
Xiucai guarded the spirit of his wife, and when he saw that his wife and sister wanted to make a promise, he hurriedly poured salt into his mouth


Let's talk about this staggering strange thing that happened in the small town to the south of us, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are simple and unpretentious. But in this good place, such an unbelievable thing happened. There is a Xiucai named Li in our town, twenty-five years old, who looks like a talent and is very knowledgeable. He married a daughter-in-law named Cui'er, and the relationship between the two was so good that they seemed to be glued together. But there are unforeseen circumstances, Cui'er got seriously ill within a few years of getting married, and she couldn't get through it, so she left. Li Xiucai is sad, he stays in front of the spirit every day, does not eat, drink, sleep, and wants to accompany his daughter-in-law to the last journey.

This night, the moonlight sprinkled like water, Li Xiucai sat in front of the mourning hall, looking at the portrait of his daughter-in-law, and his heart was called a mixed taste. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew gently, the door of the mourning hall squeaked open, and a figure quietly walked in. As soon as Li Xiucai looked up, he almost fainted in fright, and the person who came turned out to be his daughter-in-law's sister, nicknamed Cuilian. Cuilian looks quite similar to her sister Cui'er, but she adds a bit more charm than her sister. Seeing that Li Xiucai was so sad, she felt uncomfortable, so she stepped forward and comforted her softly. The two chatted, Cuilian was in tears, suddenly hugged Li Xiucai tightly, and whispered: "Brother-in-law, my sister is gone, I ...... I am willing to take care of you for the rest of my life in the place of my sister. As soon as these words came out, Li Xiucai felt as if he had been struck by lightning, he hurriedly pushed Cuilian away, and waved his hand again and again: "No, no, no, you are Cui'er's sister, how can I do such a thing?" ”

Seeing Li Xiucai's refusal, Cuilian became even more anxious, tears burst into her eyes, and her voice was choked: "Brother-in-law, I am sincere, I don't care about my reputation, I just want to be by your side, take care of you, and accompany you." When Li Xiucai heard this, his heart was also in a mess, he knew that Cuilian was a good girl, but how could he do such a thing to be sorry for Cui'er? He struggled to his feet, trying to get out of the mourning hall and avoid the awkward situation. But at this moment, he suddenly felt dizzy, and as soon as his eyes were dark, he fell to the ground.

Xiucai guarded the spirit of his wife, and when he saw that his wife and sister wanted to make a promise, he hurriedly poured salt into his mouth

When he woke up again, he found that he was already lying on the bed, and Cuilian was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at him with a concerned expression. "You...... Why are you here? Li Xiucai asked in surprise. Cuilian saw that he was awake, a smile appeared on her face, and she whispered, "Brother-in-law, you passed out, I will help you back." Eat something, you haven't eaten in days. Li Xiucai shook his head and said he didn't want to eat. He looked out the window, it was getting late, so he said to Cuilian: "It's not early, go back quickly, don't let your father and mother worry." Cuilian shook her head and said, "No, I won't go back." I'm here with you. When Li Xiucai heard this, his heart was so anxious that he struggled to sit up, bent on getting out of bed and driving Cuilian away. But at this moment, a legend suddenly flashed in his mind, saying that there is a trick that can make people sober up and not be confused by those evil ways. He hurriedly picked up a salt shaker from the bedside, grabbed a handful of salt and stuffed it in his mouth, and chewed it vigorously. As soon as the salt entered his mouth, it was so hot that he burst into tears, but he gritted his teeth and kept chewing. Cuilian was startled when she saw this posture, and hurriedly asked, "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?" Why do you still eat salt? Li Xiucai ignored her, and just continued to chew the salt.

After a while, Li Xiu felt that his head was clear, and the things in front of him were much clearer. Only then did he see that the Cuilian in front of him had become unrecognizable, and her eyes were as green as ghost fire. He was shocked, and suddenly understood that this Cuilian was not a human at all, but a monster who had been fascinated by evil spirits! He quickly jumped up from the bed, pushed Cuilian away, and rushed out of the door. When the monster saw Li Xiucai running away, he jumped to his feet in anger, screamed, turned into a black wind, and chased after Li Xiucai.

Li Xiucai ran desperately, panicking like something. He knew that he was no match for the monster, and if he couldn't find someone to help him, he would probably have to confess today. He ran and looked around, hoping to find a place to hide. At this moment, he suddenly saw a Taoist temple in front of him, which was brightly lit, as if someone was doing something. He was overjoyed and hurriedly ran towards the Taoist temple. When the monster saw Li Xiucai running towards the Taoist temple, he was in a hurry and accelerated his speed, wanting to catch up with Li Xiucai. But at this moment, a golden light fell from the sky and covered the monster. The youkai screamed, turned into a wisp of green smoke, and dissipated into the night sky.

