprises, and "two enterprises and three new", and continuously expand the party's organizational coverage and work coverage, so that the grassroots party organizations can truly become the "backbone" of all parties, and promote the comprehensive excellence of the grassroots party organizations. It is necessary to take responsibility, take party members and cadres as the key, promote cadres to actively learn advanced concepts and experience practices from advanced regions, learn professional knowledge such as industrial development, rural revitalization, economy and finance, planning and construction, and conduct investigation and research, and deeply practice the "front-line work method", so that party members and cadres can strengthen their responsibilities, improve their abilities, improve their work style, and unite the strong joint force of entrepreneurship in promoting the implementation of established goals and tasks. It is necessary to stress responsibility, driven by the implementation of responsibility, and promote party committees (party groups) at all levels to shoulder the main responsibility, and the "top leaders" at all levels should conscientiously fulfill the responsibilities of the first responsible person, and play the role of "head goose" with "one shoulder", and under the overall guidance of the leading group for party building work of the district committee and the close cooperation of all units, we should coordinate the work of grassroots party building and grassroots burden reduction, and promote the implementation of established tasks. It is necessary to stress discipline, take iron discipline as the guarantee, take the study and education of party discipline as an opportunity, continue to strengthen the study of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", combine job responsibilities and actual work, and constantly deepen the understanding and application of the "Regulations", enhance the high consciousness of abiding by rules and disciplines, and promote the in-depth development of party governance.

The meeting was held via video conference. District-level leading comrades, Beijing-Tianjin New Industrial City Management Committee, "one city, one belt, one business district" three special work headquarters and financial work, political ecological construction, "happy Wuqing" evaluation system, resolution of historical problems of the four work teams related to the responsible comrades, the district departments, relevant units in the district, the district's state-owned enterprises, the main responsible comrades of the town and street parks attended the meeting at the main venue. Other members of the leadership team of each town and street, cadres of the "two committees" of each village, and full-time cadres of the "two committees" of the community attended the meeting at the video branch venue.

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