
Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

author:Xiao Moe*

In the recent hit drama "The Story of Rose", Liu Yifei's swimming scene severely criticized the deformed aesthetics of domestic entertainment.

Many people commented on Liu Yifei's "big shoulders and round waist", but in fact, this meets the weight standard of a normal person.

The director did not arrange a "bikini" scene from the perspective of the male gaze, but made Huang Yimei wear a one-piece swimsuit and a swimming cap, which is no different from ordinary people when swimming.

If you think that Liu Yifei's figure is also "fat", it may really be that there is a problem with your own aesthetics.

If you just blindly pursue "white and thin", then you are destined to fail to understand the true meaning of sexy!

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

01 Zhu Zhu

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Zhu Zhu has a well-proportioned figure, and her slender arms complement her usual fitness habits, making her buttocks look extra full.

The wearing of the mermaid skirt makes the body curve more prominent, showing the exquisiteness.

The sensuality exuded by Zhu Zhu is not a sense of vulgarity, but an elegant temperament from the inside out.

She showed dignity and generosity in her gestures, and every expression was full of elegance.

Red lips and black hair, this is a typical appearance of "Guotai and Min'an"!

As its name suggests, Zhu Zhu is like the most brilliant pearl in the deep sea.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

When it comes to Zhu Zhu, everyone must still remember what she said in the interview, "There are so many men".

Zhu Zhu, as a representative of the royal sister's style, is definitely among the best in figure and appearance.

In the recently completed "The Story of Rose", Tina, a strong woman, was played by Zhu Zhu herself.

In the play, she is a sober and wise female boss, and outside the play, she is an independent and self-reliant superwoman.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Zhu Zhu used to be a bilingual female host on MTV, and with her outstanding talent and beauty, she was successfully shortlisted for the 2012 World's 100 Most Beautiful Faces.

and ranked 22nd in the world, ranking first among Chinese actresses.

At the same time as the launch of "The Story of Rose", Zhu Zhu also celebrated her master's degree on Weibo.

In the past year, Zhu Zhu has filmed three TV series and two films, and participated in the recording of "Sister Lang", while she has not missed any courses.

She is impeccable in appearance, happily married, and has a lovely daughter. She has achieved extraordinary achievements in her studies and career, and is simply the perfect heroine in the novel!

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

02 Qin Lan

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Since Qin Lan cut her hair short, the circle of charming women seems to have been completely conquered by her.

Qin Lan's long hair made her exude the intimacy of a confidant big sister, although gentle, but not amazing enough.

After she cut her hair short, she seemed to have reached the second vein of Ren Du, exuding a beauty that was both capable and shrewd.

Qin Lan is really the well-deserved number one "beheading girl" in the entertainment industry!

Whether it's an elegant black or a delicate pink, she can handle it with ease.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Qin Lan can be said to be a model of mature female style.

The complexion is fair, the body is well-proportioned, and a pair of beautiful legs are particularly eye-catching.

Whether it is in daily wear or on the red carpet of the party, Qin Lan can always attract everyone's attention and become the focus.

Looks naturally needless to say, they can attract both boys and girls.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Mature women are naturally indispensable to young male fans, and Qin Lan has almost "teased" the little fresh meat in the entertainment industry.

was originally Wang Ziyi, a member of the idol boy group, and then Wang Hedi of Dongfang Qingcang.

Qin Lan's true colors have starred in many works of sister and brother love, satisfying the fantasies of many female fans.

In the end, "Wei Daxun" was cheaper.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Qin Lan's beauty is only one of her many shining points, and her true brilliance comes from her attitude towards life.

Although she has entered middle age, she is still not bound by the world.

Qin Lan has always regarded love and marriage as extremely important things, and she will only choose to get married and have children when she meets someone who can truly entrust her life.

In addition, women are encouraged to brave loneliness and still be in control of their own lives.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

03 Yan Ni

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

When most people mention Yan Ni, the first thing that comes to mind is Tong Xiangyu she played in "Wulin Gaiden".

In fact, Yan Ni in real life is indeed a veritable beauty.

In Liu Genghong's live broadcast room, Yan Ni successfully became popular because of "paddling".

Her "crazy feeling" fascinated everyone, and a slightly drunk beauty came into being.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

However, when we took a closer look at Yan Ni's figure, two straight and slender legs immediately came into view.

The beauty of the leg shape lies not in the slenderness, but in the straightness.

In the entertainment industry, how many "leg essences" win by virtue of "straight".

Yan Ni's style of dressing is unique and creative.

The upper body is worn with a shirt and the lower body is paired with a short skirt, so that the overall proportions look very coordinated.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

recalled Yan Ni's laughter at the awards ceremony back then, and realized that her mental state was also particularly avant-garde.

In addition, Yan Ni's own sense of joy makes her smile even more infectious.

Through her personal experience, Yan Ni proves to us that it is never too late, as long as you want to be beautiful.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

04 Yin Tao

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Yin Tao must be the indisputable first beauty in ancient costumes in the minds of many people.

A "Secret History of Wu Zetian" once showed Wu Meiniang's "charming" vividly.

In film and television dramas, Yin Tao showed extraordinary strength, which was impressive.

won the Golden Eagle Award, the Feitian Award and the Magnolia Award for Best Actress in a TV Series.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

The most attractive part of Yin Tao is her waist.

Some people, although they have a slender waist, lack strength and appear weak.

