
The emperor was afraid of the power of the Song family and killed his parents and children, and the Song family was not far behind, so he gave the emperor a sterilization drug

author:Little Plum pushes the book

The emperor was jealous of the power of the Song family, degraded his wife to a concubine, and killed his parents.

The Song family was not far behind, and after the concubine gave birth to me, she gave the emperor a sterilization drug.

In this way, I became the emperor's daughter, the most favored little princess.

But the Song family and I are dissatisfied that I am just a princess.

They want to prop up a puppet.

And I, I want to be the emperor.

The emperor was afraid of the power of the Song family and killed his parents and children, and the Song family was not far behind, so he gave the emperor a sterilization drug


I have five older brothers and ten older sisters.

The sisters were sent to the vassal tribes and relatives one after another, and only me, who stayed in the capital, was rewarded to the princess's mansion, eating, drinking, and having fun, being arrogant and lascivious, and so unhappy.

Even the impeachment of the imperial history of not abiding by female morality and damaging the royal face was killed by the emperor without hesitation.

All of a sudden, the name of Princess An Yi resounded throughout Kyoto.

I knew that my father favored me, but I didn't expect him to behave like a faint monarch and kill the official.

Even my cousin couldn't sit still and ran to the princess's mansion to ask me what I thought.

"Last time, I heard that my cousin was worried that Yushitai was ironclad, which was not conducive to the Song family's actions, no, there was a vacancy."

Song Yilin looked at me with some surprise: "It turned out that it was designed by His Royal Highness, it is really clever!"

"But this candidate for the filling, I don't know if An Yi can recommend it?"

I smiled slightly, "Everything, listen to my cousin."

Song Yilin shook his head disapprovingly: "My cousin has ruined his reputation and done it himself, so I, as an elder brother, naturally want to listen to my sister's opinion."

I played with the lychee in my hand, my eyes rolled, and I glanced at the person in front of me: "Cousin, don't laugh, mine, not all of them are from the Song family, An Yi is a little woman, how can I know any courtiers!"

Song Yilin laughed contentedly, and I took the opportunity to drink tea and hide the smile at the corner of my mouth.

It is impossible to know.

Even if you know, that can't tell you.

The Song family is a man-eating devil, and if they can't be used by them, they will be killed indiscriminately.

I need manpower, and the Song family can't trust it.

Even though they may be insignificant, I believe that ants can shake giant trees.


After a turn of words, Song Yilin said again: "When I heard the rumors in the market, the Song family still wanted to suppress it, for fear that His Royal Highness would attract the impeachment of the imperial history and lose the emperor's heart, but I didn't expect that we really underestimated Your Majesty's favor for you."

I let out a long sigh.

"It's just to compensate for the sorrow of my mother's life."

"Let my aunt enter the palace, the Song family really wronged her."

I sneered in my heart, as the head of the family, the emperor was afraid that the Song family would be dominant, so he insisted on issuing an edict that the Song family should not be the queen, so that her mother, who was the princess, would only be named a concubine in the end.

The promise that he once wanted to win the heart of one person and that the white head would not be separated became a joke after His Majesty ascended the throne.

Now that the emperor knows that he has wronged his mother, he turns a blind eye to the Song family.

The patriarch of the Song family, as well as the young patriarch Song Yilin, eating the human blood steamed buns of his mother concubine, turned around and acted in a disgusting manner.

A game is said to prove my favor, but rather, it proves that it is now a situation where the family overwhelms the royal family.

"But since the Holy Lord is laissez-faire, it seems that it doesn't hurt for Princess An Yi to be more presumptuous."

I didn't know what my cousin meant, so I frowned and looked at him suspiciously.

"My cousin believes that with the appearance of a princess, the cooperation between all parties can be stronger and closer."

His words made my heart sink to the bottom, and my face changed unconsciously.

Song Yilin has passed the age of the weak crown but does not marry, and privately thinks that when the great cause is completed, he will have a big wedding ceremony with me.

