
She is the daughter of Jiang Baili, Mrs. Qian Xuesen, who returned to China to teach for 45 years, and died of illness covered with the party flag

author:Autumn of gentle rain

Jiang Ying, a soprano and vocal educator who has left a strong mark on the history of Chinese music, has a legendary life. In 1919, she was born in a famous family in Zhejiang, and her father Jiang Baili was not only a famous anti-Japanese general, but also a military theorist, who was deeply respected and loved by the people. In such a family background, Jiang Ying has received a good education and culture since she was a child.

Jiang Ying has shown extraordinary musical talent since childhood. She has a keen interest in music and a unique sensibility, a talent that was soon discovered by her father. Jiang Baili is very supportive of her daughter's musical dreams, not only buying a piano for her, but also encouraging her to follow her interests and bravely embark on the road of music. This support and encouragement from her father played a crucial role in Jiang Ying's later music career.

She is the daughter of Jiang Baili, Mrs. Qian Xuesen, who returned to China to teach for 45 years, and died of illness covered with the party flag

In Jiang Ying's early life, she not only received a professional music education, but also went to Europe for further study in 1936, accompanied by her father, and began her musical study journey. In Europe, Jiang Ying was exposed to the wider world of music, and her musical talent was further cultivated and enhanced. In 1937, she was admitted to the vocal department of the Berlin University of Music in Germany, which marked her official start on the path of professional music education.

During her studies at the Berlin University of Music, Jiang Ying not only learned vocal techniques, but also gained a deeper understanding of the essence of Western music. Her musical talent was put to full play here, and her singing voice was clear and emotional, and she soon became famous on campus and beyond. However, the good times did not last long, and the outbreak of World War II brought great challenges to Jiang Ying's study abroad life. In the shadow of the war, the normal teaching of the school was affected, and the living materials became extremely scarce, and Jiang Ying even had to make a living by picking vegetable leaves.

She is the daughter of Jiang Baili, Mrs. Qian Xuesen, who returned to China to teach for 45 years, and died of illness covered with the party flag

Despite the difficult living conditions, Jiang Ying did not give up her pursuit of music. She insisted on going to school every day to study, and even in the most difficult moments, she did not give up on her musical dreams. In 1941, Jiang Ying graduated from the Berlin University of Music with honors, and her musical talent was internationally recognized, and she was immediately hired by the German Grand Theater in Berlin to begin her professional singing career.

Jiang Ying's musical journey was not all smooth sailing, but she overcame all kinds of difficulties with her strong will and love for music. Her musical talent and perseverance have made her stand out on the international stage and the pride of the Chinese music industry. Her early life and musical talent laid a solid foundation for her later artistic career, and also made indelible contributions to the development of music education in China.

She is the daughter of Jiang Baili, Mrs. Qian Xuesen, who returned to China to teach for 45 years, and died of illness covered with the party flag

Jiang Ying, a soprano and vocal educator who occupies an important place in the history of Chinese music, has an artistic career that is inextricably linked to Europe. In 1936, Jiang Ying traveled to Europe with her father Jiang Baili, a trip that not only broadened her horizons, but also strengthened her determination to devote herself to music. Her musical talent was further nurtured and enhanced in Europe, laying a solid foundation for her later artistic career.

In 1937, Jiang Ying was admitted to the Berlin University of Music in Germany and began her journey of studying music systematically in Europe. At the Berlin Conservatory, Jiang Ying quickly rose to prominence among her classmates and teachers with her outstanding musical talent and diligent learning attitude. Majoring in vocal music, she not only mastered the essence of bel canto singing, but also delved into German classical art songs, and her vocal range and beautiful timbre allowed her to deeply interpret the most complex musical works.

She is the daughter of Jiang Baili, Mrs. Qian Xuesen, who returned to China to teach for 45 years, and died of illness covered with the party flag

During her studies at the Berlin Conservatory, Jiang Ying not only achieved remarkable academic achievements, but also gained valuable practical experience. After graduating in 1941, she was hired by the Grand Theater of the German Theater in Berlin and began her professional singing career. In the performance of the Grand Theater, Jiang Ying won high praise from the audience and peers for her superb singing skills and profound artistic accomplishment, and her reputation gradually spread in the European music industry.

However, just as Jiang Ying's career was booming, the outbreak of World War II brought great challenges to her life and career. In the shadow of the war, Jiang Ying had to interrupt her singing work in Berlin and went to Switzerland to continue her studies. In Switzerland, she entered the Lushan Conservatory of Music, where she studied with Hungarian singer Ilona Durigo and Wagner opera expert Amy Kruger, further improving her vocal skills and musicianship.

