
81-year-old Biden vs 78-year-old Trump first-round showdown! What are the presidential debates all about?


There are just over four months left before the 2024 general election.

Just recently, the first round of debates in this election will be broadcast live on CNN.

81-year-old Biden vs 78-year-old Trump first-round showdown! What are the presidential debates all about?

Source: NBC news The copyright belongs to the original author

According to the latest poll by Marquette University School of Law, among registered voters in Wisconsin, Biden's approval rating is roughly equal to Trump's.

81-year-old Biden vs 78-year-old Trump first-round showdown! What are the presidential debates all about?

Source: NBC news The copyright belongs to the original author

Wisconsin is an electoral key state, and it's what we often call a swing state, and statewide elections are often just a few thousand votes away from winning or losing. In the current voter polls, Biden leads Trump by 51% to 49%.

That is why this debate is all the more important.

So, what are the rules for this debate?

  • The debate lasted 90 minutes, with two breaks in between, and you were required to stand and speak throughout the debate.
  • Neither of them is allowed to bring any props or pre-prepared notes throughout the debate. A pen, a sticky note and a bottle of water will be provided at the debate venue.
  • Since it is difficult to avoid verbal battles during the debate, this debate has strict time control and rules, except for the designated speaking period, both sides need to close the microphone.

Because the second debate won't take place until September, Thursday night's debate, whether it's a sharp point or a serious misstep, will reverberate for months.

In their speeches, the two candidates repeatedly referred to "China", including tariffs.

Summary of the US media: Biden is sometimes incoherent

Trump lied

According to the pre-debate coin toss, Biden stands on the right side of the viewer's TV screen and Trump stands on the left; Biden made his closing remarks first, and Trump was the last speaker in the 90-minute debate.

According to the report, 81-year-old Biden and 78-year-old Trump are expected to debate the economy, immigration, trade and other topics, and their age and physical and mental health have been the subject of much concern.

81-year-old Biden vs 78-year-old Trump first-round showdown! What are the presidential debates all about?

At the beginning of the debate, Biden's speech appeared disorganized and incoherent. And Trump, in the words of the American media, is "lying about issues such as the economy, abortion and defense spending of NATO members."

What's more, the two men's statements focused on fierce personal attacks on each other.

Biden called Trump a "convicted felon" who was "convicted of a felony." Trump, for his part, slammed Baihai as an "immigrant crime" and accused Biden of allowing millions of people from prisons, detention centers and psychiatric hospitals to enter and destroy the country.

Trump said that he could speak for a day by looking at the teleprompter, and accused Biden of not being able to read the teleprompter! Trump also claimed that the U.S. military liked him and not Biden.

In the live broadcast of the debate, Biden had a situation that caused onlookers, that is, Biden did not blink an eye almost throughout the debate, like a robot, and Americans said that Biden had taken some kind of medicine before the debate.

81-year-old Biden vs 78-year-old Trump first-round showdown! What are the presidential debates all about?

In fact, Biden rejected the request to undergo a drug test before the debate.

For Americans, this presidential debate is actually Trump proving to the American people that he is not crazy, and Biden is proving to the American people that he is not stupid.

81-year-old Biden vs 78-year-old Trump first-round showdown! What are the presidential debates all about?

However, the debate scene is more like a madman scolding a fool.

Throughout the game, under Trump's quick talk, Biden seemed to have no power to fight back, and it can be said that Trump won completely.

During the debate, Trump blamed incumbent President Joe Biden for the war in Ukraine and called on Europe to increase spending to support Kyiv.

Trump said that if the United States "had a real president," Russian President Vladimir Putin "would never have attacked Ukraine."

Trump has once again claimed that if he wins the presidential election again, he will be able to "solve" the war, even before his inauguration on January 20 next year. Mr. Trump, however, did not say how he would achieve that goal.

Trump also asked Biden to put pressure on European allies to spend more money on supporting Ukraine.

Asked whether Russia's proposed conditions for the end of the war were acceptable, Mr. Trump called them unacceptable.

Biden and Trump were later asked about immigration policy and border security. Biden said he is trying to reach a bipartisan consensus on the issue and to make sure it doesn't lead to the family separation that characterized the Trump era. Mr. Trump, for his part, said the borders were the safest when he was president. He accused Biden of opening the borders to allow people in question — including terrorists — to enter the United States.

The moderator asked Trump how he could convince some voters that his actions and inactions in the 2021 storming of the Capitol violated his constitutional oath and feared a repeat of the incident.

Trump responded that instead of letting people storm Congress, Trump told them to act "peacefully." He said he said there would be a lot of people and offered then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to send more National Guard personnel, but was refused.

Biden said the storming of the Capitol happened because Trump encouraged those people to go to Congress, but Trump did nothing after that.

During the debate, the moderator asked: Mr. Biden, there are a very large number of immigrants who crossed the border into the United States when you were in power, so actually making a city like Chicago a very dangerous place for them, what are you going to do to defuse this crisis?

Biden replied: We have a very large number of police now, and they are deployed at this border, so it is not so easy for them to come in. In addition, we also know that when Trump was in power, he separated the children from their mothers and separated these families, but this is not right. What about me, my laws are going to be changed, I have changed my approach, and our current approach is 40% less illegal entry. I'm going to keep doing this so that all illegal immigrants don't come in again, and we have more police, and they patrol the border.