As soon as these words came out, I knew that he was just using me as a tool, just like I was also borrowing the power of the Su family.

After all, I also have the blood of the Song family in my body, and I still fantasize that they have a trace of sincerity for me, and now the bloody reality is in front of me.

For the sake of great things, my body can be traded.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

This was one of my bargaining chips, but it was even more difficult to accept when my loved ones said it.

I tried my best to calm the emotions in my heart, smiled with relief on the surface, got up and sat close to Song Yilin's arm. "What about my cousin?"

"An Yi's immortal posture, can't you get into my cousin's eyes?"

I looked at him with a slight glance over the burning censer.

Since I left the palace and built the mansion, my cousin has sent me the secret incense made by the Song family in the name of congratulatory gifts.

"Thanks to the princess's love, there is enough trust between you and me, and Yilin never does useless things."


After sending my cousin out, I thought about how I could make the most of my advantages in front of the hall, and it was best to give them a hard blow after I congratulated the Song family on the success.

At this time, the porter came to report: "His Highness Mingyou has come down."

I cheered up and saw something familiar.

"Auntie, the lychee newly rewarded by the imperial grandfather was brought to you as soon as it was delivered to the mansion."

"Ah...... It turns out that my aunt already has it, and it's bigger and better, too, my aunt has her back to the Song family, and there are no good things, it's Mingyou who can't help herself."

I reached out to take the emperor's nephew's heart and led him to the study.

"Mingyou has this heart, even if it is sour, my aunt's heart is sweet."

"Auntie, don't comfort me."

The fresh objects sent by the young man were not delivered to his heart, and he was a little depressed.

I didn't have the heart to coax people, but I felt that the weather was getting hotter and hotter, so I called the maid to come and add a few more pots of ice.

"Does Big Brother still go to the countryside on the last day of every decade?"

"As always, Mingyou doesn't know what his father is doing."

I looked up at the emperor's eldest grandson, who liked to hide here, "Your father, at your age, has already followed His Majesty to listen to political affairs in the imperial study."

"Be careful that His Royal Highness Mingde secretly learns from the prince, and when the time comes, the eldest brother will scold you again."

"What my aunt taught me is that after Mingyou goes back, he will learn more from his father."


Qi Mingyou is a poor child.

The eldest prince was born to Concubine Hui, the second prince was born in the middle palace, and was made the crown prince when he was born.

The eldest prince has had enough of the hardships of the eldest son, and the prince has also been criticized for not being the eldest son.

So the two of them riveted their strength and wanted to give birth to a grandson for His Majesty.

The eldest princess gave birth to three daughters in four years, while the crown princess got married a year late but did not produce anything for three years.

In the end, the eldest prince was slightly better, and gave birth to his eldest son, Qi Mingyou, in the fifth year of marriage.

His birth, as expected, was favored by His Majesty and rewarded like flowing water.

Qi Mingyou has become a sharp weapon in the hands of the eldest prince to overwhelm the prince,

The eldest brother was unusually harsh to him, and the master of the Guozijian asked Chen Shi to go to school, and the eldest prince asked him to sit in the study to warm his books.

The master asked him to copy the book 10 times, and Mingyou had to copy it 20 times when he got home.

When His Royal Highness Mingde, the child of the prince's family, was praised by the emperor's grandfather, he would be beaten on the palm of his hand when he went home.

When I met my eldest nephew who was secretly hiding and crying from the rockery in the Imperial Garden, I realized how harsh the eldest brother was on a child.

personally sent him back to the Great Prince's Mansion, but I didn't expect that there would be a small tail behind me from now on.

The eldest brother is also happy to be with his children and his most favored sister, after all, with me, he can also see the emperor a few more times,

It's just that Mingyou himself doesn't have the heart to fight, he just wants to travel around and love the landscape.