She is the daughter of Jiang Baili, Mrs. Qian Xuesen, who returned to China to teach for 45 years, and died of illness covered with the party flag

In 1943, Jiang Ying participated in the soprano competition at the "Lu Chen" International Music Annual Conference in Switzerland and won the first prize, becoming the first person in East Asia to win. This achievement is not only an affirmation of her personal talent, but also an important breakthrough for Asian musicians on the international stage. Since then, Jiang Ying's reputation in Europe has grown day by day, and she has been invited to various concerts and festivals many times, and has been widely praised by the European music industry.

In 1946, Jiang Ying ended her ten-year study and art career in Europe and returned to her homeland with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Her return to China was not only an important turning point in her artistic career, but also brought a new vitality to the Chinese music industry. The solo concert held at the Lyceum Theatre in Shanghai became a debriefing performance for her return from studying abroad, which not only showcased Jiang Ying's artistic achievements, but also marked the official start of her music education and singing career in China.

She is the daughter of Jiang Baili, Mrs. Qian Xuesen, who returned to China to teach for 45 years, and died of illness covered with the party flag

Jiang Ying's artistic career is a magnificent epic that transcends borders and blends the best of Eastern and Western music. Her study experience in Europe not only laid a solid foundation for her personal artistic accomplishment and singing skills, but also accumulated valuable capital for her future development of music education and singing career in China. Jiang Ying's life is the unremitting pursuit of music and a deep understanding of art, and she has made indelible contributions to the development of Chinese music with her talent and efforts. 101112141819

Jiang Ying, a talented soprano singer, is just as remarkable for her musical journey as her love story. In 1947, she ended her studies in Europe and returned to her homeland with great enthusiasm and a love for music. On May 31 of the same year, at the Shanghai Lyceum Theater, Jiang Ying held her first solo concert after returning to China. This performance is not only a demonstration of her artistic talent, but also a bloom of her personal charm. Her clear and infectious voice, as well as her deep understanding and exquisite interpretation of music, immediately attracted the attention of people from all walks of life, including those of the upper echelons who have a deep knowledge and love for the arts.

In this context, Jiang Ying and Qian Xuesen, the pioneers and outstanding representatives of China's aerospace science and technology, gradually got closer to each other. Qian Xuesen, known as the "Father of China's Aerospace" and the "King of Rockets", is equally admirable for his knowledge and talent. The encounter between the two seems to be a match made in heaven, a perfect combination of science and art. They have feelings for each other, and they are deeply attracted to each other by their talents and personalities. Soon after they met, Qian Xuesen expressed his love to Jiang Ying, and Jiang Ying also had deep respect and admiration for this talented scientist. Soon, the two decided to get married and enter the palace of marriage together.

In the summer of 1947, Jiang Ying and Qian Xuesen held a wedding in Shanghai, which was not only the crystallization of their love, but also a grand event for the upper class of society. At the wedding, Jiang Ying was dressed in a wedding dress, beautiful and dignified, and Qian Xuesen was handsome and chic, and the combination of the two became a good story at that time. Soon after their marriage, Jiang Ying and Qian Xuesen went to the United States together and began their life together. In the United States, Jiang Ying did not give up her music career, she continued her studies, and constantly improved her musical literacy and singing skills. Qian Xuesen, on the other hand, continued his exploration and research in the field of scientific research, and both of them have made outstanding achievements in their respective fields.

The marriage between Jiang Ying and Qian Xuesen is not only a romantic love story, but also a mutual achievement of two great souls. They support each other, encourage each other, and constantly strive for excellence in their respective fields, creating touching stories together. Their love story, like their dedication to their respective careers, has stood the test of time and has become a model for posterity. In their stories, we see the power of love and how two top minds in different fields can influence each other and grow together. Although their lives are full of challenges and uncertainties, their love has always been unwavering and has become the most solid support for their life journey. 2022232526272829

In 1955, with the kind care and help of Premier Zhou Enlai, Qian Xuesen and Jiang Ying finally ended their five-year journey back to China and returned to their homeland. Qian Xuesen's return to China is of epoch-making significance for New China's aerospace industry. As the founder of China's aerospace industry, Qian Xuesen presided over the completion of the "establishment of jet and rocket technology" plan, participated in the development of short-range missiles, medium- and short-range missiles, and China's first artificial earth satellite, and directly led the "two-bomb combination" test of using medium- and short-range missiles to deliver atomic bombs. His return not only brought advanced scientific knowledge and ideas, but also brought a spiritual force that dared to explore and innovate.

