
In the seventh year of stalking and chasing Duan Congli, I suffered from amnesia, but he scoffed at me for being my new trick

author:Little Plum pushes the book

In the seventh year of stalking Duan Heli, I suffered from amnesia.

When he showed the report to Duan Heli, he just sneered coldly that this was my new trick.

I gradually lost my memory, and I had to take my diary with me everywhere I went.

Everyone laughed at me for chasing a congratulatory gift, and even a fool played it.

But I know that when I was young, in order to save Duan Congrie, I was hit the back of the head with an iron bar.

Later, I couldn't even remember the name of Duan Heli, and finally gave up on him.

But he cried and grabbed my hand and begged me over and over again not to forget him.

In the seventh year of stalking and chasing Duan Congli, I suffered from amnesia, but he scoffed at me for being my new trick


"Yo, Liang Tiantian, come and bring breakfast to our brother Duan again."

My hand holding the sandwich stiffened, and I looked up blankly at the unfamiliar face in front of me.

I don't remember knowing this man, but the disdain in his tone embarrassed me a little.

"The breakfast you brought was thrown into the trash by Brother Duan every time, why don't you give it to me-"

He was about to snatch the sandwich from my hand, but I easily dodged it.

But there was a person standing behind me, and all the hot water in the cup was splashed on me.

In the summer, I was wearing only a thin white dress, my arms were burned red, and even my clothes were wet and clinging to my body.

Looks embarrassed.

The laughter around me grew louder and louder, and I stood there at a loss.

Looking across the crowd towards Duan Heli, he could only see his back.

He doesn't care about everything about me.

"Duan Heli—"

I don't die reading his name.


Three days ago, I was diagnosed with amnesia.

The cause was a blood clot in my head.

Compression was applied to the nerves.

In the past six months, I have been very forgetful, and I have to rely on writing diaries and memos to make a living.

I thought it was just me practicing dance day and night, but I didn't think it was because of amnesia.

The moment I got the medical certificate, I was momentarily confused.

The doctor said that this condition will not affect my life, but it will make me forget everyone and everything, and eventually become stupid.

But the last thing I can accept is to forget the congratulatory gift.

I took the medical certificate and went to find Duan Congri.

I thought that if I was sick, Duan Heli would take pity on me.

At least don't look at me with that cold look anymore.

But he tore up my medical certificate with his own hands.

Confetti fell in front of me, and I heard Duan Heli say coldly:

"Liang Tiantian, don't use this kind of trick."

"You make me sick."


After that day, I cried in my apartment for three days.

I also read the diary I wrote countless times.

I was an orphan picked up by the Duan family.

When I was six years old, the director of the Blackheart Welfare Institute abandoned me, and Duan's father rescued me from the ice and snow.

He saw me pitiful and took me back to the Duan family for adoption.

He treated me like his own daughter, and went to the same kindergarten, primary school, and middle school as Duan Heli......

Even though I know that it was Duan's father who treated me as his own daughter, I am still grateful.

I lived under the same roof with Duan Heli, and as I grew older, I gradually fell in love with him.

I thought I would confess when I became an adult, but the accident happened in the summer of my freshman year of high school.

Duan's house caught fire.

Duan Heli's mother died in childbirth when she gave birth to her little sister, and Duan's father has been doing diamond business outside the country all these years and has never remarried.

Although he made a lot of money, the Duan family didn't have a single servant.

At the time of the fire, it was only me and Duan's father at home.

The fire started from the first floor, and by the time Father Duan and I found out, the wooden staircase had already burned out.

We tried to jump from the window on the second floor, but for some reason, even the window was blocked.

It seems that someone did it on purpose.

Duan's father was hit in the abdomen by a falling beam, and I desperately moved the wooden pillar that was pressing on him away, as if I heard the sound of rescue in a trance.

The fire was so strong that I choked on the smell of smoke, and I gradually lost consciousness.

Then I woke up again, and it was in the hospital.

What awaits me is the news of Duan's father's death and Duan Heli's hatred for me.

He decided that Duan's father died to save me.


Even though I looked through my diary over and over again in the past three days, recalling Duan Heli's indifferent expression when he tore up the diagnosis book, I still forgot it all when I woke up.

I forgot that I swore over and over again that I didn't like him anymore.