I prepared a prose travelogue for him at home, and as I came and went, Mingyou became closer to me.


It was originally my aunt's and nephew's leisure afternoon, one reading and one painting, but the afternoon sun was scorching, and I felt that the air today was extremely dull and hot.

Mingyou took a fan and fanned it behind me, but there was no coldness at all.

I turned around and snatched the fan from his hand, wanting to come by myself, but I accidentally touched Mingyou's hand and held it uncontrollably: "Mingyou, you're so cool."

"Auntie, your face is so red."

Confused, stirred up a pool of spring water.

When I was awake again, I slapped the person on my body,

He knelt at my feet obediently, "Please condemn my aunt."

I was silent, not knowing what to say, and watched him panic and bewildered before I said, "I don't blame you, go down."

"Auntie......" Qi Mingyou raised his head and looked at me pleadingly.

"Get out."


"Song Yilin!"

I stormed into his courtyard in a menacing manner, and the attendants next to me tried to stop me, but did not dare to do anything, but exclaimed that the princess was not allowed to trespass into the young patriarch's room.

He spent all his time sipping tea alone, and was not surprised by my arrival.

I threw his broken lychee in his face: "Song Yilin, you dare to calculate me!"

"The princess is wrong, although I drugged you, but I didn't give it to His Royal Highness the eldest grandson!"

"If you're sick, you can call the imperial doctor, and it's not like I forced him to give the princess an antidote."

"It's because he has bad intentions for his aunt, how can the princess blame me."

I don't want to talk, I just want to hit people,

After being smashed and slapped a few times, Song Yilin clamped my hand and pressed me to the table.

"The eldest prince is the first step in our great cause, and the important chess piece of the emperor's eldest grandson must not go wrong."

"Although I know that Qi Mingyou trusts and relies on you, but the other side is his biological parents!"

"Offending his favorite and respected aunt can make him feel guilty and blame himself."

"This heavy medicine is for him to do things for us willingly."

He glared at me, and the breath of his speech could even spray my face.

I pushed him away and pointed at him resentfully, "Song Yilin, that's my eldest brother's son!"

Unexpectedly, my cousin sneered, opened his folding fan and fanned it again and again.

"Anyi, don't pretend."

"You deliberately befriended His Highness Mingyou, didn't it just for this day?"

"I'm just going to make things more thorough."


Song Yilin and I had a big quarrel and broke up, and the next day, he sent the little maid from the house to the princess's mansion.

"The young patriarch said that he knew that Her Royal Highness the princess loved lychees the most, and all the boutiques brought back by the firm this time were delivered."

I know that the eldest son of the family, the future patriarch of the Song family, will not bow his head, but just send his sister's favorite food over as an apology.

What makes me dissatisfied is Song Yilin's calculations behind his back, but he is right, I have already calculated that there will be a day.

The temper that should be lost has to be beaten, and the person who should be beaten has to be beaten, otherwise, I will not wait for the succession and now I will be his puppet.

At night, the air finally felt cool.

「殿下。 」

I raised my eyebrows slightly: "Lord Xue is a little early in the day."

Xue Nian exaggeratedly wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve: "Your Highness, don't laugh at me, my colleagues have all made an appointment to drink flower wine, and I am left to tidy up Wenzong by myself until the hour of the unitary."

"Xue Nian, you only see the corpses of the children of the gentlemen, vegetarian meals, wine bags and rice bags, but you don't know that the children of the family who are really valued are enlightened at the age of 3, learn strategy at the age of 5, and follow the elders of the family to learn political affairs or go to the battlefield at the age of 7."

"Don't think that you are the new champion appointed by His Majesty, and you feel that you are the best in the world."

"Your Majesty just wants to suppress the family, and in terms of old scheming, you are still far from being a poor student."

"The palace examination is held every three years, and there are very few poor officials who can stay in the capital, and they don't understand the depth of the capital, so they lose their lives under recklessness, and the court has become the back garden of the family."

