
How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?
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How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

Once upon a time, Chi Chongrui, with his gentle and elegant image, perfectly interpreted the role of Tang Seng in "Journey to the West" and became an idol in the hearts of countless audiences. However, as the years go by, the former screen star has now become the "little assistant" of the rich woman Chen Lihua.

This once beautiful actor now lives in a luxury mansion, but he has no right to control his property, and even needs to make a living through live broadcasting.

From the high-profile star to the controversial "Chen Shimei", what ups and downs has Chi Chongrui's life experienced? What kind of unknown emotional entanglements are hidden between him and the rich woman Chen Lihua? Let's uncover this legendary love story that spans more than 30 years and explore the amazing turning point in Chi Chongrui's life.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

In 1986, "Journey to the West" directed by Yang Jie swept across the country like a whirlwind, and Chi Chongrui instantly became the focus of attention with his excellent image of Tang Seng.

His clear eyes, warm and jade-like temperament, and elegant demeanor in his gestures not only conquered ordinary audiences, but also deeply attracted an unusual female entrepreneur Chen Lihua.

Chen Lihua, a rich woman who is 11 years older than Chi Chongrui, has a background that is different from ordinary people. She was born into the Manchurian aristocratic Yehenala clan and was a divorced single mother with three children.

However, the huge gap in age and identity did not stop her admiration for Chi Chongrui.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

By chance, through the introduction of our mutual friend Zhao Lirong, Chen Lihua and Chi Chongrui met for the first time. And what really sparked the two was an unexpected encounter at the Peking Opera Company.

It turned out that they all had a deep interest in the traditional art of Peking Opera. This common hobby has become a catalyst for the emotional exchange between the two.

However, in the face of Chen Lihua's enthusiastic pursuit, Chi Chongrui's attitude seemed hesitant. As a star who is on the rise in his career, he has to carefully consider the possible impact of this relationship.

The huge age gap, the disparity in social status, and the possible public opinion turmoil all made Chi Chongrui feel hesitant.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

But Chen Lihua did not back down because of this. This strong woman who dominates the mall also shows perseverance emotionally. She chose to accompany Chi Chongrui silently as a friend, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

Just like her style in the mall, Chen Lihua has also shown extraordinary determination and strategy on the road to love.

In this way, a seemingly impossible relationship quietly sprouted in the interaction between the two. Chen Lihua's persistence and Chi Chongrui's hesitation constituted a delicate balance in the early stages of the relationship.

No one could have predicted that this encounter between a screen idol and a rich woman would eventually evolve into a legendary love story spanning more than 30 years. And this beginning also laid the groundwork for the dramatic development in the future.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

Just when Chi Chongrui's acting career was in full swing, fate ruthlessly played a cruel joke on him. His mother suddenly fell seriously ill, and this bad news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, pulling Chi Chongrui into a low point in his life.

As a traditional filial son, Chi Chongrui is determined to save his mother at all costs. However, the high cost of medical care was like a mountain, weighing him down.

However, the fragility of life is difficult to resist after all. Despite Chen Lihua's full help, Chi's mother's condition is still getting worse. At the last moment of his life, the old man looked at his son and Chen Lihua, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

She seems to see her son's future happiness and understands that her son has met someone who truly loves him.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

The death of Chi's mother was a huge blow to Chi Chongrui. However, Chen Lihua did not leave because of this, but stood by his side more firmly. She held a grand funeral for the old man with the highest courtesy, and this respect and thoughtfulness deeply touched Chi Chongrui.

In the face of Chen Lihua's various efforts, the ice in Chi Chongrui's heart finally melted. He realized that this woman was not only pursuing a relationship, but also interpreting sincere love with practical actions.

From that moment on, Chi Chongrui opened his heart and fully accepted Chen Lihua. He secretly made up his mind to spend the rest of his life to repay this woman who helped him in his most difficult moments.

This decision also completely changed the trajectory of Chi Chongrui's life. He began to gradually fade out of the entertainment industry and devoted more energy to accompanying Chen Lihua's career.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

The once high-profile "Tang Seng" was willing to stand behind the scenes and became Chen Lihua's most solid support. This change of role may seem incomprehensible to outsiders, but for Chi Chongrui, it is his interpretation and return of true love.

This experience not only changed Chi Chongrui's life trajectory, but also profoundly affected his values. He understands that true love is not a vigorous confession, but a silent effort when the other party needs it most.

This perception became the spiritual strength that supported him through all kinds of doubts and criticisms later.

