
It's so funny that Zhu Dan interviewed for her daughter in primary school on Monday, and she was so nervous that she held hands, and Zhu Dan was very haggard without makeup

author:Mango fruit that rides the wind and waves


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Speaking of which, do you still remember the pair of golden boys and girls in the entertainment industry, Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei? This time, the two of them made a lot of noise.

Just a few days ago, in the Qiantang Experimental Primary School in Zhejiang Province, these two big stars actually appeared.

It's not for any activity, but to accompany the child to participate in the college entrance assessment, which is really surprising.

It is reported that Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei were as nervous as two tight strings that day.

It's so funny that Zhu Dan interviewed for her daughter in primary school on Monday, and she was so nervous that she held hands, and Zhu Dan was very haggard without makeup

Zhu Dan's big eyes were so nervous that he was about to squint into a line, as if he was silently praying for his daughter; And Zhou Yiwei, not to be outdone, walked around outside the examination room, his face full of worry.

This scene was captured by sharp-eyed netizens and quickly caused an uproar on the Internet.

Everyone said that Zhu Dan's performance on the scene was even more realistic than her acting skills in film and television dramas.

It's so funny that Zhu Dan interviewed for her daughter in primary school on Monday, and she was so nervous that she held hands, and Zhu Dan was very haggard without makeup

And Zhou Zhouwei's anxious pace also made people feel the deep concern of an old father.

I have to say that these two stars really put their children's education in their hearts.

Qiantang Experimental Primary School, this is a public school, Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei's choice is really down-to-earth.

This also allows everyone to see their pro-people side and like them even more.

Netizens said: "This is the real star style."

It's so funny that Zhu Dan interviewed for her daughter in primary school on Monday, and she was so nervous that she held hands, and Zhu Dan was very haggard without makeup


I have to say that Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei's educational choice this time is really too wise.

In this era when celebrity children are spoiled, the two of them insist on letting their daughters take ordinary entrance exams, this educational concept is really worthy of praise.

This not only shows their commitment to educational fairness, but also sets a good example for other parents.

Look at the appearance of the two of them in the examination room without makeup, it is really unpretentious.

It's so funny that Zhu Dan interviewed for her daughter in primary school on Monday, and she was so nervous that she held hands, and Zhu Dan was very haggard without makeup

This really breaks the stereotype that celebrities always appear gorgeously.

On this day, they are just like ordinary parents, facing the pressure and challenges of education, showing the common ground between celebrity families and ordinary families on education issues.

Speaking of which, they chose Qiantang Experimental Primary School, not because the map is cheap.

Rather, it's because they have a deep understanding of education.

It's so funny that Zhu Dan interviewed for her daughter in primary school on Monday, and she was so nervous that she held hands, and Zhu Dan was very haggard without makeup

They believe that education is not only about academic success, but also about the all-round development of children and the improvement of their inner qualities.

Although Qiantang Experimental Primary School may not be as good as those prestigious schools in some aspects, it provides a loving and caring environment, which is in line with Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei's educational philosophy.

Through this choice, they also sent an important message: the real purpose of education is not to pursue fame and status, but to make children become moral, talented, and responsible people.

It's so funny that Zhu Dan interviewed for her daughter in primary school on Monday, and she was so nervous that she held hands, and Zhu Dan was very haggard without makeup

They also emphasised the importance of parental companionship and guidance, which is a key factor in supporting children's learning and growth.

In addition, their approach is a reminder to all parents: don't just look at the reputation of the school when choosing a school.

It is also necessary to consider the educational philosophy of the school and the individual needs of the child.

Only such an educational environment can make children truly grow into a confident and prepared person to face the challenges of the future.

It's so funny that Zhu Dan interviewed for her daughter in primary school on Monday, and she was so nervous that she held hands, and Zhu Dan was very haggard without makeup

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