"Although your official position is small, but you do practical things, they pass on the dirty work, tiring work, and troublesome things to you, and they still have the idea of bullying the weak, but they don't admit it, this is the shortcut to your greatest progress."

"Xue obeys His Highness's teachings."

Seeing that he listened, I nodded with satisfaction, I don't want to be a person who has been overwhelmed with a heavy treasure and become infected with the arrogance and lust of the family.

"What do you think of the rumors in the market recently?"

Xue Nian didn't dare to answer rashly, but asked tentatively, "What does Your Highness mean?"

"Naturally, it's Princess An Yi's affair, do you think this palace is unbearable?"

"No matter what kind of person His Highness is, he is the benefactor who saved Xue from fire and water, and Xue is willing to smear His Highness's liver and brain."

"What about the others?"

"The same goes for everyone else!"

"Okay." I laughed and stood up, and the wind was already blowing outside the window, making the leaves rattle.

"That palace is waiting for you to lift this chessboard, and one day, it will also become a book!"

"Xue Nian will definitely live up to His Highness's expectations!"

After the pie was painted, he reported to me about the recent affairs of the court, and I explained a few words, asking him to convey other colleagues from the Hanmen faction in Beijing.

After the event, I had already served tea to the guests, but Xue Nian didn't see it.

"Is there anything else going on, Lord Xue?"

"Your Highness, Xue still has a question, I don't know if His Highness can solve his doubts for him."

I raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to speak.

"His Royal Highness was born in the Song family, which is the head of the family, and is favored by the emperor, why don't you enjoy the convenience of the nobility, but work hard to earn a future for students from poor families such as us."

"Why does Lord Xue think I have a different path from the family?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Xue Nian actually got up and made a big salute to me.

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a life for the people, continue to learn for the saints, and open peace for all generations."

"Your Highness's righteousness!"

"Hmm...... Take the fresh lychees back and share them with your friends, and you officials will definitely not get your majesty's reward."

"Thanks! Temple! Next!"

This time, Xue Nian's whole person seemed to be beaten with chicken blood, what could be more exciting than having a like-minded master?

I finally sent a maid to secretly send Xue Nian out of the house, and I finally couldn't help laughing.

People who have just entered the officialdom are naïve, I said that the same family has different paths,

I didn't say anything, I just followed them all the way.


Time flies, and it gradually enters autumn.

Qi Mingyou also followed the eldest prince into the capital garrison to increase his knowledge.

Knowing that he had done something wrong, he often wandered in front of the princess's mansion when he was resting, but he didn't dare to come to the door.

It was I who ordered the guards to bring him into the mansion to regain his old acquaintance.

After all, my father was old, and an autumn wind blew, and the little man who kept vigil closed the window late, so he got into a cold.

Recently, I have been living with my mother, as the most favored princess, my father is sick and has to be in front of the illness all the time.

After all, pampering also needs to be maintained.

On this day, I personally fed my father's decoction as usual, and my father's complexion recovered a little, and he laughed with me a few words, and saw the eldest prince with the imperial concubine and Qi Mingyou coming to serve the sick.

I wanted to salute my eldest brother, but for a moment I suddenly became black in front of me, and I just felt that the world was spinning.

"Auntie!" I was hugged with an exclamation, but when I looked up, I saw the shocked eyes of the imperial sister-in-law.

"Anyi, what's wrong?"

There was a bed to cover it, and my father didn't see what was happening.

"Back to my father, I'm fine."

"Although it is me who is sick, you have been in front of the bed every day for the past few days, I don't think about tea and food, I see that you have lost weight, and it just so happens that the boss is here, so you can go back to the palace of the concubine to rest!"

"An Yi thanked her father."

I bowed and walked out.


Illness comes like a mountain, and illness goes like a thread. After resting for a few days, the father dragged his sick body to the court.

It's just that in the court, there is even more fuel to the fire.