Until now—

My skin, which had just been scalded by the boiling water, had begun to become red and swollen, and the boys around me looked at my water-soaked placket with malicious eyes.

I had a ringing in my ears and thought about it all again.

Duan Heli finally turned around and began to look at me.

"Liang Tiantian."

He first sneered and stood in front of me:

"Didn't you say you had amnesia? Why are you still pestering me?"

Seeing the disdain in his eyes, my heart ached, and I had to explain:

"I really have amnesia, but I just suddenly remembered it again—"

Before I could finish speaking, there was a burst of laughter behind me:

"Liang Tiantian, do you believe what you said?"

I opened my mouth and didn't know how to explain, but Duan Heli suddenly smiled.

He slowly approached me, so close that I could see the fluff on his face.

I held my breath, not knowing what he wanted to do, when suddenly the sound of a congratulatory gift came from my ear.

He said in a voice that only me and he could hear:

"You know what? I wish you were the one who died in that fire."


I'm starting to lose track of things again.

The notebook became the first thing I looked at when I woke up every day.

The notebook made of vellum paper was worn out, and when I opened the first page, there were only two lines written on it.

[I want to like the congratulatory gift forever]

【Remember to dance】

I had a headache when I looked at that line [I want to like Duan Heli forever], I didn't know who Duan Heli was, but seeing this line made me instinctively retreat.

I decided to go to the dance studio and dance.

I seemed to have walked many times from my apartment to the dance studio, and despite the amnesia I could still find it by muscle memory.

Only this time there seemed to be someone else in the dance studio.

There was a very beautiful girl sitting on a chair, and a boy was standing next to her, carefully wiping the sweat from her forehead.

The summer sun poured into the dance room through the curtains and fell on the girl's hair, which was as beautiful as a painting.

But my heart was filled with pain.

I accidentally knocked over the vase next to me, and the loud noise startled the two people in the dance room.

They all looked back at me, and the boy's expression changed from gentle to disgusted for a moment.


The diary wrote that there would be no one in the dance room at seven o'clock in the morning.

I spoke suspiciously, and before I could finish my question, the boy interrupted me:

"Liang Tiantian, you are really haunted."

"Brother Heli, don't do this."

The girl took his hand to stop his rude behavior.

My head started hurting again, as if some memory was coming out.

I held on to the bookshelf beside me uncomfortably, and the girl stood up and walked up to me:

"Tiantian, I heard that you are sick, can you give me the C position of the dance drama of "Angelica"?"

Before I could react, the boy spoke:

"Fang Wan, if you ask her what she does, I'll just go to the teacher and tell you."

The headache grew stronger, and my hands clutched the bookshelf to steady my body, instinctively wanting to refuse, but the bookshelf suddenly slammed down on the girl.

I was pushed to the ground, and after the world spun, I felt a sharp pain in my right leg.

A stream of heat slid down my skin, and I was about to look up when I was slapped the right cheek.

Between the lightning and the fire, I remember it all.

The person in front of him is a congratulatory gift.

Standing next to him was the school flower Fang Wan.

And the dance drama "Angelica" in Fang Wan's mouth is a dance that I have worked hard to choreograph this year.

I glanced at Duan Cong Li, his right hand was protecting Fang Wan, glaring at me with anger on his face, and I suddenly realized that although I had been with him for so many years, I had never really known him.

Ignoring the pain in my heart, I struggled to stand up, and was about to go to the school infirmary by holding on to the wall, but was stopped by Duan Heli:

"Liang Tiantian, apologize to Fang Wan."

I was so painful that I was about to collapse, I was too lazy to continue to entangle with Duan Heli, I shook off his hand and was about to move forward, but I didn't expect Duan Heli to exert a lot of strength, not only did I not break free from his shackles, but I fell to the ground by myself.

"I said it, apologize to Fang Wan!"

"What are you doing?"

Duan Heli's steps were interrupted by a male voice, and I was already fainting from the pain, and before I lost consciousness, I saw a man running towards me.



When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by the white ceiling and hanging bottles.

I moved my fingers, and there was a pain in the back of my hand.

"Don't move, the needle will be crooked."

I looked at the man next to me, dressed in a white coat, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, with a handsome face, but it gave me a sense of familiarity.

