
After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

author:Yi Yi talks about the world
After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?
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After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

In 2012, in the backstage dressing room of Taipei Arena, a loud noise broke the silence after the awards ceremony. Wake up, the former runner-up of "Happy Boys", is furious at the moment, and his fists are clenched.

In front of him, Li Wei, the former junior brother and now the rival in love, dodged the flying chair in embarrassment.

At this moment, no one expected that this conflict would completely change the trajectory of their lives. Public opinion was in an instant uproar, and the attitude of the brokerage company was even more unexpected. The two singers, who were once beautiful, have since embarked on completely different paths.

Today, 12 years later, when we re-examine this past, we can't help but ask: who is the real winner in this contest between love and career? Let's go back in time and uncover this long-forgotten past.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, the starting point of awakening is undoubtedly dazzling. As the only son of a wealthy family in Xi'an, his background is enough to make his peers envious.

According to Su Xing himself in a variety show, although he cannot be called the richest man in Xi'an, his family's financial resources can at least rank among the top three in Xi'an. His grandfather was a soldier, and his father was not only a government official, but also ventured into business at a young age.

Such a family environment has given him the courage to wake up fearless and the confidence to chase his dreams.

However, what really made Su Xing stand out in the entertainment industry was his outstanding performance in "Happy Boys" in 2007. The awakening on the stage, the eyes were firm, and the singing voice was loud, which easily captured the hearts of countless audiences.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

When he reached the national finals as the champion of the Xi'an region and finally finished second, everyone believed that the future of this young man must be promising.

Just when he woke up and enjoyed the sweetness of fame, love also quietly came. During the draft competition, he met a girl named Xia Hangyan. Xia Hangyan was gentle and quiet, behaved appropriately, and soon won the heart of awakening.

Although it was forbidden to fall in love during the draft, the two fell in love without hesitation.

The romance was soon blessed by the Awakening fans. What's even more surprising is that the awakened family members are also full of praise for Xia Hangyan. They even opened a clothing boutique for the future daughter-in-law as a sign of support for the relationship.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

In the eyes of others, the couple seems to have stood in front of the palace of marriage, just waiting for the moment of exchanging rings.

However, who would have thought that this seemingly perfect love story would turn into an embarrassing farce a few years later? The gears of fate always turn inadvertently, and the relationship between Su Xing and Xia Hangyan will also face a severe test.

In the days that followed, Awakening's career flourished, but he never expected that an unexpected figure was about to break into his life and completely change the trajectory of his life.

This person is Li Wei, who later won the championship in "Happy Boy".

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, 2010 has come. At this time, the relationship between Su Xing and Xia Hangyan has gone through nearly three years. It stands to reason that this time is enough for the two to get to know each other better, and the relationship should become more and more stable.

However, the gears of fate quietly turned at this time, and a young man named Li Wei broke into their world and completely changed the direction of the relationship.

Li Wei, the rising star who won the championship in "Happy Boy" in 2010, is in the limelight. As awakened juniors, they should have been close partners.

However, as time went by, Li Wei had thoughts about Xia Hangyan that he shouldn't have. Perhaps because of the aura of the new champion, or perhaps because he was busy with his career and neglected to accompany him, Li Wei began to contact Xia Hangyan frequently.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

At that time, he woke up and was devoting himself to the development of his career, and it was difficult to accompany Xia Hangyan at all times. But Li Wei seized this opportunity and got closer and closer to Xia Hangyan as a fellow brother.

The interaction between the two has become closer and closer, even to the point of making people feel sideways.

By the time he finally realizes something is wrong, it's too late. Li Wei boldly made his intimate photos with Xia Hangyan public, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to awakening.

Looking at those photos, my awakened heart was like a knife, both angry and heartbroken. He couldn't believe that the woman he loved so much could be so close to his junior brother; It is even more unacceptable that a friend who once trusted would commit such an act of betrayal.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

This emotional crisis is like a time bomb that could detonate at any time. Awakening struggled to restrain his anger, trying to deal with the problem with reason. However, whenever he saw Li Wei's smug expression, the anger in his heart would continue to accumulate.

Finally, backstage at that awards ceremony in 2012, the pent-up emotions exploded. According to eyewitness accounts, Su Xing and Li Wei engaged in a fierce war of words in the dressing room.

Perhaps because of their disagreement, the verbal conflict intensified. In a fit of rage, Su Xing could no longer control himself, he grabbed the chair at hand and smashed it hard at Li Wei.

At this moment, it is not only the chair that is smashed, but also the awakening of trust in friendship and love. The scene was chaotic, and Li Wei also suffered a severe blow because of it. This violent incident instantly detonated the entertainment industry, and also completely changed the life trajectory of Su Xing and Li Wei.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

No one expected that a relationship entanglement would evolve into such a dramatic ending. What's even more unexpected is what kind of impact the chain reaction caused by this turmoil will have on Su Xing and Li Wei.

