
The woman quarreled with her mother-in-law over the 8,000 yuan bracelet, and her mother bought her one, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

author:Late life

The afterglow of the setting sun casts over the old town, and the golden glow contrasts with the old stone pavement. Granny Zhang sat on a wicker chair in the courtyard, rubbing the heirloom bracelet in her hand, her eyes full of memories of the past years.

"Mom, can I wear that bracelet?" Li Xiaomei asked softly, with a hint of longing in her eyes.

"This bracelet is an ancestral heirloom of our family, and you can't wear it casually." Granny Zhang's tone was firm, but gentle.

"But I've got a big party tomorrow, and that bracelet goes well with my new clothes." Li Xiaomei was a little dissatisfied, and her voice gradually increased.

The woman quarreled with her mother-in-law over the 8,000 yuan bracelet, and her mother bought her one, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

"Xiaomei, you also know the situation at home, we can't ...... just because of a moment of vanity," Granny Zhang tried to explain.

"Vanity? I just want a nice accessory! Li Xiaomei interrupted her mother-in-law's words, and her emotions began to get excited.

The two grew louder and louder, and eventually turned into an argument. Li Xiaomei rushed out of the house, tears rolling in her eyes. She didn't understand why her mother-in-law couldn't understand her once. And Granny Zhang sighed, her heart full of helplessness and worry. When night falls, the stars twinkle, but the lights in the home are exceptionally dim.

Li Xiaomei returned to her parents' house with a stomach full of grievances, and Wang's mother was distressed when she saw her daughter with tears in her eyes. After listening to her daughter's story, Wang's mother was silent for a while, and then patted the back of Li Xiaomei's hand, "Don't be sad, Mom will buy you a new one." ”

The next day, Wang's mother took Li Xiaomei to the mall and picked a bracelet worth 8,000 yuan. When Li Xiaomei put the new bracelet on her wrist, a long-lost smile finally appeared on her face. However, when she excitedly told her husband Zhang Zhang the news, she did not expect to cause another turmoil.

"Mom, how can you do this! You know the current situation of our family, how can we waste money so much? Zhang Li's voice was full of reproach.

"I just want to make her happy." Wang's mother tried to explain.

"Happiness can be expressed in other ways, not just by buying expensive things!" Zhang Li's tone became more and more severe.

The woman quarreled with her mother-in-law over the 8,000 yuan bracelet, and her mother bought her one, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

Li Xiaomei stood aside, watching her husband and mother arguing, with mixed feelings in her heart. She didn't realize that her small wish could cause such a big wave at home.

At dinner, the atmosphere at the table was unusually dull. Mother Wang silently served vegetables to everyone, but her eyes could not hide her loss. Zhang Li lowered his head to eat, occasionally looking up at his wife and mother, his brows furrowed. Li Xiaomei was unwilling, and she began to reflect on whether her behavior was really too capricious.

That night, the moonlight shone through the window on everyone's faces, but it could not illuminate the gloom in their hearts. An inexplicable excitement swelled up in Wang's mother's heart, as if something important was about to happen, but she couldn't tell what it was. She just hopes that this home can return to its former warmth and harmony as soon as possible.

Since Wang's mother bought a new bracelet for Li Xiaomei, the atmosphere at home has become even more tense. Zhang Zhang believes that his wife's behavior is vexatious, while Li Xiaomei feels that her husband does not understand her feelings. The two have fewer and fewer conversations, and each exchange is like walking a tightrope, cautiously but inevitably touching each other's sensitive nerves.

One night, Zhang Li was sorting out documents in the study, and Li Xiaomei knocked on the door and walked in. "Can we talk?" There was a hint of hesitation in her voice.

The woman quarreled with her mother-in-law over the 8,000 yuan bracelet, and her mother bought her one, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

Zhang Li put down the pen in his hand and nodded. "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I know we've all had some unpleasant things lately, but I really didn't expect it to be like this." Li Xiaomei sat across from her husband, her fingers unconsciously fiddling with the new bracelet.

"Xiaomei, I know you like that bracelet, but we shouldn't do things beyond our ability because of a momentary emotion." Although the tone of tension was calm, the reproach in the words was still obvious.

"I ...... I just think my mother-in-law is too stubborn. Li Xiaomei's voice became quieter and quieter, and she knew that such a defense seemed very weak.

"Stubborn? Perhaps, but you only make things worse by doing so. Zhang Zhang sighed, he got up and walked to the window, looking out the window at the moonlight in contemplation.

Li Xiaomei stood up, walked to her husband's side, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I'll pay attention to it later." ”

Zhang Zhang turned around and looked into his wife's eyes, the anger in his eyes slowly dissipating, replaced by a complex emotion. "We all need time to calm down." He gently hugged Li Xiaomei, but the estrangement between the two did not seem to be eliminated because of this.

The woman quarreled with her mother-in-law over the 8,000 yuan bracelet, and her mother bought her one, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

That night, the two of them shared a bed and had different dreams, and the knot in their hearts seemed to be even more difficult to untie. And Wang's mother was in her room, listening to the wind outside, and her heart was full of worry. She begins to wonder if she made the right decision, if she really helped her daughter, or if she had inadvertently deepened the rift in the family. There was a determined glint in her eyes, and although her face was filled with a confident smile, the uneasiness in her heart was getting heavier and heavier.

