
What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

author:The little sister is free to tell stories

First Look: Just a bald head? Second Look: WOC Awesome! Contemporary photographer Wang Qingsong's hairstyle is really magical, each of his hair should have its own name, and it is estimated that you will know if you lose one, Hahahahaha

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

Looking at Hisaishi Jean from afar, looking at Beethoven up close, when the wind blows, he is the Shaolin abbot [tears run] The real cross-border artist, the real work is not a photographic work, but a hairstyle!

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

And this watermelon Taro, each hair has its own place [doge] At first glance, I thought it was drawn with a black marker, and the anime-like hairstyle is elegant, really elegant!

I remember Cai Kangyong said that a certain respected elder paints his hair every day, and there are really people who do this!

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

And this dandelion mother-in-law, I thought I had a phantom, this feeling of nothingness [doge] with Buddha light, how did it do so fluffy and so round at the same time [doge]

Help, I might really want to blow it!

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

Male version of Chu Yuxing? This fluorescent leather band is really the finishing touch! This hairstyle is too advanced, I don't like this hairstyle is bad! Unstable center of gravity, forcing obsessive-compulsive disorder to death......

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

It's the same as the dandelion mother-in-law upstairs, and the air is so strong! The hairstyle is still hollow, real air bangs, it is estimated that it takes a lot of effort to go out every day, hahahahahaha

I'm so patient, and now really, I don't bother to comb my head when I get up in the morning. The older ones are full of energy, the younger ones are lifeless. I'm too lazy to myself, I'll be this old aunt [dog head]

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

I almost didn't dare to laugh, I saw it like this at first glance, I was still thinking about what kind of posture this is, can I still be in this posture on the plane without getting tired? I thought that this is not only a special hairstyle, but also a very special body!

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

This hairstyle is a bit abstract, like Van Gogh's starry sky, after looking at it twice, I was almost shown off [covering my face] Handsome guy, what kind of hairstyle do you have? Answer: Milky Way

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

This is the death of drought and the death of waterlogging! This... If you touch it alone in the middle of the night, you will really be scared to death! Like an alpaca in Zootopia, divide me, please, this lady's hair is enough to save the self-confidence of 10 bald people! You have to use two bottles of Rejoice to wash it once [cover your face]

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

There's only one line left, why do you want it? It's really the last stubbornness and dignity! Be a man and leave a line, and see you in the future [cover your face]

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

Tianjin's characteristic Panfa aunt is indeed like a peacock opening the screen, a magic work in the world!

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

The double-speared sand eagle does not accept refutation and kills Matt himself! Hahahaha [laughs and cries]

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

American-style front stab, chin stabbed forward, you can't control this hairstyle without this face shape, don't be too outrageous, laugh at me!

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

The hair comes equipped with a twin-turbo system, and it feels like it's about to take off!

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

I met on the subway, it seems that the chicken feather shuttlecock is on the head, I thought his red hair was tied to the subway handrail head hanging beam [covering his face]

What's the most amazing hairstyle you've ever seen? It really made me laugh!

These owners make their hair live out to the fullest!