
Glory of Kings: The new highlights of the Dawn version are revealed, and Hou Yi's comprehensive transformation is even cooler!

author:The King of Freedom said

Brothers, the getaway is coming. Today we're going to dig deeper, the new gameplay and important updates brought by "Glory of Kings: Dawn of the Star" in the new version. On July 25th, the game we know and love will be in open beta with a slew of exciting new features and hero tweaks.

Glory of Kings: The new highlights of the Dawn version are revealed, and Hou Yi's comprehensive transformation is even cooler!

First of all, let's take a look at the biggest attraction of this open beta - the new Lingbao system. The Lingbao system is a new gameplay inherited from the "Star Soul Battlefield", which will bring us a richer and more colorful game experience in a new form. In the Spirit Treasure system, you will have the opportunity to collect and use a variety of unique Spirit Treasures, each of which represents a special skill that will provide you with great combat power in battle.

Glory of Kings: The new highlights of the Dawn version are revealed, and Hou Yi's comprehensive transformation is even cooler!

In addition, the new version also introduces the "one-click rescue" function. In the heat of battle, this feature will be the most powerful weapon in your hands. With just one click, you can call on the help of your teammates in battle to fend off enemy attacks. The addition of this feature makes the combat more varied and makes team collaboration even more important.

Glory of Kings: The new highlights of the Dawn version are revealed, and Hou Yi's comprehensive transformation is even cooler!

The most striking highlight is the complete rework of Hou Yi. As a classic character in the game, Hou Yi has always been loved by players. And in the new version, he will be presented to us with a completely new look. Not only have the skills been redesigned, but the feel is also smoother, making Hou Yi's performance in battle even better.

Glory of Kings: The new highlights of the Dawn version are revealed, and Hou Yi's comprehensive transformation is even cooler!

In addition to the above changes, "Dawn of the Stars" also brings us a new "Star Soul Battlefield". This new game mode will take us to a whole new world, where you will be able to experience a wider map and a more free competitive environment.

Glory of Kings: The new highlights of the Dawn version are revealed, and Hou Yi's comprehensive transformation is even cooler!

Overall, the new version brings us not only a new gaming experience, but also countless possibilities. Whether you like teamwork or go it alone, you'll find something to enjoy in Dawn of the Stars. Let's create our own canyon legend in the new version of the Star Soul Battlefield!

Glory of Kings: The new highlights of the Dawn version are revealed, and Hou Yi's comprehensive transformation is even cooler!

MEmu is looking forward to you finding your own fun in the new version and enjoying the fun brought by this world-class competitive mobile game together. Let's create more wonderful moments on the Star Soul battlefield together, and write our glory of kings together. See you next time, and look forward to meeting you again on the battlefield and enjoying the joy that this game brings us.

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