One afternoon a few days later, the sun shone through the curtains on the living room floor, creating dappled light and shadow. Granny Zhang sat on the couch with a book in her hand, but her mind was clearly not on words. The doorbell rang, interrupting her musings. She slowly got up and went to open the door, and it was Wang's mother standing outside the door.

"Sister-in-law, can we talk?" There was a hint of nervousness in Wang's mother's voice.

Granny Zhang nodded and led Wang's mother into the living room. After the two sat down, the atmosphere was silent for a while. In the end, Wang's mother broke the silence: "I really regret what happened that day. ”

Granny Zhang waved her hand: "I know that you are for Xiaomei's good, and I am also responsible." ”

Mother Wang took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to tell the truth: "Actually, the bracelet I bought is fake. Her voice was almost whispering, but every word was clear.

The woman quarreled with her mother-in-law over the 8,000 yuan bracelet, and her mother bought her one, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

Granny Zhang was stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "So that's the case, I thought I was too stingy." ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the originally tense emotions gradually relaxed. Wang's mother continued to explain: "I just wanted to make Xiaomei happy at the time, but I didn't expect it to cause so many misunderstandings. ”

Granny Zhang sighed: "Me too, I'm too stubborn." That bracelet means a lot to our family, but it can't hurt the feelings of the family because of that. ”

The conversation between the two elders was overheard by Li Xiaomei, who was hiding outside the door. Her eyes moistened, and a strong sense of guilt welled up in her heart. She quietly left, returned to her room, sat on the edge of the bed and fell into deep thought. It turns out that all the quarrels and unhappiness stem from a white lie and a misunderstanding. She decided that something had to be done to make up for it.

Li Xiaomei was in the room thinking repeatedly about how to repair this relationship that was rifted by misunderstanding. She decided to talk to Zhang Zhang first, hoping to get his understanding and support. In the evening, when Zhang Zhang returned home, Li Xiaomei invited him to the study.

"Zhang Li, I want to talk to you." There was a hint of firmness in Li Xiaomei's voice.

Zhang Li noticed that his wife was unusual, and nodded for her to continue.

The woman quarreled with her mother-in-law over the 8,000 yuan bracelet, and her mother bought her one, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

"I have something to say about that bracelet." Li Xiaomei took a deep breath, and then told Zhang Li about the conversation she heard outside the door.

After listening to his wife's words, Zhang Zhang was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke: "So that's the case, we all misunderstood my mother." ”

"Yes, I feel guilty right now." Li Xiaomei lowered her head, with apologies in her voice.

"So what are we going to do?" Zhang Zhang asked.

"I think we should go together and apologize to my mother and mother-in-law." Li Xiaomei proposed.

Zhang Zhang nodded in agreement, and the two decided to go to the two elders early the next morning. That night, they lay in bed, holding hands, and the estrangement in their hearts seemed to have begun to slowly dissolve.

The next morning, when the first rays of sunlight poured into the room through the curtains, Li Xiaomei and Zhang Zhang were ready. With a sincere attitude and a heart willing to understand and tolerate, they came to Granny Zhang's house.

After sitting down face-to-face, Li Xiaomei spoke first: "Mother-in-law, mother, we are here to apologize to you." ”

The woman quarreled with her mother-in-law over the 8,000 yuan bracelet, and her mother bought her one, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

Granny Zhang and Mama Wang looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of tolerance and love. "We are all members of the family, and there is nothing that cannot be solved." Granny Zhang said gently.

Wang's mother also added: "Yes, we all have something wrong, the important thing is that we can be honest with each other and face problems together. ”

On this warm morning, the hearts of the family are once again closely connected. They began to discuss how to get through each future day together and how to understand and support each other. The dawn of reconciliation finally rose in this small family, bringing new hope and warmth.

In the days after the reconciliation, the atmosphere at home became warm and harmonious. Granny Zhang and Mama Wang often cook together, share each other's cooking secrets, and laughter comes and goes in the kitchen. Zhang Zhang and Li Xiaomei will also help prepare dinner together after work, and there is no longer evasion and argument in their conversation, only a common plan for the future and a love of life.

One evening, as the whole family sat on the sofa in the living room, Granny Zhang took out the heirloom bracelet. She handed it to Li Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, this is for you." Hopefully, you can understand what it really means. ”

The woman quarreled with her mother-in-law over the 8,000 yuan bracelet, and her mother bought her one, and the daughter-in-law was very angry

Li Xiaomei took the bracelet, tears flashed in her eyes: "Thank you, mother-in-law, I will cherish it." ”

"This home needs to be maintained by all of us, and every little thing can be a transmission of love." Granny Zhang said softly.

Wang's mother also added: "Yes, we are all a family and should support and understand each other. ”

At this moment, Li Xiaomei suddenly stood up and walked to the window. She opened the window to let the fresh air pour in. Turning to his family, he said, "Let's have more good times together!" ”

The family members nodded their heads, their faces filled with happy smiles. At that moment, they deeply experienced the warmth of home - not only material giving, but also spiritual mutual dependence and support.