Chi Chongrui's choice may be a kind of "dedication" in the eyes of many people. But for him, it may be a kind of reinvention of life, a cherishing of sincere feelings.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

This turning point not only opened a new chapter in his life, but also added a touching color to his love story with Chen Lihua.

With the passage of time, the relationship between Chi Chongrui and Chen Lihua gradually became known to the public. However, this seemingly romantic love story has sparked huge controversy. The once beautiful "Tang Seng" has now become the "little assistant" next to the rich woman, this huge contrast makes it difficult for many people to accept, and has also caused many speculations and criticisms.

In a widely watched interview with "A Date with Luyu", Chen Lihua inadvertently revealed some surprising details. She admitted frankly that even after getting along for many years, Chi Chongrui never called her by her name, and always referred to her as an honorific "you".

What's even more surprising is that Chi Chongrui still habitually calls her "chairman", and the daily interaction between the two is more like a subordinate relationship than an equal partner.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

As soon as these words came out, they immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

What is even more jaw-dropping to the public is Chi Chongrui's performance in daily life. When the two went out, he always followed Chen Lihua respectfully; When Chen Lihua returned sweating profusely, he would silently pick up a handkerchief and wipe it for her.

In the eyes of others, these actions are more like a servant's service to his master than an equal partnership.

Comments on the Internet almost overwhelmingly blamed Chi Chongrui, and some bluntly called him a modern version of "Chen Shimei", believing that he was only committed to Chen Lihua for money.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

Surprisingly, although Chi Chongrui lives in a luxurious mansion and enjoys a high quality of life, he does not have any right to control his property. According to credible sources, he was even deprived of all property rights and was in a very difficult financial situation.

In order to make ends meet, the former film and television star had to earn income by shooting blessing videos and live streaming goods.

In a live broadcast, Chi Chongrui even used his fame as Tang Seng to claim that the Buddha beads had been opened after passing through his hands, raising the price to 4,888 yuan.

The act drew more criticism, with viewers accusing him of "looking ugly" and questioning why he still earns "hard-earned money" from fans.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

In the face of these doubts and criticisms, Chi Chongrui has always remained silent. He did not defend himself, nor did he refute the malicious speculations. This kind of silence seems more like acquiescence to others, but in fact, this may be another kind of protection of Chi Chongrui's relationship.

Although the outside world has mixed reviews of him, Chi Chongrui doesn't seem to care. In his opinion, he and Chen Lihua are together completely out of sincere feelings, rather than an exchange of interests speculated by the outside world.

As he said in a rare response: "Money can't buy true feelings, time will tell."

Chi Chongrui's story also triggered people's thinking about the nature of love. In a materialistic society, are there still sincere feelings that transcend money and status? Chi Chongrui's choice, although controversial, also allows us to see another possibility of love.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

Perhaps, true happiness does not lie in external evaluation, but in inner satisfaction and peace.

In 2018, an unexpected event happened, which made the outside world's perception of Chi Chongrui change dramatically. At that time, Chen Lihua, who was seriously ill, considered making a will, intending to leave the Wanguan family property that she had worked hard for many years to Chi Chongrui, who had been with her for more than 30 years.

This decision should have made anyone ecstatic, however, to everyone's surprise, Chi Chongrui resolutely rejected the proposal.

This decision shocked everyone. In the face of great wealth, few people can stay sober. And Chi Chongrui's refusal undoubtedly shows his noble character and proves his sincerity in this relationship.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

The exposure of this incident has made the outside world's evaluation of Chi Chongrui change 180 degrees. The voices that once accused him of being "Chen Shimei" gradually disappeared, replaced by praise and envy of the relationship.

People are beginning to take a fresh look at the controversial couple, recognizing that there may be a relationship between them that goes beyond money and status.

Looking back on Chi Chongrui's life trajectory, from a highly sought-after actor to a rich woman's partner, his choice has triggered a lot of thinking. In this materialistic society, Chi Chongrui chose an unusual path.

He has spent more than 30 years with each other, proving the value of sincere feelings.

How difficult is it for Tang Seng Chi Chongrui, who dedicated himself to saving his mother and being an assistant to a rich woman?

Although this relationship is controversial, Chi Chongrui's persistence and dedication let us see another possibility of love. Perhaps, true happiness does not lie in external evaluation, but in inner satisfaction and peace.

Chi Chongrui's story is not only a personal choice, but also a challenge to social values. It makes us rethink what is the most precious pursuit in life between money and true love.

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