
Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

author:Sissi Literature Hall

A work called "Wulin Gaiden" made 34-year-old Yan Ni a household name overnight. She played the role of "Shopkeeper Tong" with her exaggerated red face and flaming red lips, which left a deep impression on the audience.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

However, behind the spotlight, Yan Ni hid in a dark room and wept silently.

It turned out that when her career was about to take off, she had just ended her 7-year marriage, which made her feel very shocked and painful. Her husband, Zou Wei, chose to leave the house, leaving her alone to raise her young daughter.

18 years have passed, and now she has become a first-line actor in the film and television industry, in the face of his ex-wife's brilliant achievements, will Zou Wei regret his original decision? This is a question that perhaps only he can answer.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

Yan Ni's acting career is not all smooth sailing, she has just set foot in the entertainment industry as a military art student, and has experienced countless encounters and failures. She will carry her resume every day and constantly run around various crews, just to fight for even one or two shots.

This firm perseverance and unremitting efforts finally ushered in a turning point in 2005.

The broadcast of "Wulin Gaiden" made Yan Ni a household name overnight. With her unique image, she played the role of "Shopkeeper Tong" and has become an indelible classic role in the hearts of the audience. However, the price of fame came being labeled as a "comedian".

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

The subsequent roles such as "The Blowing in the North" and "Three Guns Shooting Shocking" made her have to continue to play the image of "rustic and funny", in order to get close to the role, Yan Ni even did not hesitate to sacrifice her appearance, so that the audience loved and hated.

Although Yan Ni won the audience's love in these roles, it also made her drama gradually come to an impasse. In order to break this situation, she had the determination to transform. However, the failures of "Apocalypse of Life" and "Zhang Xiaowu's Spring" gave her a clear understanding of her external conditions.

In "Apocalypse of Life", her match with the male protagonist Hu Ge was complained by the audience that it was more like a mother-son relationship, and in "Zhang Xiaowu's Spring", the strong contrast between her and the tall and handsome mixed-race male protagonist William Li made the audience cry out for their eyes.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

Faced with such a predicament, Yan Ni did not choose to give up, but made up her mind to change her own image. After a year of hard work, she successfully lost 30 pounds. When she reappeared in the public eye, she had transformed into a "goddess" with white skin and beautiful skin and long legs.

This image transformation not only refreshed the audience's cognition, but also opened up a new way for her to play, giving her the opportunity to challenge more types of roles.

Yan Ni's hard work finally paid off, she stood out in the fierce competition with her excellent performance in "Youth Pi", beating Tao Hong, Sun Li and other powerful actors, and won the Magnolia Award for Best Actress.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

This award is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also the best reward for her persistence and hard work over the years.

From a supporting role to a actress, Yan Ni has spent 18 years fully demonstrating her strength in acting. Her success is not accidental, but stems from her love and endless dedication to acting.

However, behind the glamorous achievements seen by countless people, how many people understand the bitterness and tears she paid for it?

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

Yan Ni's acting journey vividly shows the growth process of an actor. From being solidified as a comedian at the beginning, to now a powerful actress who can perfectly play various roles, she has demonstrated the connotation of professionalism and dedication with practical actions.

Her experience tells us that as long as we firmly pursue our dreams and work hard, we will eventually reap our own bright light.

Yan Ni and Zou Wei's acquaintance originated from an ordinary family gathering. 25-year-old Yan Ni, at the urging of her parents, reluctantly agreed to this blind date. Who knew that this forced blind date became a turning point in her life.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

Yan Ni met Zou Wei during a public security job, and she was attracted by his stable work and integrity, and Zou Wei also had a good impression of Yan Ni's cheerfulness and kindness.

They hit it off at first sight, and quickly fell in love with the blessings of the two families, Yan Ni and Zou Wei walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand, on the day of the wedding, Yan Ni held Zou Wei's hand, and her happiness was overflowing, she firmly believed that marrying such a good man in this life was the most correct choice, and the two would definitely be able to spend the rest of their lives together.

However, the reality is always cruel. As a police officer, Zou Wei's job is hectic and dangerous. Yan Ni spent every day anxiously waiting and worrying, and even if Zou Wei went home, it was in the middle of the night.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

In order to distract herself and pursue her dreams, Yan Ni decided to return to the entertainment industry and started her career as an actress.

As Yan Ni developed better and better in the entertainment industry, she began to go out to film frequently, so family life was gradually neglected, her young daughter was taken care of by her in-laws most of the time, and Zou Wei often couldn't even eat hot food when she returned home.

The contradiction between the two gradually deepened, and the once sweet love gradually faded in the daily life of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

On a difficult day, Zou Wei finally couldn't bear it anymore and said the request that made her cry without tears to Yan Ni, who had just finished filming: "Stop acting, come home." After listening to Yan Ni pondering quietly for a long time, she finally raised her head firmly and replied: "I don't want to give up acting, I want to be an actor."

Zou Wei's disappointment and anger reached the extreme, and he said in a cold tone: "If that's the case, then let's divorce, whether to choose me or choose to perform, you can do it yourself." This sentence became a turning point in their marriage and a watershed in Yan Ni's life.

