
The butcher mistakenly believed that people killed his own black dog, and at night the black dog dreamed: Thank you benefactor

author:Click, click, tick

Hey, look at this situation, Zhang Dazhu's eyes were full of sadness and grievances. He was like a mirror in his heart, the black dog, the guy who had been with him for several years, this time it was really no problem. I have to blame his unconscious daughter-in-law for this.

Not long after, Zhang San led a doctor to come in a hurry. The doctor examined the black dog, and when it was over, he shook his head, sighed and said, "This dog is too deeply poisoned, I'm afraid it can't be saved." When Zhang Dazhu heard this, his heart was broken. He stood up, glanced at Li Cuihua, his eyes were as cold as ice ballast, and then said to the doctor and Zhang San: "Thank you, tonight's matter, let's rot in our stomachs, don't talk about it." The doctor and Zhang San both nodded their heads, indicating that they understood. The doctor also left some medicinal powder, saying that it could alleviate the dog's pain, and then left with Zhang San.

In the courtyard, there were only Zhang Dazhu and Li Cuihua left. Zhang Dazhu looked at the black dog on the ground, and a trace of resoluteness flashed in his eyes. He turned around and said to Li Cuihua: "Cuihua, let's be a husband and wife, and I don't want to make too much trouble." But since you did this, then don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people. From now on, let's go our separate ways. Li Cuihua listened, her face was as white as paper. She knew that she was out of play, so she could only nod silently.

The butcher mistakenly believed that people killed his own black dog, and at night the black dog dreamed: Thank you benefactor

In this way, Zhang Dazhu and Li Cuihua, the two of them dispersed. The black dog closed his eyes forever. People in the village said that this was Zhang Dazhu's retribution and Li Cuihua's retribution. That black dog has become an eternal pimple in everyone's hearts. Our Gada, there is a black dog, and its story has become the first pimple in our hearts that we can't leave. Zhang Dazhu, the butcher of our place, that skill is really a must, the pigs, cattle and sheep are in his hands, and he went without even snorting. But Zhang Dazhu, he has a weakness in his heart, that is, the black dog that has been raised for several years, the dog is very spiritual, and he follows him up the mountain and down the river, which is closer than his own brother.

One day, Zhang Dazhu came back from the market with two catties of pork in his hand, intending to make up for the black dog. As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the village, I bumped into Zhang San, an idler in the village. As soon as he saw Zhang Dazhu, he came over and said mysteriously: "Dazhu, you have to pay attention to your black dog." As soon as Zhang Dazhu heard this, he began to beat the drum in his heart: "What's wrong, what's wrong with my dog?" Zhang San said: "I went up the mountain to chop wood today, and saw your black dog with a Taoist priest-like person, the two of them chatted very hotly, and the Taoist priest also gave the black dog a pill, and after eating it, the dog's eyes lit up." ”

When Zhang Dazhu heard this, his heart sank, he knew that although Zhang San loved to talk nonsense, he could sometimes say something. He asked, "What does the Taoist priest look like?" Zhang San thought for a while and said, "That Taoist priest, dressed in a green sermon robe, with a bun on his head, and a whisk in his hand, looks like a fairy." When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he panicked even more. He knew that there was a Taoist temple on a nearby mountain, and there was a Taoist priest living in it, and it was said that he had some skills.

The butcher mistakenly believed that people killed his own black dog, and at night the black dog dreamed: Thank you benefactor

When he returned home at night, Zhang Dazhu looked at the black dog and muttered in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he asked the black dog, "Are you with a Taoist priest today?" When the black dog heard this, he wagged his tail and barked twice. When Zhang Dazhu saw this reaction, he was even more sure in his heart, this dog must have been confused by the Taoist priest. He thought about it, felt that this matter could not be left as it was, picked up the knife, and walked towards the black dog. When the black dog saw this posture, he knew that something was wrong and wanted to run, but it was too late. Zhang Dazhu stabbed down, and the black dog fell in a pool of blood.

Zhang Dazhu, this buddy, that day he ran to the Taoist chief in a hurry, and as soon as he arched his hand, he said: "Dao chief, I have something I want to ask you here." The Taoist chief's eyes lit up, he glanced at Zhang Dazhu, and asked, "What's the matter?" Zhang Dazhu was not ambiguous, and poured all the 1510 that Zhang San's kid said yesterday, as well as the fact that he killed his own black dog on impulse, to the Taoist chief. When the Taoist chief heard this, he sighed, shook his head and said, "Hey, this is all a misunderstanding." ”

It turned out that the Taoist went up the mountain to collect medicine yesterday and happened to meet the black dog of Zhang Dazhu's family. The black dog was very clever, and the Taoist saw that it had spirituality, so he gave it an elixir, wanting it to cultivate into an immortal. Who would have thought that Zhang San's kid saw this, and it turned out to be a rumor. The Taoist chief said to Zhang Dazhu: "Your black dog is a bit of a fairy, but it's a pity that you let it be slaughtered." But you can't be blamed for this, after all, you also listened to the rumors. ”

The butcher mistakenly believed that people killed his own black dog, and at night the black dog dreamed: Thank you benefactor

When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he regretted it in his heart, he didn't expect that he would slaughter such a good dog on impulse. He hurriedly asked the Taoist, "Then what should I do now?" The Taoist priest thought for a moment and said, "Well, I'll give you an idea." Go back and bury the black dog on the mountain, and go and worship it every day and talk to it. So that its soul can rest in peace. Zhang Dazhu listened, hurriedly thanked him, and went back to do what the Taoist priest said.

