
What should I do if the enemy shooter is a hundred miles to keep the contract? Give up Houyi, don't use Di Renjie, he keeps the contract every day

author:Yun Mo chats about games


Foreword: After the Glory of Kings entered the S36 season, many players said that it was difficult to score, in fact, it is normal for the difficulty of scoring at the beginning of the season, because of the rank inheritance mechanism, Baixing players and some national server players will inherit the Xingyao rank, and the Xingyao rank can be matched with diamonds, so passers-by players want to play against Baixing or even national server players, the chance of winning is very small, if you are not in a hurry to score a small partner, you can wait a few more days, wait for the gods to go up, and then you will play the qualifying match, It's a lot easier to get on the score.

What should I do if the enemy shooter is a hundred miles to keep the contract? Give up Houyi, don't use Di Renjie, he keeps the contract every day

Getting back to the point,The new season planning not only adjusted the individual equipment,But also changed the strength of multiple heroes,Baili Shou Covenant in this season can be described as the development of the road of "fragrant bait",The hero's passive can be triggered by a skill,And it will increase its own attack speed,And the ultimate can be shared with two skills,That is to say, the current covenant plus flash skills can play four displacements,The mobility is very high,And the covenant itself is not lacking in damage,Even some players say that the covenant is now a super-standard monster on the development road,So, What should I do if the enemy shooter is a hundred miles to keep the contract? Give up Houyi, don't use Di Renjie, he keeps the contract.

What should I do if the enemy shooter is a hundred miles to keep the contract? Give up Houyi, don't use Di Renjie, he keeps the contract every day

Hou Yi

This shooter can be said to ignore any rank and version, the hero mainly relies on general attack damage, and passively can increase his own movement speed, the second skill can play a slowdown effect, and the ultimate can control the enemy, Hou Yi because of the low difficulty of getting started, many players will take out Hou Yi and his line when they see that the enemy shooter is keeping the contract.

What should I do if the enemy shooter is a hundred miles to keep the contract? Give up Houyi, don't use Di Renjie, he keeps the contract every day

In fact, Hou Yi can indeed play the covenant before, but now after the change of the skill of the covenant, it is difficult for Hou Yi to play an advantage in front of the covenant, especially after the fourth level, players who can play the covenant should even stand with Hou Yi, after all, the general attack of the covenant can increase its own damage, and Hou Yi will become very uncomfortable, so the enemy shooter is the covenant, and it is not recommended to use Hou Yi.

What should I do if the enemy shooter is a hundred miles to keep the contract? Give up Houyi, don't use Di Renjie, he keeps the contract every day

Di Renjie

This shooter's intensity was really high last season, the hero's basic attack can increase the attack speed, and it comes with a purification effect, and the ultimate can also play a control effect, because the hero's outfit is more flexible, so it is deeply liked by players, Di Renjie can play the magic ball flow, and he can also play the attack outfit, but no matter what type of equipment the enemy comes out, it is not easy to fight in the face of the covenant.

What should I do if the enemy shooter is a hundred miles to keep the contract? Give up Houyi, don't use Di Renjie, he keeps the contract every day

Because now the players who can play the covenant are all using the second skill to fight the consumption first, and then the basic attack to exchange the amount of blood, and the covenant can be invisible by relying on a skill, and it is easy to get close to Di Renjie, once the second skill of the covenant is hit, the player who can play the covenant will immediately use the ultimate to use the basic attack to deal damage, Di Renjie is likely to be sent back to the spring by the general attack of the covenant, so the enemy is the covenant, Di Renjie is not the best choice.

What should I do if the enemy shooter is a hundred miles to keep the contract? Give up Houyi, don't use Di Renjie, he keeps the contract every day

He kept his promises

Although Lesio was adjusted last season, the hero's skill mechanism is very easy to keep about, the hero's basic attack can cause additional health percentage damage to the enemy, one skill can increase its own attack range, and the second skill is Lessio's life-saving skill, which can take off stealth and ignore the terrain, and the ultimate can have the effect of chasing the enemy, even if it is a four-stage displacement of the covenant, there is no way to dodge.

What should I do if the enemy shooter is a hundred miles to keep the contract? Give up Houyi, don't use Di Renjie, he keeps the contract every day

Lesio is very easy to keep the covenant, and when he is at the second level, he can keep the covenant with hard steel, after all, the strength of the covenant before the fourth level is average, and he has no displacement, and Lesio can rely on the second skill stealth to dodge some of the attacks of the covenant, and the covenant can only hand over the flash to open the distance, after the fourth level, you don't need hard steel, you can choose to develop steadily, after all, it is still difficult to keep the covenant and want to kill Lesio alone.

What should I do if the enemy shooter is a hundred miles to keep the contract? Give up Houyi, don't use Di Renjie, he keeps the contract every day

After Lesio's three pieces of equipment are made, Lesio can play a set of skills to keep the damage of the covenant, and the second skill is close to the guardian and connected to the enhanced basic attack of the previous skill, and the ultimate makes up for the damage, and it is useless to keep the covenant even if there are four displacements, after all, Lesio's ultimate, can be tracked, so the enemy shooter is the keeper, and you can use Lesio with confidence, so that the displacement of the covenant will not work.

That's all for this issue, which shooter do you think has an easier time keeping the contract? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, so that your comments can be seen by more friends, let's discuss together, remember to pay attention!

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