
A varicose vein surgery revealed the secret of 60 years, and he was reluctantly discharged home.

author:998 I have a bright heart


A varicose vein surgery revealed the secret of 60 years, and he was reluctantly discharged home.

After two days in the hospital and all the pre-operative check-ups, I finally decided to give up the varicose vein surgery and was discharged home.

This result was something I didn't expect, it was so unexpected.

It is really unpredictable, and people have good and bad luck.

The accident happened during the cardiac ultrasound session.

I have experienced it many times, and I did color ultrasound, but I didn't find any heart problems, all of which were sinus rhythms, which were normal.

This accident happened, the doctor was examined by color ultrasound, repeatedly checked, asked repeatedly, I had an ominous premonition, and then confirmed again, and the doctor told me that there was a hole in the heart, which was congenital heart disease.

I'm dizzy! No, I'm 60 years old, I have congenital heart disease, I don't have any symptoms, and I'm still fighting on the court every day during this time?

Seeing that I didn't believe it, the doctor pointed to the image and told me that it was an atrial septal defect of congenital heart disease (secondary foramen a central type), and I instantly became sad when I looked at the red defect hole.

Life is really impermanent, and I try to be calm and think about the worst-case scenario.

My son is an adult, my grandson is well-behaved and cute, and I can't help but shed tears of reluctance when I think of my lovely grandson.

My wife called, and I hid it from her and said that everything was going well, and it was fine.

My son called, and I said, it's okay, you're free in the afternoon, come to the hospital.

The son said that he was a little busy in the afternoon and might not be able to go back.

I'm out of control, what are I busy with, Lao Tzu has something to tell you.

The son felt that something was wrong, and said respectfully, Dad, what do you say to me?

I was in tears, I couldn't say it well, and I was diagnosed with congenital heart disease. Almost crying.

My son said, don't worry, you send me the examination report, and I'll see a cardiologist.

I calmed down and quickly checked on the Internet, and it was indeed congenital heart disease, but it was the easiest heart disease.

I was a little relieved.

Soon my son called, and he consulted an authoritative cardiologist in Chengdu, who gave advice and forwarded it to me on WeChat.

The expert opinion is as follows:

"If he is a congenital room defect, his room defect is just not very typical, his shunt should be very small, and the shunt is very small, so he should not have it. Panic, shortness of breath, tiredness, there should be no symptoms like these, because I saw that his ventricles and atria are normal, so it's so. If you don't have any symptoms, you can leave him alone for the time being, this is the first, the second, if you have symptoms, if you have palpitations, if you are tired, what about these things. First of all, consider whether they can deal with it with the interventional occlusion of the cardiac internal medicine, if they can deal with it, it is very simple, if they intervene in the occlusion is not easy to deal with, our cardiopulmonary bypass surgery is very simple. ”

After reading the opinions of experts, I was reassured. Thank you very much to the experts! Experts recommend that treatment be left untreated for the time being and treated conservatively.

Soon after, I was informed by the heart surgeon that they had a cardiology surgeon for a diagnosis because of the heart problem, and recommended that I be transferred to the cardiac surgery department for heart surgery first and then varicose vein surgery.

The doctor said that it was very serious, and if heart surgery was not done, the consequences would be unpredictable.

I was embarrassed and asked for the advice of familiar experts again, and the experts replied quickly. It is recommended not to be busy with surgery, observe and observe, and if it is done, the internal medicine department will intervene first.

He said, "If the cardiology intervention can't be handled, our cardiac surgery department is very simple to deal with, just a simple cardiopulmonary bypass, and then get up and sew, it's very simple."

So we decided to give up the immediate surgery, and were discharged home for observation, and if there was anything wrong, we went to Chengdu for treatment.

Eh, it's nice to have friends! It's nice to have a son! Otherwise, I would have been lying on the heart operating table by now.

After being hospitalized for two days, I spent more than 1,900 yuan, and the social security report was eliminated by more than 1,300 yuan, which can be regarded as an experience.

A varicose vein surgery revealed the secret of 60 years, and he was reluctantly discharged home.
A varicose vein surgery revealed the secret of 60 years, and he was reluctantly discharged home.
A varicose vein surgery revealed the secret of 60 years, and he was reluctantly discharged home.

This is the discharge report to prove that it is true, there is no storyline