
The mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, so she asked her daughter-in-law to work during the day and accompany her at night

author:Late life

In the early morning, before the first rays of sunlight fully shone into the bedroom, Li Xiaomei was awakened by the alarm clock of her mobile phone. She rubbed her heavy eyelids, glanced at her husband Zhang Wei, who was still sleeping beside her, and got up from the bed lightly. After washing, she hurriedly prepared breakfast, and did not forget to call her mother-in-law Liu Guifang to inquire about her physical condition.

"Mom, how are you feeling today?" Li Xiaomei's voice was gentle and concerning.

On the other end of the phone, Liu Guifang's voice was a little weak: "Xiaomei, I'm a little dizzy today, maybe my blood pressure is high again." ”

"I'll be over to see you right after work." Li Xiaomei hung up the phone, and couldn't help but worry.

Zhang Wei yawned at the dining table, while flipping through the news on his mobile phone, he said casually: "Don't forget to go to the hospital at night to accompany you, my mother needs someone to take care of me." ”

The mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, so she asked her daughter-in-law to work during the day and accompany her at night

Li Xiaomei nodded, but she was a little unhappy in her heart, but she didn't show it. She knew that her mother-in-law's illness was a major event and needed to be taken care of, but the life of working during the day and accompanying her at night for several days in a row had made her feel overwhelmed. In the dead of night, when there was only the ticking of instruments and the occasional cough in the hospital, Li Xiaomei always leaned back in a chair in the ward, trying to seize the short break. Her eyelids were heavy as if they were being crushed by lead, but she knew she couldn't sleep because her mother-in-law might need her at any moment.

As the days passed, Li Xiaomei's fatigue became more and more serious. Every morning, she would see dark circles under her eyes in front of the mirror, and her skin would lose its former luster. The pressure at work has not been reduced, the expectations of the leaders are as high as ever, and the busy figures of her colleagues remind her that she cannot slack off in the slightest.

One night, when she dragged her tired body into the ward again, Zhang Wei's call came: "Xiaomei, I'm working overtime, I may go back later tonight, you can stay with your mother in the hospital more." ”

The mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, so she asked her daughter-in-law to work during the day and accompany her at night

Zhang Wei's voice on the phone was calm and natural, and he didn't seem to realize his wife's hard work. Li Xiaomei's hand holding the phone trembled slightly, she took a deep breath, trying to calm her emotions: "Wei, do you know that I haven't had a good rest for several days?" I'm not iron-clad and I need a break. ”

"I know, I know, but you also know Mom's situation, now is the time when you need someone." There was a hint of helplessness in Zhang Wei's tone.

"What about you? Can't you take a leave of absence? Why do I have to do everything alone? Li Xiaomei's voice began to rise, and she felt that her patience was wearing off little by little.

"Xiaomei, my current project is very critical, and I really can't take it away." Zhang Wei's voice was a little anxious, he didn't want to quarrel with his wife, but he couldn't give a satisfactory answer.

The silence on the other end of the phone made Zhang Wei feel uneasy, he knew that Li Xiaomei's burden was too heavy, but he couldn't change the status quo immediately. Li Xiaomei finally said weakly: "Okay, I'll be here." ”

The mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, so she asked her daughter-in-law to work during the day and accompany her at night

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiaomei leaned against the cold wall of the ward, tears rolling in her eyes. She looked at her mother-in-law sleeping soundly on the hospital bed, and her heart was full of mixed emotions. She loved this home and was willing to give everything for it, but at this moment, she felt lonely and helpless like never before.

The nights in the hospital are always extraordinarily long, and the moonlight outside the window shines through the thin curtains on the floor of the wards, creating dappled light and shadow. Li Xiaomei sat quietly on the chair next to the hospital bed, and her eyes fell on the serene face of her mother-in-law Liu Guifang from time to time. Despite her physical exhaustion, her mind kept rolling.

She remembered the days when she and Zhang Wei met and fell in love, how happy and carefree they were at that time. The sweet time after marriage seems to be just yesterday, but now, the pressure and responsibility of life seem to erode that sweetness little by little. She couldn't help but ask herself, is she not giving enough to her family? Is she not doing well enough?

At this moment, Zhang Wei hurried to the hospital, his face full of apologies: "Xiaomei, I'm sorry, I spoke too much just now." ”

Li Xiaomei raised her head, and the tears in her eyes were particularly bright in the dim ward: "Wei, it's not that I don't want to take care of my mother, but I'm really tired." Do you know? Sometimes I really want to have a shoulder to lean on. ”

Zhang Wei sat beside her and gently held her hand: "I know, it's all my fault that let you bear so much alone." ”

The mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, so she asked her daughter-in-law to work during the day and accompany her at night

The two sat like this, not talking again, but their hearts were closer than ever. Li Xiaomei leaned on Zhang Wei's shoulder, although she was still tired, the burden in her heart seemed to be lighter. She understands that no matter how difficult life is, as long as two people can support each other, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome. This night, she finally got a moment of peace in the company of her husband.

The sun of the second day brings new hope. Li Xiaomei made a cup of hot coffee in the company's water bar, trying to dispel the chill and exhaustion on her body. Her friend and colleague Zhao Li noticed the deep dark circles under her eyes and asked with concern, "Xiaomei, have you been too tired lately?" Do you want me to help? ”

Li Xiaomei smiled and shook her head: "Thank you, Li, but I have to come by myself." ”

However, Zhao Li did not give up, she was a man of action, and she took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the hospital instead of Li Xiaomei that afternoon. When Li Xiaomei received a call from Zhao Li, she was working on an urgent report.