Xiucai guarded the spirit of his wife, and when he saw that his wife and sister wanted to make a promise, he hurriedly poured salt into his mouth

Seeing this, Li Xiucai's heart blossomed, and he hurriedly ran into the Taoist temple and asked the master for help. As soon as the master saw Li Xiucai coming, he knew that something was wrong, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask what was going on. Li Xiucai told the master what had happened. After hearing this, the master nodded and said, "Don't worry, I have my own way to do this." Li Xiucai heard what the master said, and his heart was a lot more steady. He followed the master into the temple, and saw that the incense was flourishing, and the Taoist priests were busy doing things, and the atmosphere was solemn and solemn. The master led him into a quiet room and told him to rest for a while, while he went to prepare some magic weapons to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

Li Xiucai sat in the quiet room, and his heart was up and down. He couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the bits and pieces of himself and Cui'er, and the scary monster just now. He secretly swore in his heart that he must find a way to let Cui'er rest in peace and free himself from the entanglement of this demon. After a while, the master returned with a bunch of magic weapons. He looked at Li Xiucai, nodded and said, "You come with me, let's go and meet that monster together." Li Xiucai's ears pricked up, and when he heard that, his spirit immediately came up. He jumped up from his stool and followed the master out of the quiet room. The two of them went to the mountain behind the Taoist temple together, and saw that there was a black cave there, the entrance of the cave was black and rumbling, and from time to time there was a gloomy wind. The master stopped, turned his head and said to Li Xiucai: "That monster is hiding in this hole, her cultivation is not low, we have to be careful." Li Xiucai listened, nodded, clenched his hands tightly, and secretly encouraged himself in his heart.

The two of them cautiously walked into the cave, which was as black as the bottom of a pot, and they couldn't see their fingers. The master took out a fire fold from his bosom, and with a light blow, the fire lit up, illuminating the surroundings. As they walked along the fire, they saw a stone platform in the depths of the cave, on which was an incense burner, and three sticks of incense were inserted into the incense burner, and green smoke was rising up. When the master saw it, he snorted coldly and said, "This monster knows the rules quite well, and he also knows how to burn incense for himself." He walked to the incense burner, took out a handful of rune paper from his bosom, recited the words in his mouth, and then pasted the rune paper on the incense burner. As soon as the talisman paper was pasted, white smoke rose and the incense in the incense burner burned even more vigorously.

Xiucai guarded the spirit of his wife, and when he saw that his wife and sister wanted to make a promise, he hurriedly poured salt into his mouth

The youkai sensed something was wrong and rushed out of the shadows. As soon as she saw the master, she immediately became angry, let out a scream, and rushed towards the two of them. Unhurriedly, the master took out a peachwood sword from his bosom and stabbed it at the monster. The two of them and a demon started a fierce fight in the cave, and the sword aura was overflowing and the demon aura was pervasive. Although Li Xiucai didn't know martial arts, he didn't admit it, picked up a branch, and whipped it at the monster. The monster was in pain, roared angrily, turned around and pounced on Li Xiucai. Li Xiucai was so frightened that he couldn't possess his body, closed his eyes, and waved a branch to beat him indiscriminately.

At this moment, the master shouted, and the peachwood sword in his hand turned into a golden light and slashed towards the monster. Hearing only a "bang", the monster was struck by the golden light and fell to the ground with a scream. The master took advantage of the situation and stepped forward, and another sword pierced the monster's heart. The youkai struggled a few times, and finally stopped moving. The master took back the peachwood sword, walked to Li Xiucai's side, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, this monster has been cleaned up by me, don't worry." Li Xiucai opened his eyes and was relieved to see that the monster had fallen to the ground. He glanced at the master gratefully and said, "Thank you for the grace of the Taoist for saving your life, I will remember it in my heart." ”

The master waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, I'm a cultivator, it's my duty to subdue demons and eliminate demons." He looked at the sky and said to Li Xiucai: "It's not early, let's go down the mountain." Li Xiucai nodded and followed the master out of the cave. When the two of them returned to the Taoist temple, it was already dawn. The master sent Li Xiucai to Guanwai and told him to be careful in the future and not to be confused by demons again. Li Xiucai nodded again and again, said goodbye to the master, and returned to the town. Our Li Xiucai from the Northeast, when he came back from the town, he told the old and young masters in our town all the words of the Taoist chief. When everyone heard this, they were amazed, and they gave a thumbs up one by one, and boasted that they really had two brushes. Since then, Li Xiucai has also learned to be obedient and no longer believes those nonsense nonsense. As for Cuilian, her poor body, Li Xiucai buried it in the wasteland outside the town, and also set up a tablet, which was engraved with "The Tomb of Cuilian, the Sister of the Deceased Wife". He hoped that Cuilian could rest here, and that he could forget about that scary experience and start over.

