
The butcher strayed into the mass grave, and when he saw the approval of the underworld, the judge turned out to be the widow of the king of the village

author:Persistent warmth and sunshine

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about the rare things in our village today. We have a butcher here, known as Li Daring, this buddy is in our area, that is notoriously bold, slaughtering pigs and sheep on weekdays, his hand is up and down, blood is splashed three feet, he doesn't even blink an eye. But this time, why did he break into the mass grave in a daze, and he also saw the great judgment of the underworld with his own eyes, the judge, guess who it is? It's actually the widow of the king in our village who usually chatters!

That day, before the sun set, Li Daring carried his shiny butcher's knife, hummed a little tune, and walked home with a happy heart. Today's business is good, the pork is sold cleanly, the silver in his pocket is heavy, and he is happy in his heart. But as he walked, he felt that something was wrong, why did this road become more and more deserted, and he couldn't even see a ghost? Li Daring's heart tightened, and he thought, "Don't this be a fork in the road, right?" He looked around, and saw a cemetery in front of him, with tombstones scattered everywhere, and wild grass growing like something. I was panicked in my heart, and secretly scolded myself: "What the hell, why did you come to this messy grave?" ”

But it was too late to turn back, the sky was getting darker and darker, and the wind was gusting around, as if there were ghosts wandering. Li Daring stiffened his head, and muttered in his heart: "God, bless me not to encounter anything unclean." At that moment, he heard a commotion in front of him, as if someone was arguing. He was curious, and he leaned over to take a look, oh my god! I saw a group of men and women in ancient costumes, surrounding a high platform, and the one sitting on the high platform was not the widow of the king of our village? This widow of the king usually chatters and says things that make people scratch their heads. Everyone in the village said that she had a brain problem, but no one took it seriously. Why is she sitting on the high platform of the mass grave and becoming a judge today?

The butcher strayed into the mass grave, and when he saw the approval of the underworld, the judge turned out to be the widow of the king of the village

Li Daring muttered in his heart, but what surprised him even more was that the people kneeling under the high platform were actually the villagers he knew! There are Zhang San, Li Si, and Wang Ermazi...... They were all pale and trembling, as if they had committed a great sin. Li boldly rubbed his eyes, unable to believe his eyes. At this time, the widow suddenly spoke, and her voice was sharp and gloomy: "You have done many evils in your life, and you are on trial here today, what do you have to say?" The villagers were crying like something, begging for mercy one after another. Li Daring was furious when he heard this, and he thought, "When did this widow learn this hand?" ”

At this moment, Widow Wang suddenly pointed in the direction of Li Daring and screamed, "There is another person over there, bring it to me quickly!" Li Daring's heart tightened, and he thought: "What can I do now?" Why did I run into this? He turned around and wanted to run, but where could he run? A group of hideous-looking imps appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, grabbed his arm and dragged him to the high platform. Li Daring, that kid, struggled hard, but those little ghosts were so strong, how could he break free? With that, he was brought to the high platform and knelt beside the villagers. Widow Wang glanced at him, a trace of indescribable things flashed in her eyes, and then slowly spoke: "Li Daring, do you have a number in your heart?" Li Daring trembled in his heart, and hurriedly defended: "I... What did I do wrong? I'm just a pig killer, getting up early every day, greedy for night, tired and tired to earn money to support my family, why am I a criminal? The widow snorted coldly: "Do you know that the pigs and sheep you kill every day are the reincarnations of those unjust souls on this mass grave?" If you kill them, you will kill them countless times, can you afford this sin? When Li Daring heard this, he was so frightened that his soul was about to fly. Only then did he suddenly realize that the pigs and sheep he had killed over the years were the reincarnations of these unjust souls! He regretted it to death, and tears flowed down his cheeks.

The widow looked at him and sighed: "Seeing that you are the first offender, or if you were instigated, this judge will give you a chance to reform your ways." From now on, you have to recite sutras to these unjust souls every day until their resentment is gone. Do you want to do it? Li Daring nodded hurriedly: "I'll do it!" I'll do it! Since then, Li Daring has stayed in the mass graves, reciting scriptures to those unjust souls every day. Although he can no longer go back to the village, he feels much more at ease. He knew that he was atoning for the sins of those innocent lives, and he was also accumulating virtue for himself.

The butcher strayed into the mass grave, and when he saw the approval of the underworld, the judge turned out to be the widow of the king of the village

On the mass grave, there is also an additional scenery - a butcher, kneeling in front of the grave every day, the sound of chanting scriptures echoes in the wilderness. When he arrived at the mass grave, he had to clean the grave, pull out the weeds, and worship them one by one. Then I started chanting, and my voice was still a little shaky at first, but as time went on, it became more and more stable and powerful. It seems that every time he utters a word, he can penetrate the two worlds of yin and yang and bring comfort to those unjust souls.

The people in the village began to feel that Li Daring had changed, no longer so rude, no longer so arrogant. Some people say that he has fallen into evil spirits, and some people think that he may have truly repented. But no matter what he said, everyone began to look at him with admiration, and some people even took the initiative to help him carry water and deliver food. Li Daring doesn't care what others think of him, he only knows that what he has to do is to do his best to make up for the mistakes he has made. He began to believe that even though he had been a butcher with blood on his hands, he would be redeemed if he repented.

