
What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

author:Entertainment Newsletter


Hu Ge won the Magnolia Emperor again, and netizens continued to discuss it

At the 29th Magnolia Awards ceremony, Hu Ge won the Best Actor Award for the second time for his outstanding performance in "Flowers". This achievement not only marks another peak in his acting career, but also makes him the youngest second Magnolia Emperor.

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

In the work "Flowers", Hu Ge played the two roles of Ah Bao and Mr. Bao, showing his profound acting skills. He can accurately grasp the inner world of the characters, and delicately present the complex emotions and growth process of the characters. This kind of performance that goes deep into the bone marrow allows the audience to see a new Hu Ge, and it also makes him win unanimous praise inside and outside the industry.

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

Hu Ge's award this time is not only an affirmation of his personal acting skills, but also a recognition of his continuous exploration and efforts on the road of acting over the years. Some netizens commented: "Hu Ge's acting skills are really getting better and better, and every time I watch his play, there are new surprises." ”

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

Some netizens ridiculed: "Hu Ge is going to contract the rhythm of all the Emperor awards!" These comments not only show the love and support of netizens for Hu Ge, but also reflect his high popularity and influence in the hearts of the audience.

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

Fan Wei regretted losing the election, and netizens complained about it

In this competition for the Magnolia Award, although Fan Wei failed to win, his performance is also commendable. Fan Wei has always appeared in front of the audience as a powerful actor, and every time he performs, he can leave a deep impression. Although he failed to win the crown this time, his acting skills and hard work are obvious to all.

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

Some netizens said: "Fan Wei's acting skills are also leveraged, and it's a pity that he didn't win the award this time." Some netizens ridiculed: "Teacher Fan Wei, don't be discouraged, next time, we will always support you!" These comments not only expressed regret for Fan Wei, but also showed his deep fan base.

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

The comparison of Hu Ge and Fan Wei's acting skills has aroused heated discussions among netizens


Hu Ge and Fan Wei have their own acting skills, and their acting styles and role choices are also different. Hu Ge is good at impressing the audience through delicate emotional expression and profound character building, while Fan Wei has won the audience's love with his unique sense of humor and life-like performance style.

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

The comparison between the two actors sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens believed: "Hu Ge's acting skills are more delicate and can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people." Some netizens also said: "Fan Wei's performance is more down-to-earth and makes people feel cordial." These different points of view not only show netizens' recognition of the two actors, but also reflect their different status in the hearts of the audience.

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

Hu Ge's future prospects, netizens are full of expectations

Hu Ge's award is not only an affirmation of his past efforts, but also an expectation for his future development. Netizens have expressed their expectation that Hu Ge can bring more excellent works and continue to create new brilliance on the road of acting.

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

Some netizens commented: "Every performance of Hu Ge is a new breakthrough, and I look forward to his future performance." Some netizens ridiculed: "Hu Ge is going to become an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry!" These comments not only express expectations for Hu Ge, but also show his strong fan appeal.

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

Acting skills and awards, who has the final say?

Hu Ge's award this time is undoubtedly an affirmation of his acting skills, but it has also caused some controversy. Some netizens believe that the selection of awards should be more fair and objective, and awards cannot be given just because of the popularity of a certain actor. Some netizens also said that the quality of acting skills should not be judged only by awards, and the audience's recognition is the most important thing.

What an exaggeration! Hu Ge is the second emperor, netizens: This is the rhythm of contracting all the awards?

These different points of view not only reflect netizens' attention to the award selection mechanism, but also show their thinking about the evaluation criteria for acting skills. Everyone has their own opinion on this issue, and this is also the charm of art evaluation.


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