Xiucai guarded the spirit of his wife, and when he saw that his wife and sister wanted to make a promise, he hurriedly poured salt into his mouth

Li Xiucai's matter spread in the town and became everyone's after-dinner conversation. Some boasted that the long man had great powers, some praised Li Xiucai's hard life, and some lamented that Cuilian girl's life was hard, a good girl, how could she let the monster occupy it. Time passed day by day, and Li Xiucai slowly came out of that shadow and redevoted himself to the cause of teaching and educating people. Although I occasionally think of Cui'er and Cuilian, my heart is more relieved and calm.

One day, a wandering Taoist priest came to the town, heard about Li Xiucai, and came to visit. This Taoist priest looks like a fairy, and his words and deeds are full of unfathomableness. When he saw Li Xiucai, he first looked at it, then nodded and said, "Li Xiucai, the demonic qi on your body has dispersed, but your heart knot has not been untied." When Li Xiucai heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked the Taoist priest how to solve this knot. The Taoist priest smiled slightly, took out an ancient book from his arms, handed it to Li Xiucai, and said: "This is the heart method of this Daomen, you take it to practice, and when you become successful in cultivation, you will naturally be able to untie this heart knot." Li Xiucai took the ancient book, and he was so grateful. After sending off the Taoist priest, he began to cultivate according to the methods in the ancient books. At first, I thought it was a little difficult to understand, but after a long time, I gradually understood the essence of it. His state of mind became more and more peaceful, and the shadows of the past gradually faded.

Early one morning, Li Xiucai was practicing in the study when he suddenly heard a sharp knock on the door. He opened the door and saw a strange woman standing outside the door, carrying a basket of fresh fruit. When the woman saw Li Xiucai, she smiled and said, "Li Xiucai, I am a new resident in the town, and I have come to visit you." Li Xiucai was stunned for a moment, he squinted his eyes and looked at the woman carefully. Looking at it, he found that this woman looked a little similar to Cui'er and Cuilian, but her temperament was very different. Although he had doubts in his heart, he still welcomed the woman into the house with enthusiasm.

Xiucai guarded the spirit of his wife, and when he saw that his wife and sister wanted to make a promise, he hurriedly poured salt into his mouth

As soon as the woman sat down, she had a family affair with Li Xiucai. She told Li Xiucai that her name was Xiaofang, an orphan, and she grew up in a Taoist temple. Later, the Taoist chief in the Taoist temple saw that she was smart and clever, so he took her as an apprentice and taught her to practice Taoism. Now, she has returned from her studies and wants to find a place to stay in the town and start a new life.

Li Xiucai listened to Xiaofang's words, and couldn't help but feel emotional. He recalls that he had experienced similar difficulties and confusions, but now he was able to get back on his feet and face life. He couldn't help but say to Xiaofang: "Miss Xiaofang, your experience reminds me of myself. I believe you will be able to find your own happiness here. ”

Xiao Fang listened to Li Xiucai's words, and a trace of gratitude flashed in her eyes. She looked at Li Xiucai and said, "Li Xiucai, in fact, I came to you today, and I want to ask you for help with one more thing." Li Xiucai was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's the matter?" As long as I can help, I will do my best. Xiao Fang sighed and said, "I have been cultivating in the Taoist temple for many years, and although I have learned a lot of skills, I have always had a question in my heart that has not been solved. I heard that you have experienced the entanglement of demons and evil spirits, and you have also received the guidance of masters, and now you have achieved success. I would like to ask you to help me answer this question. ”

Xiucai guarded the spirit of his wife, and when he saw that his wife and sister wanted to make a promise, he hurriedly poured salt into his mouth

When Li Xiucai heard this, he was a little surprised in his heart, but he still nodded and said, "Miss Xiaofang, please say, as long as I know, I will know everything, and I will say everything." Xiao Fang nodded gratefully and began to talk about her doubts. It turned out that she had encountered some bottlenecks in the process of cultivating the Dao Fa, and she had never been able to break through, and she wanted to know how she could break through these bottlenecks and reach a higher realm.

After listening to Xiao Fang's question, Li Xiucai pondered for a moment, and then said: "Miss Xiao Fang, your question is actually not difficult to solve, the key lies in the cultivation of the state of mind. Dao practice is not only about cultivating the body, but also about cultivating the mind. Only when your state of mind reaches a certain state of mind can you naturally break through those bottlenecks. ”

After listening to Li Xiucai's words, Xiaofang suddenly realized. She glanced at Li Xiucai gratefully, and then said, "Li Xiucai, thank you, I really came to the right place to find you today." Since then, Xiao Fang has often come to Li Xiucai to ask questions about Taoism, and the two have gradually become good friends. With Xiao Fang's help, Li Xiucai's mood became more and more peaceful, and the shadows of the past completely dissipated in his heart. And the villagers in the town also saw the changes in Li Xiucai, and they praised one after another: "Li Xiucai is really getting more and more immortal!" ”

Xiucai guarded the spirit of his wife, and when he saw that his wife and sister wanted to make a promise, he hurriedly poured salt into his mouth