Song Yushi was impeached in court, and the prince had fornication with the enemy country and betrayed the secrets of our dynasty, and the crime was not punishable.

His Majesty said in a deep voice: "Song Li, do you know that slandering the prince is a capital crime."

Although he was talking, His Majesty's eyes were firmly fixed on Song Yilin in the front row.

The eldest prince knelt in front of the palace and begged His Majesty to be clear.

Song Yushi said that he was willing to guarantee the head of the item, and the prince had a very personal relationship with the enemy.

His Majesty's wind and cold have not healed, and he coughs for a while.

It seems to remind the ministers below that the emperor is old, and the eldest prince, as the eldest son, has the power to compete.

"Your Majesty, it is better to let the forbidden army search the prince's mansion, if there is no evidence of collaboration with the enemy, it will also return the innocence of the eldest prince."

Under the anger, only the favored minister Song Yilin dared to speak out.

"In that case, then let's check, I want to see who is trying to make a move on my seat."

The four princes found that the fire had burned on them, and hurriedly knelt beside their eldest brother: "Your Majesty has a long life, and your sons have no bad intentions."

"Sorrow, sour."

His Majesty threw up his sleeves and left, leaving the rest of the people to look at each other.

"Big brother is really careless, how can he still let Yushi catch him if he has an idea."

The prince is accustomed to sneering, but the eldest prince is not weak: "If you haven't done it, you haven't done it, what am I afraid of."

He looked at the crown prince and sneered, "You are the prince, and the threat of the second brother is greater than me. Today, my father can search my mansion for a word from the imperial history, and in the future, he will also depose the prince for the sake of the second brother's mistakes."

He looked around at his four younger brothers, "Wait for yourself, don't let me find out who is doing me harm."

"The eldest brother said that he laughed, since the fourth brother died, Song Guifei has nothing to do except Princess An Yi, who can I wait for to have the ability to win over the Song family."

"What the sixth brother said is extremely true, the eldest brother might as well introspect himself, don't really bear the name of treason."

"I'm going to let you down!"


The wind and rain are coming, and the princess's mansion has become low-key, except for entering the palace every day to contact my father and the emperor, I basically shrink into my own home.

When Song Yilin came to me, I was lying on a recliner under the trellis, enjoying the music of the servants.

"His Majesty searched the Grand Prince's palace for correspondence with the enemy, but the Grand Prince insisted that he had been slandered."

"Isn't it the most clear in my heart that my cousin has been slandered? Didn't you give me that letter with your own hands, and let me explain it to Mingyou and put it in the depths of the study?"

Song Yilin touched his nose in disdain: "It's just that I didn't expect our majesty to think a lot of important princes, but he was confined for half a year and fined for three years."

As soon as I said that, I knew it was time to take the next step.

It's just an exchange of letters, we never thought that we could bring down the eldest prince in one fell swoop, but it was just planting the seeds of doubt for our father, after all, once there is a crack in trust, as long as you touch it again, the royal father-son relationship will collapse and shatter in an instant.

"Yesterday, a common man strayed into a mountain col while hunting, and found that there was an army stationed here, and when he fled back to the city in a hurry, he happened to disturb Lord Zhao's carriage, and the hunter begged for mercy incoherently, but it made Lord Zhao suspicious, and he had already given the prince and sent someone to check it secretly."

"If it goes well, the excerpt will be placed in front of the emperor's desk tomorrow."

"Lord Zhao? The Prince's mother's house? You let the prince's people expose the eldest prince's private soldiers?"

Song Yilin nodded with a smile, and it happened that the servant sang at this time: How can others compare to flesh and blood? For a long time, I saw the false and the true. Think about going back to the province as soon as possible, and don't treat your relatives like strangers.

But in the heavenly family, anyone can believe in it, and you can't trust your own brother alone.


The court quarreled for several days, and the factions of the eldest prince and the crown prince argued with reason.