"Xiaomei, don't worry, Auntie has me here." Zhao Li's voice was full of strength and confidence.

Li Xiaomei was so moved that she was almost speechless: "Li, thank you so much, but I can't always trouble you." ”

"Don't be stupid, we are friends, and it is right to help each other." Zhao Li replied with a smile.

That night, Li Xiaomei was finally able to go home early to rest. She lay on the bed, feeling the soft mattress and warm quilt, and her heart was full of gratitude. Zhao Li's help was like timely rain, letting her know that in this world, in addition to her family, there is also the support and understanding of her friends.

The mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, so she asked her daughter-in-law to work during the day and accompany her at night

At the same time, Zhang Wei is also reflecting on what he has done. He decided to adjust his work plan to share the family's responsibilities as much as possible. He knows that as a husband and son, he has an obligation to protect and care for the family. He began to plan how he could be better involved in family affairs without disrupting his work.

That night, Li Xiaomei slept exceptionally peacefully. She knows that despite the difficulties, as long as there is love and support, she is no longer alone. She believes that with such help, no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, she will have the courage and strength to face it.

As time passed, Li Xiaomei and Zhang Wei began to gradually find a new balance in their family life. Zhang Wei adjusted his working hours to try to ensure that he could go home a few nights a week to take care of her mother, which made Li Xiaomei feel much more relaxed. She has also learned to ask for help at work and no longer carry all the pressure on her shoulders.

One night, the two spent the night together in the hospital. The smell of disinfectant water filled the room, but the mood of the two was unusually peaceful. Zhang Wei whispered to Li Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, I have worked hard for you during this time, and I will be more involved in the future." ”

Li Xiaomei smiled and held his hand: "Let's work together, for Mom, and for our family." ”

At this moment, her mother-in-law Liu Guifang woke up and saw her son and daughter-in-law by her side, with a satisfied smile on her face: "You two are here, I feel much better." ”

The mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, so she asked her daughter-in-law to work during the day and accompany her at night

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and at that moment, all the tiredness and anxiety disappeared. They know that as long as their families are united, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

The days passed slowly, and Liu Guifang's condition also improved significantly. The doctor told her that she would be discharged soon. Li Xiaomei and Zhang Wei were both relieved when they heard the news, they knew that this was the result of their joint efforts.

Since then, Li Xiaomei and Zhang Wei have cherished each other's company and support even more. They understand that happiness in life comes not only from material satisfaction, but also from mutual understanding and support between family members. Their relationship has become stronger as a result, and they are full of hope and anticipation for the future.

Spring is quietly coming, and the season of revival brings new vitality. Mother-in-law Liu Guifang was finally discharged from the hospital, and the house was once again full of laughter. Li Xiaomei and Zhang Wei decided to hold a small family celebration to commemorate this extraordinary experience.

The living room is stocked with flowers and balloons, and the table is filled with delicious delicacies and cakes. Liu Guifang sat on the sofa, her face filled with joy after recovery. She looked at her busy son and daughter-in-law, and her heart was full of gratitude: "Thank you, my children, it's good to have you." ”

Li Xiaomei walked over and gently hugged her mother-in-law: "Mom, we are a family, this is what we should do." ”

Zhang Wei also joined in the hug: "Yes, Mom, we will always be together." ”

The mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, so she asked her daughter-in-law to work during the day and accompany her at night

Dinner began, and the three of them sat around sharing food and laughing. Zhang Wei raised his glass and toasted Li Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, you have worked hard during this time, thank you for your strength and dedication all the time." ”

Li Xiaomei's eyes were slightly red, and she replied: "Wei, it was you who gave me strength, and we went through the difficulties together." ”

After the meal, they reminisced together about the past few months, and every difficult moment turned into a precious memory. They understand that these experiences have brought them closer together as a family and have given them a deeper understanding and appreciation of life.

As night fell, the shadows of the three people were intertwined under the warm light. They know that there may be ups and downs in the days ahead, but as long as they have love in their hearts and each other's hands in their hands, nothing is impossible. The warmth of home is the best haven and the most solid backing for them.

In the days following the celebrations, the atmosphere at home remained warm and cheerful. Li Xiaomei and Zhang Wei sat on the balcony, enjoying the first rays of sunlight in the morning. With a hot cup of coffee in their hands, they talk about their future plans and dreams.

"Xiaomei, I think we can plan this year's vacation." Zhang Wei proposed.

"Well, I've always wanted to go to the beach and feel the sea breeze." Li Xiaomei's eyes flashed with anticipation.

The mother-in-law was sick and hospitalized, so she asked her daughter-in-law to work during the day and accompany her at night

"Then it's decided, let's go to the beach together." Zhang Wei responded with a smile.

Their conversations are filled with a vision of the future. After experiencing this series of challenges, they cherish each other's company and every moment they spend together. They know that happiness in life often comes from the accumulation of bits and pieces in the ordinary.

Liu Guifang is busy in the garden, her body has fully recovered and her spirit is extraordinarily full. She planted new flowers in the flower beds and looked forward to them thriving, just like her family.

"Mom, do you need help?" Li Xiaomei walked to the edge of the garden and asked.

"No need, you talk about yours, I'll get it." Liu Guifang replied with a smile.

Afternoons pass leisurely as the family shares lunch in the garden. Laughter and conversation are intertwined to create a harmonious picture. They know that as long as they have love in their hearts, they will have a happy future no matter what the future holds.