
32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

author:Interesting and new

"In the collision between the vision of travel and the reality, we often find that the attractions that are glamorous on the Internet and in brochures may be very different when actually set foot on them. This article will take you on a journey through the 'expectation versus reality' of a range of famous tourist attractions, revealing the truth behind the embellished photos so that you can have more realistic expectations when planning your next trip. ”

To visit the famous Neuschwanstein Castle, the fairytale castle, this is our view to the site!

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

The beauty of the Rilay Seaside is always so alluring in the photos, but when you actually get there, you may find that the water is not as clear as in the photos, and the beach may be full of tourist footprints.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Although the Trevi Fountain is probably the most crowded tourist attraction in the world, if you want to take a good photo, you have to wait in a long line.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

In the Internet age, we are easily attracted by over-embellished pictures, but the scene in reality is often very different from the picture.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

In the photos, Santorini is always so peaceful and beautiful. But when you actually set foot on this land, you may find that those houses with blue roofs and white walls have actually been worn out by the footsteps of tourists.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

It's rare to hike 10 kilometers to see Havasupai Falls, but when you actually stand in front of the waterfalls, it feels like you've been cheated.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

In the photo, the devil's eye is always so mysterious and fascinating. Here's what I saw when I got there!

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

The Louvre's treasure, the Mona Lisa, but you'll need to be eyesighted enough to see her. In the midst of the crowds, you may find yourself squeezing through the crowd to catch a glimpse of her.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Sometimes, the reality of travel is just that brutal. The beauty you're looking for may not be there, or it may have been ruined beyond recognition by garbage.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

I came all the way because of a post I saw. But the reality is like this.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

I came to New York for the first time in my life, and I was impressed by the bustle and vibrancy of the city. But in the midst of crowds, you may find yourself struggling to find those beautiful views that only appear in photos.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

The Blue Lagoon in Iceland sounds like a fantastic place, but it's not.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Buxton "Blue Lagoon" they actually dyed it black to discourage people from going there to take pictures!

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Usually the floating torii gate stands in the middle of the sea, mysterious and solemn. However, during scheduled maintenance, it was fenced and given warning signs, losing its former charm. This is a feeling of regret and disappointment.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Visit Villa Batlló in Barcelona, however, he has been repairing it for several years.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

The sights of Rotterdam in the photos are so beautiful that you can't help but want to see them for yourself!

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

While traveling, we always want to take beautiful photos to remember, however, the reality is often far from our expectations.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Photos on travel websites always depict the sights so beautifully that you can't help but want to experience them for yourself.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Known as "one of the most spectacular cliffs in Europe", this cliff attracts countless tourists. However, when you actually stand on the edge of the cliff, you find that it is not as spectacular as you imagined. The sea breeze is howling and the fog is shrouded, leaving you feeling a little disappointed and lost.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Go and visit the Cherries and Spoons at Minneapolis Sculpture Park. Cherry went out and repainted!

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

I can finally travel to Paris and the Arc de Triomphe looks like this! Is this an "art" project?

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

The Brooklyn Bridge in New York, one of New York's landmarks, attracts countless tourists. However, the crowd is noisy and crowded, which makes you feel a little depressed and uncomfortable.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Railay Beach in Krabi, Thailand, is a peaceful and solitary place in the photo, however, that tranquility and beauty have long been shattered. The sea is no longer crystal clear.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

A friend went to visit the Thai bamboo bridges and rice paddies she had seen on Google and it turned out to be unfortunately in the dry season!

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

My trip to Bali, Nusa Peninsula, I was looking forward to enjoying the sun, sand and sea in this tropical paradise I felt a little disappointed and helpless.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

I went hiking in Norway and was looking forward to experiencing the beauty of nature. However, there was only disappointment.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

We were all encouraged to see the pink lake in Torrevieja... On the day of our visit, we were greeted by a sad sight of a not-so-pink lake!

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Expectation and reality are the Venetian version, and that serenity and elegance are long gone. Boats weave through narrow waterways, and the noise and pollution are also uncomfortable.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Lake Satunya, the beauty of those hot springs, is spoiled by the footsteps of tourists.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

Speaking of Paris, of course, it's the Eiffel Tower! How romantic a picnic on the grass is!

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

In reality, the meadow under the Eiffel Tower may have been occupied by tourists.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

The Great Wall of China, Beijing: To climb the Great Wall, we should have the historical feeling of "never seeing the ancients before, and not seeing the future after us". However, the reality is crowded, and it is difficult to take a photo without tourists.

32 Famous Tourist Attractions: The shocking contrast between expectations and reality is staggering!

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