
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors

author:Jiang Benping's people from that village
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors
At dusk, the stilted buildings are stacked on staggered floors

Among the mountains and mountains of southwest China, there is a heart-warming ancient scenery - the stilted buildings. As the sun begins to sink into the horizon and the horizon glows a gentle warm yellow, this ancient wooden complex is endowed with a different kind of vitality and charm.

Layered and scattered, the harmony of nature and humanity dances

The stilted building is built against the mountain, as if it is a masterpiece of the ingenious combination of nature and human wisdom. Wooden buildings are layered along the winding ridges, making use of the limited land resources and minimizing the damage to the natural environment. This unique architectural style not only shows the wisdom of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, but also inherits the traditional philosophy of life.

Warm memories of wooden structures

At dusk, the sun shines obliquely on these wooden structures, covering every beam and pillar and eaves with a faint layer of gold. This warm yellow tone not only warms the footsteps of returning to the family, but also makes the entire stilted building group exude a quiet atmosphere. The smell of wood mixed with the smell of cooking smoke wafts in the air, which is the smell of home and the memory of nostalgia.

The details are in the ingenuity

Walking into the stilted building, you will find that every corner is full of ingenious details. The finely carved window lattices, the thresholds with different patterns, and even a small woodcut flower at the corner of the staircase reveal the love and respect for life of the craftsmen. These details are not just decorations, but also testimonies of history, recording the stories and emotions of generations after generations.

The flow of time in a layered sense

Standing on a high place and looking out, the stilted buildings are more layered in the interlacing of light and shadow, with different heights and distances, like a flowing landscape painting. Each floor and each building carries different stories and memories, which are intertwined to paint a magnificent picture of time and change.

In short, the stilted building at dusk is a poem composed of wood and light and shadow, and a picture full of humanistic feelings and natural beauty. It quietly tells the past, but also warmly welcomes the future, inviting every passerby to experience this unique tranquility and beauty.