"Who are you?"

I rubbed my temples, a little embarrassed, wondering if my memory loss had worsened again, and I didn't remember the man in front of me.

"My name is Qin Zheng, and I am a school doctor who has just joined N University."

It turned out that I didn't know the person in front of me, so I breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked:

"Doctor Qin, what's wrong with me?"

I remember waking up early to go to the dance studio to practice, how did I wake up and be in the hospital?

I looked at Qin Zheng suspiciously, but I saw a trace of distress flashing in his eyes.

Strangely, I propped up my left hand and prepared to get up, only to find that my right leg was not sensational.

My sharp movements caused the wound to open again, the blood stained the white bandage red, and a great panic swept through my body, and I suddenly remembered those scattered fragments.

I went to the dance studio to practice dance alone, and met Duan Heli and Fang Wan, Fang Wan wanted to steal the C position of my dance drama, but I refused, and then the bookshelf suddenly fell, and the raised iron nail pierced my right leg......

I still remember when the nurse pushed the door and came in.

She held my medical records in her hand, looked up at the hanging bottle above my head, and said:

"When these two bottles of anti-inflammatory drugs are hung up, you can be discharged from the hospital, and now the anesthetic has not passed, lie down and don't move. When you get home, don't get water on your wound—"

Before she finished speaking, she caught a glimpse of the bloody bandage on my leg and began to reprimand Qin Zheng beside me:

"How do you take care of your family?"

As she spoke, she took out a new bandage from the cart, and I looked at Qin Zheng with some embarrassment, only to find that the other party was moving faster than the nurse, and had already gotten up to remove the bleeding bandage for me.

"Unnecessary family affiliation."

The nurse gently brushed Qin Zheng's hand away, and her tone was teasing.

I don't know if it's my delusion, these two seem to have known each other for a long time.

The nurse changed the dressing for me and advised:

"Don't dance during this time, get some rest."

Her movements were gentle, and even her speech was soft, which made my eyes wet unconsciously.

Since Duan's father left, no one has cared about me so much.

I quietly wiped away my tears, forgetting to explain that Qin Zheng was not my family member, and I ignored the fact that she knew I was dancing.


After I was discharged from the hospital that day, I have been recuperating in my apartment.

I always forget the past and remember it after I have a headache.

And so on and so forth.

During these days, Duan Congli would always send me messages, but instead of caring, he asked me to quickly apologize to Fang Wan.

He said that Fang Wan was so frightened that day that he couldn't sleep well all night.

I looked at the text message and sneered.

When I was conscious, I thought back to that day, the bookshelves in the dance studio were newly replaced by the school, and there would be no quality problems.

Unless someone has done it.

I wrote down all the details in my journal and picked the day when the weather was good to go to school to find evidence.

As soon as he went out, Qin Zheng sent a message:

"Is your leg injury better? I have something to tell you."

In the days when I was recuperating, Qin Zheng would bring food to the apartment every day to see me.

At first, I thought that Qin Zheng was asking for me, but gradually, I found that he always looked at me with distress.

I thought it was time to ask.


Pushing open the door of the school doctor's room, Qin Zheng was sitting at the table looking at something.

After he beckoned me to sit down, I realized that what he was holding was my previous amnesia diagnosis from the hospital.

But my diagnosis certificate was obviously torn up by Duan Heli, where did this one in Qin Zheng's hand come from?


I was about to inquire when the door to the school infirmary was pushed open.

Duan Heli walked towards me angrily:

"Liang Tiantian, you didn't reply to my message, so you empathized so quickly?"

His words were sarcastic, and I saw Qin Zheng frowning.

Without waiting for me to fight back, Qin Zheng said it for me first:

"Duan Heli, pay attention to your qualities."

But Duan Heli obviously didn't focus on quality, and he suddenly smiled.

"You know me? Liang Tiantian introduced?"

Then he looked at me again:

"You introduced me to him? Liang Tiantian, didn't you get my attention, so she hired someone to act in front of me and wanted me to be jealous?"

I was speechless for a while, and I didn't understand why Duan Heli had become like this.

When he saw that I did not speak, he came up and took hold of my hand:

"You come with me, go and apologize to Fang Wan, and I will forgive you."