One side said that the eldest prince had not made a big mistake and should be allowed to make meritorious service and be punished lightly, while the other side said that raising private soldiers in the capital meant that he had the heart to take the throne and should be severely punished to set an example.

After all, a wind chill made the emperor realize that he was old, and he always had to make an example of the other princes.

In the end, the emperor made a decision and demoted the eldest prince to a concubine and was banned for life.

When I took the decree to the palace of the eldest prince, the eldest brother went crazy and drank in the study, so I went to the backyard.

The courtyard of the Great Prince's Mansion has long since declined, and I was able to reach the courtyard of the Imperial Sister-in-law unimpeded.

"Mingyou, why did you do this?"

"What do you mean by the Mother Queen?"

"I saw you walking out of the study in a panic, and I thought you had been reprimanded by your father again, but now that the matter has been revealed, I realize that you put the letter of collaboration with the enemy."

"The mother concubine laughed, how could I harm my biological parents?"

"Why not, I think the person behind it is the prince, but the mother knows that it is Her Royal Highness the princess."

I heard Mingyou chuckle a few times, "Mother is really smart, then I might as well tell you that I am only for my aunt."

The imperial sister-in-law didn't say anything for a long time, and only after half a sound did she squeeze out two words from her teeth: "For...... Ho?"

"I'm just a tool for you and your father to compete for the attention of the emperor and grandfather, and you yourself are incompetent, so let me fight and grab it, but I never thought about whether I wanted to."

"You only have imperial power in your hearts, only yourself, I am not your son at all, I am a knife against the princelings!"

"Does my mother remember when I was seven years old, because my grandfather praised the prince's younger brother for being smart and clever, and when I came back, my father beat me with ten bamboo planks?"

I listened to the royal sister-in-law's defense, "It's just ten bamboo planks."

"Mother doesn't remember, I will never forget, when I came to you crying, you said, it hurts to remember this lesson."

"Only my aunt, only my aunt felt sorry for me, so she invited me to be a doctor and applied medicine to me with her own hands."

"My aunt knows what I like to eat, what I drink, what I hate, what I am afraid of, what do you know? In addition to knowing that my name is Qi Mingyou and that I am the eldest grandson of the emperor, what else do you know?"

"Only my aunt really loves me, and only my aunt can give me a moment of relaxation, and once I return to this prince's mansion, I feel like I am suffocated."

"I only have an aunt, but I hate that my mother wants me to cut off contact with my aunt on the grounds that although I am an aunt and nephew, I am of the same age, and I should be a man and a woman in the year of marriage."

"Mother is going to cut off the only light in my life at this time."

"Mother, since I can remember, you haven't hugged me, I have been praised by the imperial grandfather, I am your good son, if I make a mistake, I can't compare to Brother Mingde, I am a great crime."

"I'm ......" The imperial sister-in-law choked up and couldn't speak.

"Smack, smack." I clapped and walked into the main hall.

"Can the imperial sister-in-law know now how much she has treated Mingyou?"

She sat down on the ground and looked at me hatefully, while Myeongwoo changed his strength and stood next to me by the sleeve.

"The emperor's nephew is right, my aunt loves him, so I went to Your Majesty to ask for a will, and from now on, Mingyou will be raised by my Song family."

I made an excuse to spend Mingyou, and then approached the imperial sister-in-law, took her hand and said earnestly, "The imperial sister-in-law doesn't think about herself, she has to think about her only son, my sister just wants him to live cleanly."

The imperial sister-in-law was silent, and I didn't wait for her to reply, and went back to the princess's mansion by myself.

Half a month later, the eldest prince set himself on fire in the mansion, and when Jin Wuwei found out, the fire was so rapid that he could not save people.

In the end, it was decided that no one in the prince's mansion was spared.

The death of the eldest son aroused the unbearability of his father, pardoned all the sins of the eldest prince, and buried the imperial tomb with the rites of the county king.

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