In response to Biden's statement, Trump retorted: I really don't know what he's talking about, especially the last sentence, I think he shouldn't know what he's talking about, when I was in office, our borders were very secure, the safest in history. But you see what he's doing, he's just opening our borders. So these could be criminals in prison, or people from mental hospitals, or those terrorists, we let them -- all the terrorists from all over the world come in, not just South America, including the Middle East, they all came into our country, you look at this man, he opened all our borders, he said there was no need for legislation, but I said we were going to close the borders because I was the safest when I was in power, especially in the last few months of my administration. But now, now we are facing the worst frontier, nothing like this has ever happened, people are dying everywhere.

The moderator continued: We continue to pay attention to the issue of immigration, and Trump said that if he is elected, he will deport all illegal immigrants in the United States, does that include those who have lived in the United States for decades and whose other half are also in our country?

81-year-old Biden vs 78-year-old Trump first-round showdown! What are the presidential debates all about?

Trump didn't answer this question directly, saying that when the terrorists came in, we were living in a rat's nest, and they were killing people in New York, California, and everywhere. Because we don't have borders, they're thinking of all sorts of stupid laws to let them come in and kill our people, and I say this is a Biden immigrant murder, they're killing our citizens. It's terrible, what's going on in our country?

Although Trump did not answer the question of illegal immigrants directly, referring to some immigration policies during Trump's previous presidency, it can be seen that if he is successfully elected, illegal immigrants will tremble.

During Trump's presidency, he did the following on the issue of illegal immigration

  1. Strengthening Border Security and Building a Border Wall: The Trump administration has emphasized strengthening the security of the U.S.-Mexico border and is pushing for the construction of a border wall to stop undocumented immigrants from entering the United States.
  2. Zero-tolerance policy: In 2018, the Trump administration implemented what it called a "zero-tolerance" policy, which means that all people who illegally cross the border will be prosecuted. This has led to the separation of many families and the separation of children from their parents, sparking widespread controversy and criticism at home and abroad.
  3. Travel ban: Trump signed several versions of the travel ban restricting the entry of citizens from some mostly Muslim countries to the United States.
  4. End DACA Program: The DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program was implemented by the Obama administration to protect undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children from deportation. Trump tried to terminate the plan, but was met with legal challenges.
  5. Reduced refugee admissions: The Trump administration has dramatically reduced the number of refugees admitted to the United States each year.
  6. Executive Orders on Immigration Policy: Trump has signed several executive orders aimed at reforming the immigration system, including restricting certain types of visas and green card issuance.
  7. Push for Legislative Reform of Immigration Law: Although the Trump administration proposed legislative reform of immigration laws, these reforms failed to become law due to differences of opinion within Congress.

These actions and policies of the Trump administration have been widely debated, with proponents arguing that the measures are necessary to protect national security and the rights and interests of legal immigrants, while critics argue that the measures are too draconian, violate human rights, and cause unnecessary harm to immigrant communities.

The Associated Press summed up the performance of both sides in the first half hour of the debate, saying that "a hoarse Biden gave a jumbled response and sometimes spoke incoherently in defense of his policies and records." Trump, for his part, lied about the economy, abortion and defense spending by NATO members. The two also engaged in fierce physical attacks on each other".

A number of polls in the United States show that

The two are evenly matched

According to the results of a joint poll released by Reuters and Ipsos Group on May 31, after the presumed presidential candidate of the Republican Party in the United States, Donald Trump, was convicted in the "hush money" case, his opponent, the Democratic Party's presumed presidential candidate, Joseph Biden, surpassed Trump by two percentage points among registered voters. Previously, a number of polls showed that the two were evenly matched.

After Trump was convicted by a New York court on May 30 of all 34 counts in his hush money case, Reuters and Ipsos launched a two-day survey of 2,556 American adults, including 2,135 registered voters, online, with a margin of error of about 2 percentage points.

Reuters, citing poll results, reported that after Trump was found guilty, 41% of registered voters said they would vote for Biden if the presidential election was held on the same day; Thirty-nine percent of registered voters said they would vote for Trump. The remaining 20 per cent of registered voters did not choose a supporter, indicating a preference to vote for a third party or not at all.

In the last joint Reuters and Ipsos poll conducted from May 7 to 14, Biden and Trump were evenly matched among registered voters at 40 percent.

The latest poll results also show that 52% of the respondents believe that the ruling in the "hush money" case is based on fair law enforcement and compliance with the rule of law; Forty-five percent of those surveyed believe that Trump's conviction is politically motivated to prevent him from returning to the White House.

A graph released on the Ipsos website on May 31 showed that at the beginning of this year, Trump's approval rating among registered voters was 5 percentage points higher than Biden's; lower than Biden in March-April; Since May, the support rate of the two has been basically the same; However, the "hush money" case ruling has become another time node, with Biden's approval rating rising and Trump's approval rating declining.

Sentencing hearings in the hush money case are scheduled for July 11 and Trump will not be detained or pay bail until then. The Republican National Convention will be held on July 15-18, when Republicans will formally nominate Trump as their presidential candidate.

According to Reuters analysis, although national polls constitute an important signal for the direction of the U.S. presidential election, it is the Electoral College system that really determines the election results, and a number of key states with large population bases and no obvious preference for voters against the two parties have become important weights in this electoral system, and Biden and Trump may compete fiercely in these key states in the future.