Duan Heli had a lot of strength, and he didn't care about my feelings at all, I was pinched by him a little painfully, and it took ten percent of my strength to break free.

I was left with a red mark on my wrist.

"Duan congratulatory gift."

I looked up into his eyes:

"What do I need you to forgive me?"

He seemed to be blinded by my question, but quickly answered:

"You are carrying me behind my back and entangled with this man, don't you need my forgiveness?"


Duan Heli's cheeky speech was interrupted by Qin Zheng's laughter, and he glared at Qin Zheng angrily.

"What are you laughing at? Addicted to acting?"

"I laugh at some people for being narcissistic, people don't like you anymore, but you, but you chase after you."

Qin Zheng's voice was faint, but what he said made Duan Heli blush instantly.

"How could you not like me? Liang Tiantian, are you angry that I pushed you to block Fang Wan's injury that day? But it's obvious that you knocked down the bookshelf, and you go with me to apologize—"

As he spoke, he stepped forward to pull my wrist again, but this time I dodged it ahead of me.

I took out my notebook from my bag and shook it in front of Duan Heli:

"I didn't knock down the bookshelf, but someone deliberately did it, Duan Heli, do you dare to call Shang Wan, let's go to the dance studio to confront each other on the spot?"


The surveillance on the day I was injured was, as expected, broken.

The security guard scratched his head suspiciously:

"It's strange, why did it just break for a day......

I didn't ignore the smile that came out of Fang Wan's mouth when she heard that the surveillance was broken, and the guess in my heart was more certain.

"Since the surveillance is broken, let's go look at the screws on the bookshelves."

On the day I was discharged, the nurse stopped me.

She handed me the cleaned screws that had been stuck in my legs:

"These screws are so sharp that they can't hold things in place, as if someone deliberately sharpened them.

"Little girl, have you offended anyone? How could this thing get into your flesh?"

The nurse's words were written down in my notebook, and the screws were carefully put away.

These days, when my mind is clear, I wonder who is trying to harm me.

Now the truth is out.

I got up to leave, Fang Wan's voice sounded behind me.

I turned around and found that she was holding Duan Heli's hand and pleading:

"Brother Heli, I'm suddenly a little unwell, can you send me home? Let's not mess with this crazy woman."

I raised my eyebrows and watched coldly as Fang Wan continued to act in front of me.

Originally thought that Duan Heli would take Fang Wan back to rest desperately, but he didn't think that he just touched Fang Wan's head:

"Be nice, don't make a fuss, we'll know the truth soon."

Looking at Fang Wan's instantly pale face, I couldn't help but laugh.

Everyone in the school said that Duan Heli loved Fang Wan miserably, and he loved me so much that he abandoned me, a childhood sweetheart.

But in fact, Duan Heli loves himself the most.

He just enjoyed being sought after by me in the past, and enjoyed the love of the school girl for him.

Now that I don't like him anymore, the feeling of losing control will make Duan Heli panic.


The bookshelf in the dance studio has been repaired with a black screw that is not original, which does not fit in with the white bookshelf.

Duan Heli stepped forward to check, and compared it with the screws in my hand, and found that there were indeed differences.

In this way, I can clear my suspicion and prove that I am also a victim, but I can't come up with evidence to prove that this was all done by Fang Wan.

But Fang Wan showed that he had betrayed her.

"Brother Heli, maybe Liang Tiantian found this screw himself! She wants to clear her name!"

Fang Wan's face was red from emotion, and her eyes were fluttering, as if she had stopped admitting herself.

And Qin Zheng, who had been standing on the side and had not spoken all this time, suddenly spoke:

"Unfortunately, I happened to see the surveillance in the corridor of the dance studio two days ago, would you like to take a look together?"

I looked up at Qin Zheng in surprise, and he smiled at me, as if to reassure me.

"Oh! Yes, two days ago, in order to protect students, the school deliberately installed a new batch of surveillance in the corridor, you can see my memory."

The security guard patted his head and spoke a little embarrassed.

Fang Wan wanted to escape again, but was pulled by Duan Heli:

"Don't make a fuss!"

This time, he seemed to have lost patience with Fang Wan.

I looked at Fang Wan's eyes moistened with fear, and I felt ironic.

When she designed to harm me, why didn't she think of being afraid?