Soon after Qian Xuesen returned to China, Senior General Chen Geng asked him: "Can China develop missiles?" Qian Xuesen replied: "Why can't you do it?" If foreigners can do it, we Chinese can do it, is it possible that Chinese are shorter than foreigners? This sentence not only expresses Qian Xuesen's deep feelings for the motherland, but also demonstrates his firm national self-confidence and determination to serve the country with science and technology. With the efforts of Qian Xuesen and others, in November 1960, the first missile "1059" copied by the mainland was successfully launched. In October 1964, China's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded; In June 1967, China's first hydrogen bomb was successfully tested. In April 1970, China's first artificial satellite was successfully launched. The achievement of this series of major scientific and technological achievements marks that China has achieved a leap from scratch and from weak to strong in the aerospace field, and has made indelible contributions to the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation and rise of the nation.

Under the careful guidance of Jiang Ying, batch after batch of outstanding musical talents have come to the fore and become bright stars on the music stage at home and abroad. Among them, Fu Haijing, Zhu Ailan, Dorjee Tsering, Yang Guang, Zhao Dengying, etc. are all well-known singers in the international music scene. With their outstanding artistic achievements, they have won glory for the motherland and made important contributions to the development of national music. The achievements of Professor Jiang Ying's students on the international music stage not only prove the level of art education in China, but also demonstrate Professor Jiang Ying's outstanding educational ideas and teaching achievements.

The return of Qian Xuesen and Jiang Ying not only changed their personal fate, but also had a far-reaching impact on the scientific and technological and cultural undertakings of New China. With their wisdom and talents, they have made indelible contributions to the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation and rise of the nation. Their life trajectories fully demonstrate the feelings of family and country and responsibility of a generation of intellectuals, and also set an example and model for us to learn.

Professor Jiang Ying, China's outstanding female vocal educator and world-renowned musician, passed away in Beijing on February 5, 2012 at the age of 93. Her death is a great loss to the Chinese music industry and a mourning event in the world music and art field. Professor Jiang Ying's farewell ceremony was held at the 301 Hospital of the General Political Department, which attracted the spontaneous participation of many students, colleagues and members of the community, including colleagues in the music industry, students trained by her, and ordinary people who were touched by her artistic achievements. At the farewell ceremony, it was with great reverence that the memory of this great music educator was tributed not only to her family and friends, but also to the entire world of music education and culture.

Professor Jiang Ying's life is closely related to music, and she has devoted her love for music and persistent pursuit of education to cultivating students and promoting the development of music education in China. Her passing has made people more aware of the precious spiritual legacy she left behind. With her outstanding artistic achievements, profound learning, noble personality charm and selfless dedication, Professor Jiang Ying has made indelible contributions to the cause of music education in China, and her spirit and contributions have been remembered by future generations and inspired generations of musicians.

The passing of Professor Jiang Ying has brought back her musical career and education. Her musical talent and educational achievements not only occupy an important place in the history of Chinese music, but also enjoy a high reputation in the international music industry. Her musical works and teaching philosophy have influenced countless music lovers and professionals, and her spiritual legacy has become a valuable asset for music education in China. Professor Jiang Ying's life is a life of unremitting pursuit of music and art, and a life of selfless dedication to the cause of music education, and her deeds and spirit will always inspire future generations to continue to move forward.

The passing of Professor Jiang Ying has also made people cherish and inherit her spiritual legacy. Her love for music, dedication to education, care for students, and her attitude towards art and life are all valuable spiritual assets worthy of learning and inheritance from each of us. At her farewell ceremony, many students and colleagues expressed their deep nostalgia and endless admiration for Professor Jiang Ying, and they expressed that they would inherit and carry forward the spirit of Professor Jiang Ying and continue to contribute to the development of music education in China.

Although Professor Jiang Ying has left us, her music and spirit will remain in our hearts forever. Although her life is over, her musical and spiritual legacy will continue to inspire future generations, and her contributions to the art of music and her dedication to education will always be remembered. Professor Jiang Ying's life was a life full of passion and dedication, and her passing makes us realize more deeply her greatness and immortality, and her spirit and contribution will always illuminate the sky of Chinese music education.