
The source code of the housekeeping door-to-door system, how to choose the door-to-door housekeeping APP system to prevent the flood of private orders?

author:Longbing Technology Xiaofu said

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When choosing a door-to-door housekeeping APP system, it is very important to prevent the housekeeping master from receiving private orders. If the system does not have the function of preventing private orders, then even if advertisements are placed and a drainage foundation is created, the housekeeper will still face the problem of exploiting the loopholes of the platform, ignoring the rules, and flooding of private orders in the later stage. This is not only a pure expenditure of one's own funds, but also paving the way for others.

An ordinary housekeeping system basically only supports the function of the user placing an order and the housekeeping master receiving the order, which is difficult to solve the problem of receiving private orders. Therefore, as a boss, you must consider carefully when choosing a door-to-door housekeeping APP system, not only looking at the surface function, but also whether the system has a solution to the problem of private orders.

A professional door-to-door housekeeping APP platform has in-depth research on the housekeeping market and has a special solution to the problem of private orders. For example, a hierarchy can be used to prevent housekeepers from taking private orders. Through data such as order volume, order addition, and return rate, the housekeeping master is divided into high and low levels, and the housekeeping master is distinguished from the risk of receiving private orders, and kicked out of the platform.

In this way, it can effectively prevent the proliferation of private orders received by housekeepers, ensure the operation order of the platform, and protect the rights and interests of users. Therefore, when choosing a door-to-door housekeeping APP system, you must keep your eyes open and choose a system with a perfect function to prevent private orders, so as to ensure the stable development of your business and the growth of profits.

The source code of the housekeeping door-to-door system, how to choose the door-to-door housekeeping APP system to prevent the flood of private orders?
The source code of the housekeeping door-to-door system, how to choose the door-to-door housekeeping APP system to prevent the flood of private orders?
The source code of the housekeeping door-to-door system, how to choose the door-to-door housekeeping APP system to prevent the flood of private orders?

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