Time passed, and Li Daring's days on the mass grave became longer and longer. He found that the unjust souls seemed to be really beginning to accept his transcendence, and their resentment was dissipating little by little. In the dead of night, he could hear soft voices whispering in his ear, as if thanking him and telling his own story. Li Daring knew that these voices were all those unjust souls chatting with him. He began to try to talk to them, and although he couldn't see their shadows, he could feel that they were there. He poured out all his ideas to them, including his regrets and changes. Those unjust souls also really give face, are willing to listen to his chatter, and cheer him up from time to time, pointing fingers. In this way, Li Daring survived year after year on the mass grave.

The butcher strayed into the mass grave, and when he saw the approval of the underworld, the judge turned out to be the widow of the king of the village

There were more wrinkles on his face, but his eyes were becoming more and more energetic and bright. He knew that what he was doing was quite energetic, and he was taking a bright road. Once, Li Daring went to the mass graves again, and he was stunned, and new sprouts appeared on those graves. The originally bare land was covered with green grass and wildflowers. He stood there silently for a long time, tears falling down his cheeks. He knew that this was a sign from the unjust spirits that they were relieved and left the place of resentment and pain. They are grateful to Li for what he has done for them, and they hope that he can continue to move forward towards a better tomorrow.

Since then, Li has not returned to the village. He also recites sutras in mass graves, sending warmth and light to those souls who need salvation. The new green has also become the most beautiful painting in his heart. People in the village began to spread that Li Daring had become an immortal, and his good deeds and sincerity touched heaven and earth, and he was taken care of by God. Some say he became a god in a mass grave, while others say he went to a better place. But no matter what you say, everyone knows that Li Daring is a good person and worthy of respect.

With each passing year, the new greenery on the mass graves is getting more and more vibrant, and the once barren land is now an oasis of life. Li Daring's story has also become a legend passed down from mouth to mouth in the village. When people think of him, they say, "That's such a great man!" With his good deeds and sincerity, he changed the fate of mass graves. He convinces us that no matter how big our mistakes are, we can be saved if we truly repent. In this way, Li Daring's story spread in the village, becoming an example and inspiration for generations after generations. The new greenery on the mass grave has also become the most beautiful scenery and eternal memory in the hearts of the people in the village.

The butcher strayed into the mass grave, and when he saw the approval of the underworld, the judge turned out to be the widow of the king of the village

Li Daring's story is spread in the village like snowflakes in the northeast winter, floating everywhere, and everyone knows it. But after a long time, the name Li Daring, as well as his legendary experience, slowly became a little blurred, as if buried by the sand of the years. However, on the mass graves, the new green is becoming more and more vigorous and vibrant. When spring returns to the earth, the land is lively, and the colorful wildflowers compete for beauty, fascinating the children in the village, and they come to have fun one by one. They may not know the legendary story of Li Daring, but every time they set foot on this land, their hearts inexplicably surge with respect and peace. In the depths of that vibrant greenery, Li Daring recites scriptures every day to send some blessings to those who have gone far. Although his voice was hoarse, every word was heavy, revealing a sense of strength and warmth. He doesn't care what outsiders think, he just cultivates his mind and redeems himself.

One day, a young Taoist priest passed by and was fascinated by the green scenery. He walked into the mass grave and saw an old man reciting scriptures. The old man's hair was gray, but there was a determination in his eyes. The Taoist priest's heart was hot, and he stepped forward to talk: "Old man, what are you doing here to recite the scriptures?" Li Daring glanced up at the Taoist priest and said lightly: "I'm here, to give those who have gone far away." When the Taoist priest heard this, his heart was shocked, and he asked, "Do you know why these souls are gathered here?" Li boldly shook his head and said, "I don't know their stories, but I believe that every soul has its own sufferings. What I can do is do my best to bring warmth and light to them. When the Taoist priest heard this, he bowed deeply and said, "Old man, your good deeds are admirable. But do you know that the reason why this land is so vibrant is because of your excessive chanting, so that the resentment here is dissipated and life can be reborn. When Li Daring heard this, a trace of surprise and joy flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down and said, "This is what I should have done." I only hope that my efforts will bring these souls to rest and this land to life. The Taoist priest nodded and said, "You have done a good job." But what I want to tell you is that your good deeds have affected not only the land and these souls, but the entire village. Your story has been spread everywhere, so that more people have begun to believe that good is rewarded and evil is rewarded. Li boldly listened, and his heart was warm. He never imagined that his actions would have such a big impact on the village. He looked at the Taoist priest gratefully and said, "Thank you for the reminder." I will continue to work hard to pray for the blessing of this land and these souls. The Taoist priest bowed again and turned to leave. Li boldly looked at his back, and was full of emotion in his heart. He understands that although he is just an ordinary butcher, through his good deeds and efforts, he can also bring some warmth and light to the world.

Time passed, and Li Daring's days on the mass grave became more and more peaceful and serene. He no longer cares about the ups and downs outside, and only focuses on his inner cultivation and redemption. And the new greenery is becoming more and more lush, becoming a unique scenery in the village. Oh, that's a lot of emotion. One day, Li Daring opened his eyes again, hey, hey, why did he come to a place he didn't know at all? Here, compared to the eerie horror of the mass grave, it is simply a world of difference, there is only a quiet and warm here. He saw the souls he had once overcome, and they walked towards him with smiles on their faces. They told Li Daring that his mission was completed, and he could say goodbye to the world. They also thanked him for helping them so much and wished him better in the future. Li Daring listened, and his heart was called a mixed taste, gratitude and reluctance were mixed together. He glanced at the familiar faces, then at the strange land, and finally nodded, and said, "Thank you, I'll remember this." Then, as soon as he turned around, he disappeared into the silence and warmth. And the greenery on the mass grave is still so lush, as if it is silently guarding the souls who are gone, as well as the story of Li Daring.