
The butcher fell drunk by the river, overheard the conversation between the two loaches, and the next day the river dried up and the treasure appeared

author:Persistent warmth and sunshine

Hey, that's a mystery. In our northeast, there is a Li butcher, his skills are so good, and he is also bold, and everyone has to give a thumbs up when they mention it. That day, when he had finished selling the meat and was in a good mood, he went to the tavern to make a few glasses. As a result, as soon as the wine came up, he staggered home, walked to the river, and was planted there by accident.

Lying on the grass by the river, Li Butcher stared at the sky, and the stars made him dizzy. At this moment, a voice came into his ears, and when he listened closely, hey, it turned out to be two loaches muttering at the bottom of the river. Li Butcher thought to himself, how can this loach still chatter? He pricked up his ears and could hear clearly. A loach said, "Brother, the next day there is less water in the river, and the water here is almost dry." Another loach sighed and said, "But it's not, the next day the river is a place where the aura gathers, and it's really going to be done, so what's the matter." "Brother, I heard that there are treasures hidden under the river the next day, if the water dries up, won't those treasures be exposed?" "Shhh, don't talk nonsense, if this thing leaks, we will both be unlucky."

Li Butcher listened to it, and was so excited in his heart, thinking that if the river really did it the next day, wouldn't the treasure under the river belong to him? This is a once-in-a-century opportunity! He pretended to be fine, rolled over, and pretended to be asleep. As soon as the two loaches left, he was so happy in his heart that he quickly got up and staggered home. Along the way, he was thinking about how to get his hands on the treasure.

The butcher fell drunk by the river, overheard the conversation between the two loaches, and the next day the river dried up and the treasure appeared

When he got home, he told his daughter-in-law about it, and her daughter-in-law was shocked when she heard it, but after all, she had limited knowledge, so she persuaded Li Butcher not to be impulsive and save trouble. But Li Butcher couldn't listen to it, his mind was full of that treasure. Early the next morning, he ran to the river to look, and when he looked, hey, the next day the river was really lacking, and the water was muddy. Li Butcher was so happy in his heart, he knew that the opportunity had come. He hurried home, thinking about what to do and go down to the river to find treasure. But Na Cheng thought that as soon as he was about to enter the water, the sky changed its face, dark clouds pressed on the top, and thunder roared. A bolt of lightning clicked and struck the river. When Butcher Li saw this formation, he was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he quickly hid to the side. A puff of black smoke rose from the surface of the river, and a voice came from inside: "You ordinary people, you dare to spy on the heavens, hurry up and get out, otherwise don't blame this immortal for being polite!" Li Butcher's soul was about to fly, and he hurriedly threw away the tools, and ran home. Since then, he has not dared to mention it. The next day, the water level of the river slowly returned to normal, as if nothing had happened. But there was always a pimple in the heart of the Li butcher - what was the treasure under the river? How can there be such a big disturbance?

He often stood by the river, looking at the rough water, and muttered in his heart. Until one day, a Taoist priest passed by and saw Li Butcher standing by the river in a daze, so he stepped forward to talk. Li Butcher told the Taoist priest the ins and outs of the matter. When the Taoist priest heard this, he laughed and said, "Do you know what the treasure under the river is?" Li Butcher shook his head: "I don't know." The Taoist priest continued: "The treasure under the river is the 'spirit crystal' formed by the condensation of the aura of heaven and earth, which has the miraculous effect of reviving the dead and prolonging life. But if a mortal gets it, he will be seriously injured at least and die at worst. If you really got that spirit crystal, I guess the grave grass is old and tall by now. When Li Butcher heard this, he suddenly realized that he had almost caused a big disaster. He hurriedly thanked the Taoist priest and vowed never to covet things that did not belong to him in the future.

The Taoist priest nodded, turned and left. Butcher Li stood by the river, still for a long time, as if he was pondering something. Since then, he has become more industrious and simple, no longer greedy for the butcher Li Lao'er by the river, and since he inquired about the words of the Taoist priest, his whole person has changed. Instead of coveting the illusory treasures, he began to concentrate on his butcher business. Every morning, he gets up, sharpens his knives, cuts the fresh pork neatly, and puts it on the board. Mr. Li's craftsmanship is getting better and better, and the pork is fresh and affordable, attracting more and more customers. Everyone said that this old man Li has really changed as a person, and the previous greed for money is gone, and now he has become diligent and sincere.

