
One negligence after work in exchange for five days of detention......

author:Xinyu Fire Fighting

It's time to get off work

In addition to checking if the computer is turned off

Whether the socket is unplugged or not

There's one more important thing to forget

Recently, a woman in Wuhan

Because of this oversight

He was administratively detained in accordance with the law

One negligence after work in exchange for five days of detention......

Event recap

According to Wuhan fire news

On the evening of May 27

Dongxihu District, Wuhan

A fire broke out in a logistics warehouse

After receiving the alarm

Wuhan Fire and Rescue Command Center

Twenty-seven fire engines were quickly mobilized

162 firefighters rushed to the scene to deal with it

One negligence after work in exchange for five days of detention......

Firefighters found when they arrived at the scene

The building that caught fire was a steel-framed warehouse

The fire is in a phase of intense burning

Open flames are constantly coming out of the windows

And with a lot of smoke

Fortunately, no one was trapped in the factory

One negligence after work in exchange for five days of detention......

After a tense rescue

The fire was extinguished

The accident burned an area of about 400 square meters

Fortunately, there were no casualties

One negligence after work in exchange for five days of detention......

After the incident, the fire department inspected the scene

Determine the location of the fire

The warehouse is located in an office under a desk

One negligence after work in exchange for five days of detention......

Ah-pop tips

When using mosquito coils

The slightest mistake can cause a fire

Let's learn the following precautions

One negligence after work in exchange for five days of detention......
One negligence after work in exchange for five days of detention......