Every night, Zhang Dazhu went up the mountain to worship the black dog and chatted with it. One night, when Zhang Dazhu was worshipping, he suddenly felt a cool breeze, and when he looked up, he saw that the black dog was standing in front of him, and his eyes were still shining. The black dog spoke, "Thank you for saving your life." When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he was stunned, rubbed his eyes and looked again, the black dog was gone. Only then did he understand that the black dog had really become an immortal.

Since then, Zhang Dazhu has never killed again. He went up to the mountain every day to worship the black dog, hoping that it would live well in heaven. The villagers also knew about it, and they all said that Zhang Dazhu was a good person with affection and righteousness. The black dog has also become a legend in the hearts of the villagers.

The butcher mistakenly believed that people killed his own black dog, and at night the black dog dreamed: Thank you benefactor

The big pillar asked, "What does the Taoist priest look like?" San'er thought for a while and said, "That Taoist priest, dressed in a green sermon robe, with a Taoist bun on his head, and a whisk in his hand, looks like a fairy." When Da Zhu heard this, he panicked even more. He knew that there was really a Taoist temple on the mountain nearby, and there was a Taoist priest living in it, and he heard that he was quite capable. He was worried about whether the black dog had been fascinated by the Taoist priest and had become something strange.

In the evening, the big pillar came home, looked at the black dog, and muttered in his heart. He thought about San'er's words, and the more he pondered it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He asked the black dog, "Are you messing with a Taoist priest today?" The black dog listened, wagged its tail, and barked twice. Da Zhuzi saw the dog's reaction, and he was even more sure in his heart, the dog must have been fascinated by the Taoist priest. He wondered if he could just leave it at that.

The butcher mistakenly believed that people killed his own black dog, and at night the black dog dreamed: Thank you benefactor

So he grabbed a knife and walked over to the black dog. The black dog glanced at the posture of the big pillar, knew that something was wrong, and wanted to run, but it was too late. As soon as the pillar fell, the black dog fell in a pool of blood. After killing the black dog, Da Zhuzi also had mixed feelings in his heart, after all, the dog had been with him for many years and had a deep relationship. But as soon as he thought of the pills that the Taoist priest gave to the dog, he felt that he couldn't just forget it.

Early the next morning, Dazhu went up the mountain and found the Taoist temple. When he went in, he saw that the Taoist priest was meditating and cultivating there. He stepped forward, saluted, and then said, "Daoist, I have something I want to ask you." The Taoist priest opened his eyes, glanced at the big pillar, and then asked, "What are you doing?" Da Zhuzi told the Taoist priest what San'er said yesterday and what he killed the black dog. When the Taoist priest heard this, he sighed and said, "Hey, this is all a misunderstanding. "It turned out that the Taoist priest went up the mountain to collect medicine yesterday and met the black dog of Dazhuzi's family. He saw that the black dog was quite spiritual, so he gave it an elixir and wanted it to cultivate into an immortal. Oops, this thing is really disturbing, Zhang San's kid actually bumped into it, and he made such a rumor. The Taoist priest looked at Zhang Dazhu and said slowly: "Your black dog is a bit of a fairy, who wants you to slaughter it." However, this matter cannot be entirely up to you, after all, you also listen to other people's gossip. When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he felt that it was not a taste in his heart, and he regretted it like something. How could he have thought that he would lose such a good dog when he was hot-headed.

He hurriedly asked the Taoist priest, "Then what should I do now?" The Taoist priest pondered for a moment and said, "Well, I'll give you an idea." You go home, bury the black dog in the mountains, and then go and incense it every day, and talk to it. In this way, it may be possible for its soul to rest. When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he quickly nodded and bowed, grateful. When he got home, he did as the Taoist priest said. Every night, he went up the mountain to worship the black dog and talked to it.

The butcher mistakenly believed that people killed his own black dog, and at night the black dog dreamed: Thank you benefactor

One night, Zhang Dazhu was worshipping when he suddenly felt a cool breeze swishing. He looked up, my God, the black dog was actually standing in front of him, and his eyes were still shining. The black dog opened his mouth and said, "Thank you for saving your life." When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he was stunned directly. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, hey, the black dog was gone again. Only then did I understand that the black dog who dared to love had really become an immortal. Since then, Zhang Dazhu has never had the idea of killing. He went up to the mountain every day to worship, hoping that the black dog would live comfortably in heaven.

The people in the village also heard about this, and they all said that Zhang Dazhu was a good person with affection and righteousness. The black dog has also become a legend in the hearts of the villagers. At this point in the story, we have to talk about this as well. Things in this world look quite mysterious, but if you think about it carefully, it's actually quite interesting.