The butcher fell drunk by the river, overheard the conversation between the two loaches, and the next day the river dried up and the treasure appeared

As the days passed, Mr. Li's life became more and more prosperous. He built a new house, married a daughter-in-law, and added a big fat boy. The family is happy and happy. But one day, a mysterious merchant came to the village, dressed in fancy clothes, holding a crystal clear gem in his hand, and boasted everywhere that it was a treasure fished from the bottom of the river the next day, and had the miraculous effect of reviving the dead and prolonging life. Hey, this is a big deal, as soon as we heard that there was a baby in our village, those people surrounded them like something, and their eyes were as bright as that, and they almost didn't see through the baby. The old man Li has sharp ears, as soon as he heard the sound of the wind, he called a river and sea in his heart, thinking of the words of the two loaches and the Taoist priest, he slapped his thigh in his heart, this matter is not simple, the stone in the hands of the businessman, Bacheng is the "spirit crystal" under the river, if this thing really falls into the hands of our mortals, it is not to cause trouble.

Li Lao'er, don't look at his usual meat sharpening knife, he is really unambiguous at the critical moment, he patted his chest and decided to stand up and expose the true face of the businessman. He strode up to the merchant, pointed to the stone, and asked, "Did you get this thing from the bottom of the river the next day?" When the merchant heard this, his face changed, but he immediately pretended to be okay again, and said with a smile: "This big brother, you are really good eyesight, this is indeed a treasure under the river the next day." When Li Lao'er heard this, he snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, you businessman, you are not too bold, you dare to use this spirit crystal to fool people." Do you know that this spirit crystal is condensed by the aura of heaven and earth, if we mortals get it, it will hurt our muscles and bones, and at worst, our lives will be lost! ”

When the merchant heard this, his heart was screaming, and he knew that he was in the wrong, so he wanted to anoint the soles of his feet. But how could Old Man Li let him run away like this? grabbed him by the collar and yelled, "Want to run? There are no doors! You've got to hand over this crystal today! When the merchant saw this posture, he knew that he couldn't hold it anymore, so he had to obediently hand over the spirit crystal. Li Lao'er took the spirit crystal, held it high, and said to everyone: "Everyone is optimistic, this is the spirit crystal under the river the next day." This thing can't be touched by mortals, and if it does, it's a disaster. Today, I, Mr. Li, will send it back to the river, and give us a quiet place! ”

The butcher fell drunk by the river, overheard the conversation between the two loaches, and the next day the river dried up and the treasure appeared

After speaking, Li Lao'er took the spirit crystal to the river, took a deep breath, and carefully threw the spirit crystal into the river. As soon as the spirit crystal entered the water, it turned into a golden light and went straight to the bottom of the river. After a while, the river was calm again, as if nothing had happened. When the villagers saw it, they all admired it and said that Li Laoqi'er was a big hero, not only exposing the tricks of the businessmen, but also saving everyone's lives.

Since then, Mr. Li's prestige in the village has risen. He still gets up early every day to sharpen his knives and sell meat, but he feels more peaceful and satisfied. He knows that he has found true happiness - that is, to live in this land and live every ordinary and warm day with his family. The next day, the river seemed to be touched by Mr. Li's kindness, and the river water became clear and sweet. The villagers say that this is the credit of Mr. Li, who has brought the river back to life.

Whenever there was a dead of night, Mr. Li would stand by the river, looking at the sparkling river in a daze. He knew in his heart how correct his decision was - although the treasure at the bottom of the river was tempting, it was not his own after all, and true happiness was always by his side, waiting for him to discover and cherish. The story continues, our life is ordinary, Li Lao'er has become a well-known celebrity in our village, everyone not only praises his good skills, but also admires his character. That small river, it seems that because of Li Lao'er's good deeds, it has become much gentler and quieter.

The butcher fell drunk by the river, overheard the conversation between the two loaches, and the next day the river dried up and the treasure appeared

But the good times didn't last long, and one day, a group of businessmen from other places came to our village. When they heard that there was a treasure spirit crystal hidden under our river, they moved their minds and wanted to dig it out and take a look. These people are aggressive, with all kinds of things, and they are ashamed to say that they want to dig up the bottom of the river to find Lingjing. When the villagers heard this, they panicked in their hearts, they knew that the spirit crystal was powerful, if it was really dug up by these people, it would be a big trouble. So, everyone went to find Mr. Li, hoping that he could come up with a trick.

