
In the United States, a group of "awakened people" have emerged

author:The heart flower opens in the hand

One of the highest-ranking officials in the United States, the deputy assistant secretary of state for Israel and Palestinian affairs, has resigned steadfastly!

The resignation of such a high-ranking official will certainly attract the attention and heated discussion of the world and the media. So, why?

The client, Miller, claimed that he could have remained in his position if it were not for his responsibility to his family, including in areas where he disagreed with government policy.

In the United States, a group of "awakened people" have emerged

Oh, it turned out to be for the family.

For this reason, it is always difficult to convince the public, and it always makes people feel that there must be unspeakable privacy and secrets in between.

Sure enough!

A U.S. official who knows Andrew Miller said he was unhappy with the U.S. government's insistence on supporting Israel's policies despite outside opposition. From the outset, he recognized the risks of the administration's so-called "bear hug" strategy, Biden's embrace with Netanyahu when he visited Tel Aviv in the days following the Hamas attacks.

Miller argues that the United States, as Israel's largest military, economic, and political supporter, can use its influence over Israel more effectively. But in fact, what the government has done makes it very disgusted and angry!

Since you can't convince the high-level, since you are indignant, and since you are depressed, why don't you disarm and return to the field?

Undoubtedly, Miller's resignation is a manifesto and protest to the current rulers, and it is also the best testimony that he recognized the current situation and "woke up"!

In fact, just like Miller, there are people who are cynical and "wake up" early!

Rand Paul, a U.S. senator, hit the nail on the head when he pointed out that the Biden administration's China policy is a disaster for U.S. security and prosperity.

He said U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused China of supporting Russia in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, while also acknowledging that China did not provide any weapons to Russia. It's hypocritical. While blaming China, Washington has blocked a potential peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in March 2022, providing tens of billions of dollars in weapons and equipment to Ukraine, adding fuel to the fire.

He also criticized Biden for repeatedly falsely declaring that "the United States has an obligation to defend Taiwan," the most sensitive issue in U.S.-China relations, and that the official policy of the United States for more than 40 years has been "strategic ambiguity," that is, the United States does not commit to defending the Taiwan region. Biden's reckless and belligerent rhetoric shows that he is willing to abandon a policy of keeping peace with China for the sake of his own political interests.

He also suggested that the president must put the national interest ahead of his political self-interest. China will remain a formidable economic and military power. If we want to ensure that future generations live in a secure America full of economic opportunities, we must build a stable and effective relationship with China, guided by mutual respect and sincere diplomacy.

Congressman Rand mentioned many aspects, all of which are to the point of fact and expose the truth, unabashedly harshly criticized Biden and his administration, and expressed his own insights on what to do in the future.

The surroundings are turbid, but he is the only one.

Yes, if he himself is not clear and awake, how can he see the reality clearly and vent his heartfelt words?

And what's more!

Since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict in October last year, a number of US Government officials have resigned because they are dissatisfied with the US Government's stance.

Last October, Josh Paul, a senior U.S. State Department official, announced his resignation to protest the U.S. government's "blind support" for Israel.

In early January of this year, Tariq Khabashi, policy adviser to the U.S. Department of Education, announced his resignation, citing dissatisfaction with the U.S. government's response to the current round of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including providing military aid to Israel.

On March 27, a U.S. State Department official named Anel Sherlane announced his resignation. She bluntly said that the reason for her resignation was because she could no longer tolerate the US government's support for Israel in the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

It stands to reason that Americans see what the US Government's foreign policy is, keep it in their hearts, and even use a scale to weigh it, but regrettably and disappointed is that the vast majority of people are asleep, and only a few people wake up and shout a few times in a frustration in a vain attempt to wake up everyone present.

In the end, the bamboo basket fetched water - a void.

Don't think that only a few high-level leaders in the United States have taken the lead in "waking up", in fact, the same is true for a few people below.

Recently, two U.S. soldiers, Larry Herbert and Juan Betancourt, have applied to the U.S. Air Force for refusal to continue their service "for ethical and moral reasons."

In the United States, a group of "awakened people" have emerged

To put it bluntly, they are very opposed to the US government's brainless bias and support for Israel.

U.S. Air Force Corporal Larry Herbert said: "For me, the decision was not difficult. Many of the military and I decided to join the military in the first place, in part because we wanted to serve the people, especially the American people. But judging from the current policy of the U.S. government, instead of serving the American people, we are hurting people all over the world. ”

In the United States, a group of "awakened people" have emerged

Listen to Herbert's heart, which sentence is not true? Which sentence is not reasonable? What sentence is not full of anger? What sentence is not full of helplessness and disappointment?

Only a sober person can speak such insights!

They only resigned in anger, and one soldier went so far as to set himself on fire in protest against the large number of Palestinian civilian casualties caused by Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip!

At around 1 p.m. on Feb. 25, Bushnell, dressed in a military uniform and holding a selfie stick, set himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in the United States in Washington, D.C., and live-streamed the process via social media.

In front of the camera, he bluntly stated that the US military was directly involved in the genocide against Palestinians and declared that he no longer wanted to be an accomplice in the genocide.

In the United States, a group of "awakened people" have emerged

I'd rather use this decisive way to wake up a sleeper, but......

Bushnell in heaven must have shed tears of lament and despair when he saw the reality that was still the same as before, or even worse.

People just don't want to wake up, it's not you who shout a few times in vain, or exchange your precious life for it!

Hey, life is precious, but it's a pity to send the wrong person!

In today's United States, although they are sitting on the train of the 21st century, although they are still dressed appropriately, what is amazing is that almost all of these people are asleep, motionless, with stiff expressions, crooked mouths and slanted eyes, and foul-smelling saliva at the corners of their mouths.

A group of numb, ignorant, and stiff people sleeping in the "iron house"!

Such an environment, such a scene, no matter how you look at it, is very much like our old China - the China of the 19th and 20th centuries.

In this regard, the famous thinker and revolutionary Lu Xun once had a pito-point, wonderful and perfect description and assertion:

"If there is an iron room, windowless and indestructible, and in it there are many sleeping people who will soon suffocate to death, and yet they fall from slumber to death, and do not feel the sorrow of death, and now you cry out, and alarm the more sober men, so that this unfortunate few may bear the irremediable agony of death, and think that they are worthy of them?

What a loneliness, sorrow, and love it is.

Even today, the iron house has windows, and these sleeping people are still reluctant to wake up. Mankind is destined to go through the revolutionary revolution...... The road? ”

Although a number of people have woken up, the "drop in the bucket" is still difficult to change the current situation in the United States, and it is impossible to shake the solid and decaying foundation.

If many people who are asleep still do not want to wake up, or cannot wake up, then the answer to what will happen to the United States tomorrow has long been determined!

A country with evil thoughts, selfishness, a penchant for suppression and smearing, a willingness to stir up trouble, no bottom line, a loss of morality, and a loss of conscience will be ruined if it is broken, and it will be ruined if it is ruined, and there is nothing to care about and cherish with nostalgia.

Sometimes, disfigurement is not a bad thing, but a blessing - it can be beautiful!

[I am @ Xinhua in my hand, looking at the world and expressing my emotions! ] 】

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