
The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

author:Xiaohua tells the story

Star Track: The opera beauties who walked out of the alleys of Shanghai

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

Prologue: Dawn in the alley

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

Back in Shanghai in 1976, in an inconspicuous alley, a future bright star was born - Yang Mingna. In that era of scarcity of materials but overflowing with warmth, she was like the rising sun, illuminating every corner of the family. Since she was a child, she has become a good story in the neighborhood with her extraordinary intelligence and well-behaved.

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

Chapter 1: Dreams Set Sail in the Ordinary

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

In the long river of years, Yang Mingna's dream of opera quietly sprouted. By chance, she came across the charm of opera, and the melody was like a heavenly sound, which deeply touched her heart. Since then, opera has become an indispensable soulmate in her life. In the face of this sudden love, her parents gave the most firm support, as if to plug in the wings of her dreams, allowing her to soar in the sky of art.

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

Chapter 2: A Brilliant Chapter in the School of Drama

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Yang Mingna has grown into a slim girl. At the age of 18, with her unremitting efforts and outstanding talent, she successfully stepped into the hall of Shanghai Theater Academy. Here, she eagerly absorbed the nectar of knowledge, and every morning in the practice room, she left her diligent footprints. Her efforts were not in vain, and she was fortunate to touch the screen in her sophomore year, although it was only a small role, but it laid a solid foundation for her future glory.

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

Chapter 3: The Screen Legend of the Costume Goddess

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

From the gentle woman in "The Turmoil in the Qin Family" to the peerless beauty in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", Yang Mingna has won the love and popularity of countless audiences with her unique costume charm and superb acting skills. Every character she portrays is lifelike, like a fairy coming out of an ancient picture scroll, which is unforgettable. With the continuous accumulation of works, her career has also climbed to a new peak and has become a bright star in the field of costume dramas.

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

Chapter 4: Resilient Women in the Mists of Marriage

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

However, the brilliance of her career did not hide the twists and turns of Yang Mingna's emotional life. In 2009, during the filming of "Lakes and Mountains", she met and fell in love with Tian Xian. However, the marriage was full of misunderstandings and pain. Tian Liang's selfishness and greed are gradually revealed, and he uses marriage as a tool to constantly ask for Yang Mingna's wealth and love. In the face of all this, Yang Mingna chose forbearance and persistence, but the pain in her heart was indescribable.

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

Chapter 5: The Battle for Justice under the Sword of Law

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

Finally, under the unbearable torment, Yang Mingna decided to end this painful marriage. She bravely stood up and used legal weapons to protect her rights and interests and the future of her children. In this long and difficult struggle, she showed extraordinary tenacity and wisdom. In the end, under the fair ruling of the law, she successfully obtained custody of the child and received due compensation and compensation. This victory is not only an affirmation of her personal efforts, but also an ode to justice and maternal love.

Chapter 6: The glory of mother's love fades out of the screen

The Power of Mother's Love: How Does Yang Mingna Give Up Everything for Her Child?

After the divorce, Yang Mingna made an admirable decision - to fade out of the showbiz. She is well aware of the great responsibility of being a mother, and in order to give her children a healthy and stable growth environment, she resolutely gave up her prosperous career. After returning to the family, she poured all her love and care into the child, accompanied him to grow up, and educated him to be a man. Although the days of mother and son relying on each other are uneventful, they are full of warmth and happiness. This mother's love is as thick and deep as a mountain, which makes people move.

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