Yin Tao's waist shows a beauty full of strength.

Yin Tao is especially keen on exercising her abdomen, and the vest line naturally appears.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Yin Tao's beauty does not come from the so-called "white and thin" image, but has no sense of skinnyness.

Her arm muscles are well-defined and look very beautiful.

To maintain this figure, you must stick to fitness, and it is impossible to achieve such an effect by dieting alone to lose weight.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Many women worry that their figure may gradually lose its beauty as the years go by.

However, Yin Tao's figure is no different from that of a girl in her twenties.

Acting on the same stage with Xiao Xianrou can also bring a strong sense of substitution.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

The key to maintaining your looks is to always love yourself.

Whether it's fitness, weight loss, or maintenance, you need a positive attitude towards life.

Just like Yin Tao always looks elegant when she wears a dress, but some female stars look weird when they wear bandeau dresses.

True beauty cannot be achieved by blindly pursuing weight.

Beauty is a state of self-confidence from beginning to end.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

05 Li Xiaoran

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Last month's hit "Celebrating More Than Years 2" was launched, and Li Xiaoran appeared in front of the audience again.

The actor who played Lin Wan'er's mother in the play, and the clip of playing against her quickly appeared on the hot search.

The eldest princess has always shown herself as a "crazy beauty", and Li Xiaoran can perfectly interpret this trait.

As can be seen from the changes in her hair accessories, the second season is more gorgeous and flamboyant than the first.

A few strands of silver hair add to the charm.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Red lip makeup is the classic choice of the royal sister's style.

Whenever Li Xiaoran walks on the red carpet, her dress always attracts the attention of the audience.

The nude-colored long skirt, the low-cut design is more charming, and the clearly visible collarbone is the icing on the cake, and female fans will be moved to tears when they see it!

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

The years have never diminished the charm of beauty, and Li Xiaoran's appearance is almost no different from when he was young.

Change only makes people more mature and more charming.

Li Xiaoran's temperament, with a cold and glamorous feeling, makes people just need to look at it from a distance, it is enough.

Some people may think that there is a lack of affinity, but since ancient times, beauty has always had a touch of coldness.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

06 Zeng Li

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

When it comes to the beauty of coldness, Zeng Li is also among them.

Her facial features exude an arrogant and inviolable temperament.

At first glance, she may seem ordinary, but if you look closely, you will notice that she exudes a unique temperament that makes it impossible to take your eyes off it.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

A few years ago, Zeng Li and the popular little flower Zhao Lusi co-starred in "Splendid Stars" and achieved excellent results.

In the play, Zeng Li plays Zhao Lusi's mother, showing an extremely elegant and dignified image. Because she is not good at getting along with her daughter, she also made a lot of trouble.

This has resonated with many fans of the show.

Although Zeng Li played the role of a mother, she did not have the atmosphere of a "housewife" at all, and she was still full of charm.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Zeng Li's personality is the same as Zhao Lusi's, he is full of eccentricity.

The Douyin videos co-produced by the two are all funny jokes, and many people say that Zeng Li seems to be possessed by a "ghost", and the dance she dances does not match her image at all.

I really didn't expect that she, who was once known as the "No. 1 Beauty in Chinese Opera", actually has a funny side!

This stark contrast is even more popular with fans.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

07 Xu Qing

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

If you talk about "stunners in the world", it must be Xu Qing.

In the early domestic entertainment industry, the representative of the sweet image was none other than Xu Qing.

Nowadays, when people see the two dimples of Xiaohuatian Xiwei, it is difficult not to think of Xu Qing.

However, Xu Qing's sweetness doesn't just come from her dimples.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

There is a clip in the movie "Evil Does Not Prevail", which won the unanimous praise of the audience for Xu Qing's amorous posture.

Only Xu Qing can perform this action so beautifully, although it is full of temptation, it does not seem vulgar at all.

This may be the unique charm of mature women.

In Xu Qing's body, we can not only see the shyness of a girl, but also feel the charm of a mature woman.

Wear a cheongsam to show the perfection of your body curves.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Maybe it's because I'm mature enough that I have the confidence to dress boldly and show my hot body.

Who could have seen that this goddess, with such a charming figure, was in her fifties?

It seems that only with careful care can we maintain that "ageless appearance".

Maintaining a happy mindset is the key to success.

As Xu Qing's name suggests, only sunny growth can achieve the "frozen age" effect.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy


Although the pear blossom is fragrant, it is not as good as my sister after all. The domestic entertainment industry has developed for many years, and people's aesthetics have never changed.

Although "white and thin" has been popular for some time, from the current point of view, the state of health is obviously more energetic.

Women's clothing sizes are shrinking day by day, and trousers are getting tighter waistbands, and this distorted aesthetic really needs to be re-evaluated.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

The waist we love is not the kind of ant-like slender, but a waist full of strength and a vest line.

The swan neck we are looking for is a natural neck with normal trapezius muscles, not a right-angled shoulder that is harmful to health.

Li Xiaoran's breasts, Yan Ni's legs, and Yin Tao's waist, these middle-aged actresses are too charming to be sexy

Through their sexy performances, the sisters have readjusted the distorted aesthetics in internal entertainment, and at the same time, they also hope that more women can bravely show themselves.

If you want to be more beautiful, you just need to love yourself with all your heart.

Maintaining a positive attitude is the secret of "immortality"!

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