After listening to everyone's words, Mr. Li was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He knew he couldn't leave it alone. So, he stood up and decided to fight with these businessmen. He found the merchants, first warmly entertained them, put on the good wine and food of our village, drank happily with the merchants, and chatted enthusiastically. Seeing that Mr. Li was so enthusiastic, the businessmen relaxed their vigilance and called him brothers.

After a few glasses of wine, Li Lao'er began to cut to the chase. He pretended to casually mention the spirit crystal at the bottom of the river, and told the story of how he saw through the merchant's tricks and how he sent the spirit crystal back to the bottom of the river. He spoke eloquently, as if it had just happened. The businessmen listened with relish, but they were also a little suspicious, thinking that Mr. Li might be bragging and trying to scare them. So, they all said that they wanted to go down to the river to find out.

The butcher fell drunk by the river, overheard the conversation between the two loaches, and the next day the river dried up and the treasure appeared

When Li Lao'er saw this situation, he was in a hurry. He knew that if he really wanted to let these people go down the river, it would be bad. So, he was in a hurry and came up with a trick. He deliberately pretended to be drunk, staggered to the river, pointed to the river, and said, "Oh, brothers, look how clear the river is, and there is nothing in it." Besides, that spirit crystal is formed by the spiritual qi of heaven and earth, how can you mortals get it casually? I see, you better stop it sooner, so as not to get into trouble. ”

When the businessmen heard what Li Lao'er said, they were also a little hesitant in their hearts. After all, they are all businessmen, and they know that there are some things that cannot be forced. So, they began to consult with each other. At this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew, and huge waves were set off on the surface of the river. Immediately afterward, a golden light rose from the bottom of the river and soared into the sky. After the golden light dissipated, I saw a golden dragon turning over the river and the sea in the river, and the momentum was like a rainbow. When the merchants saw this scene, they were all stunned, how had they ever seen this formation? They knelt down, their heads like pounding garlic, and begged the dragon for mercy. Li Lao'er also took the opportunity to say: "Brothers, do you see it? This is the dragon that crystallized from the bottom of the river. "The patron saint of this realm, that is the big man of heaven and earth, how can you mortals tolerate you mortals going wild here? Hurry up and leave, don't cause a bigger mess then. When those merchants heard this, they were so frightened that their souls were about to fly, where did they dare to stay longer? One by one, they hurriedly packed up their affairs and left the village in a puff of smoke. The villagers in the village watched the merchants run like rabbits, and they all surrounded Li Laoqi'er, and they all praised him, saying that he was simply a god from the sky, not only could see through the ghost tricks of those merchants, but also invited the dragon god to help. When Li Lao'er heard this, he waved his hand happily and said, "Oh, don't say that, it's all providence." We've done our part. ”

Since then, the river has become more mysterious and quieter. Everyone said that this is all thanks to Mr. Li, who used his own wisdom and courage to protect this small river and everyone's safety. As for Mr. Li, he still lives his ordinary and happy days, getting up before dawn every day to sharpen knives, sell meat, and enjoy every ordinary and warm time with his family.

The butcher fell drunk by the river, overheard the conversation between the two loaches, and the next day the river dried up and the treasure appeared

But one day, when Mr. Li was sharpening his knife by the river, he suddenly heard a loud "boom". When he looked up, he saw that the clouds in the sky had dispersed, and a golden light fell from the sky and shot directly into the river. Old Li's heart tightened, and he thought, "Could this be that the spirit crystal has appeared again?" He quickly threw down the knife in his hand and ran to the river to see what was going on. I saw that the waves on the river were turbulent, and a golden dragon was turning over the river and the sea in the water, so it was not majestic. But this time it was different, the dragon was accompanied by a group of colorful little fish, and they swam around the dragon, and they were so happy. Old Li was stunned, and suddenly he understood-it turned out that the spirit crystal had not disappeared, but had become this giant dragon and this group of small fish, continuing to guard this small river and this land.

Since then, Mr. Li has cherished the river and the land even more, and he will go to the river every day to say hello to the dragons and the fish. The villagers also knew the secret and came to the river to pray and make wishes, hoping that the land would be peaceful and prosperous forever. And that small river, because of the protection of dragons and small fish, has become clearer and more beautiful, and has become the most sacred place in everyone's hearts.

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