
Copywriting accumulation|A high-class copywriting that hints at his departure

author:Qianyi Copywriting Collection

1. On this anxious day, you and I are safe and happy.

2. You can look back, but you can't go back, because retrograde is the full responsibility.

3. The next time I see you, talk and laugh and be emotional.

Copywriting accumulation|A high-class copywriting that hints at his departure

4. I don't know if you love the moon or not at dawn.

5. I also want to regain what I lost, but I'm afraid of repeating the mistakes of the past.

6. Your short and insincere relationship is not worthy of my sincerity and enthusiasm.

Copywriting accumulation|A high-class copywriting that hints at his departure

7. The weather suddenly cools, and it's time to turn the story.

8. Different trains are going to different places.

9. The flower shop is not open, but the flowers continue to bloom.

10. There is always something to prove its preciousness by disappearing.

Copywriting accumulation|A high-class copywriting that hints at his departure

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