In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, one carelessness may be a catastrophe.

After the chair incident broke out, the entertainment industry suddenly set off an uproar. Major media rushed to report it, and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet. Faced with such a situation, the brokerage company had to make a choice.

Surprisingly, the company did not stand on the side of Awakening, but chose to protect Li Wei. This decision is undoubtedly a blow to the awakening.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

The company's snow hid made Su Xing lose all performance opportunities for a while. The once familiar stage and camera seemed to be cut off from him overnight. However, Awakening is not an easy person to throw in the towel.

Faced with the unfair treatment of the company, he resolutely chose to terminate the contract. Although it meant that he could face a huge amount of compensation, Su Awakening stuck to his choice.

He would rather suffer the financial losses than continue to compromise in this environment.

After the termination of the contract, he woke up and founded a music studio on his own. Although several albums were subsequently released, unfortunately, they were never able to achieve significant results. Faced with the trough of his career, he did not give up.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

He began to actively seek various job opportunities, and even did not hesitate to make a job appeal through online channels. Although this behavior attracted a lot of doubts at the time, it also showed his indomitable spirit.

At the same time, Li Wei's situation is not easy. Although he escaped the company's snow for the time being, the anger of netizens made him fall into the whirlpool of public opinion. Faced with overwhelming doubts and abuse, Li Wei's career also began to decline.

In 2014, he released a new album, Reborn, in an attempt to regain momentum. However, despite his best efforts, he still failed to win widespread public recognition.

The former national champion has now gradually faded out of the mainstream of the music scene.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

During this difficult period, both Su Xing and Li Wei are working hard for their future. Awakening began to appear frequently in various variety shows, using his talent and humor to win the love of the audience.

His outspoken personality and generous deeds have also won him a lot of praise. For example, when Wei Chen mentioned the loan to Su Xing in "Happy Camp", Su Xing did not hesitate to provide his bank account, showing his boldness and righteousness.

This period of trough is a major test for both Su Xing and Li Wei. It not only tests their perseverance and talent, but also their persistence in their dreams.

In this rapidly changing entertainment industry, whether they can re-emerge from the trough has become a difficult problem in front of them.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

After experiencing a low point in his career, he did not sink when he woke up. On the contrary, this difficult time seems to inspire greater strength within him. He began to actively seek out various opportunities to return to the public eye.

The road to a comeback has not been smooth. He began to appear frequently in various variety shows, winning the audience's love with his talent and humor. From the high-profile "Tucao Conference" to "Heartbeat Asia Season 3", to the critically acclaimed "Sing to the World" and "The Twelve Hours of Beijing", the awakened figure is increasingly appearing in the audience's sight.

In the process, Su Xing is also constantly adjusting his image. He is no longer the impulsive young man, but has become more mature and steady. His outspokenness and humorous performance have earned him more and more praise.

Awakening's generosity and righteousness have also been frequently praised, such as lending money to Wei Chen without hesitation in "Happy Camp", allowing the audience to see his sincerity and boldness.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

As the number of participating programs continues to increase, so does the public's awareness of awakening. From obscurity in the past, it now has a certain status in the minds of the audience, and it has taken several years of hard work to wake up.

Although his music career has not reached its peak, Su Xing's performance in the variety show industry has won wide recognition. This kind of transformation has allowed Su Xing to find a world of his own.

Through unremitting efforts, he finally regained his footing and occupied a place in the entertainment industry.

The road to comeback not only shows his talent and perseverance, but also reflects his persistence in his dreams. In this ever-changing entertainment industry, Su Xing proved in his own way that as long as you don't give up, there is always the possibility of re-emergence.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it's 2024. The turmoil has long since subsided, and Su Xing and Li Wei have embarked on their own life paths.

Today's awakening, the career can be described as thriving. Not only is he very popular in variety shows, but his music works have also received a good response. In the past year, the figure of Su Xing has frequently appeared in various variety shows and won the love of the audience.

What's even more gratifying is that he also gained a sweet new relationship and won the blessings of many netizens.

On the other hand, Li Wei, although he has not completely faded out of the entertainment industry, his influence is not as good as before. His musical works rarely attract attention and are less and less visible in the public eye.

After waking up and beating Li Wei for 12 years, now look at the situation of the two, who is the winner?

Looking back on the ups and downs of the past 12 years, we can't help but ask: who is the real winner in this contest between love and career? Perhaps, the answer doesn't matter.

The important thing is that no matter how many ups and downs we go through, we should stick to the bottom line of being a human being, maintain our love for life and the pursuit of our dreams.

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, the story of awakening has undoubtedly given us many inspirations. We look forward to him continuing to maintain his original intention and bringing more wonderful works to the audience, and wish him more happiness and success in the future.

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