In the early morning of the next day, Yan Ni received a call from the crew, and began to pack her luggage and prepare to leave with joy, leaving only a note for Zou Wei that read "Back to the crew". This decision completely broke Zou Wei, and he made up his mind to divorce his wife.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

In 2004, Yan Ni and Zou Wei's seven-year marriage ended in divorce, and Zou Wei chose to leave the house and leave all his property to Yan Ni and his daughter. This decision shocked and made Yan Ni both shocked and guilty, but she finally chose her acting career.

Yan Ni's love for acting can be traced back to her very early days. At the age of 19, with her outstanding talent and excellent conditions, Yan Ni was successfully admitted to the Military Region Repertory Troupe and became a glorious literary soldier.

This decision planted the seeds for her future acting career.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

Although Yan Ni also needs to carry out heavy rehearsals every day in addition to strict military training, she enjoys it. She often said: "Play must be played thoroughly, and performance must be performed seriously." It is this positive attitude that makes her outstanding in professional performance and is deeply loved by her comrades-in-arms and leaders.

However, when Yan Ni turned twenty-five years old, her family forced her to face the pressure of marriage and love. In that era of early marriage and early childbearing, she was already regarded as an "older youth". The parents' marriage reminder letter flew to the army like snowflakes, leaving Yan Ni at a loss.

She has been on blind dates many times, but she is always not as happy as her parents want.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

After a failed blind date, Yan Ni finally confided her thoughts to her mother: "Mom, I don't want to find someone to make do with, I hope that two people really love each other, so that they can have a future." These words not only expressed her expectations for marriage, but also hinted at her inner desire for a broader stage.

It was in such a difficult environment at home and abroad that Yan Ni had the idea of entering the entertainment industry. She hopes that through her own efforts, she can realize her value on a broader stage.

This decision was an important milestone in her life.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

Yan Ni's military career tempered her will, which laid a solid foundation for her future acting career. Her spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and pursuing excellence has always accompanied her and turned into the driving force for her to continue to move forward on the road of acting.

Although she didn't know what the future would hold at that time, the seed of pursuing her dream had already quietly taken root in her heart.

It was in this difficult situation that Yan Ni received an invitation to the TV series "Wulin Gaiden". The success of this drama made Yan Ni rise to prominence in the entertainment industry overnight, but at the same time, she was also branded as a "comedian".

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

In order to break this framework, Yan Ni began to try different types of roles, hoping to show her multi-faceted acting skills.

However, the road to transformation has not been easy. From the failures of "Life Apocalypse" and "Zhang Xiaowu's Spring", Yan Ni clearly realized that she still needs to improve in appearance. She is deeply worried about her current situation of "not being beautiful enough, not beautiful enough".

Faced with such a predicament, Yan Ni did not choose to give up, but made up her mind to change her image.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

After a year of hard work, Yan Ni successfully lost 30 pounds, and when she appeared in the public eye again, she had transformed into a "goddess" with white skin and beautiful skin and long legs. This image transformation refreshed the audience's cognition, and also opened up a new way for her to play, giving her the opportunity to challenge more types of roles.

Yan Ni's continuous struggle has finally paid off significantly. Through her outstanding performance in "Youth Pi", she stood out among many outstanding actors, defeated powerful actors such as Tao Hong and Sun Li, and successfully won the honor of Best Actress at the Magnolia Award.

This award is not only a high recognition of her acting skills, but also the best reward for her perseverance and hard work over the years.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

Yan Ni has become a high-profile and powerful actor in the film and television industry, using her own experience to reveal that women can not only succeed in their careers, but also take care of their families. This balance is perhaps her greatest wisdom in life.

From Yan Ni's story, we see that the road of life is full of ups and downs, but as long as we have a firm belief in our dreams, fearless courage and determination to make up our minds, it is possible to break through the difficulties and realize our self-worth.

Her story is not only a personal success, but also an inspiration to all those who pursue their dreams.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

In 2018, Zou Wei's decision to give up everything for love made him regret it? And Yan Ni has achieved great success in her career, will she also miss her past marriage? These are questions that perhaps only the parties themselves can really answer.

There is no right or wrong in Yan Ni's life, but she has proved her worth and hard work in her choices again and again. She spent 18 years pursuing and proving herself, and finally reaped the success of her career, which is undoubtedly an inspiration to all those who pursue their dreams.

She told us with practical actions that as long as we persevere, we will one day reap our own light.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

However, the road to success is not always easy, and there are various costs to be paid behind it. The lost marriage and the missed parent-child time are all things that Yan Ni has paid for her dreams.

However, she has no regrets, because it is these experiences that have made her who she is today.

Looking forward to the future, Yan Ni is still full of expectations. She is convinced that as long as she has a passion for life and a love for acting, she will be able to open up more possibilities on the road of acting. This may be the most beautiful state of life.

Zou Wei, who wants to divorce Yan Ni after leaving the house, now that 18 years have passed, does he regret it?

Yan Ni's story tells us that there are many choices on the road of life, and each choice may bring different results. The most important thing is that no matter what we choose, we take responsibility for our decisions and stick to them.

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