
The student forgot that I love the Chinese, wrote that I love the Japanese, and was physically punished by the volunteer teacher and angrily reprimanded for making mistakes

author:Sister said education

Is it that the three characters "Chinese" are more difficult to write or remember than the three characters "Japanese"?

In the classroom, the little boy wrote "I love the Japanese" on a picture, and was admonished by the volunteer teacher and slapped his palm, and the video caused heated discussions among netizens, most of whom supported the teacher's education method, and a small number of netizens thought that the teacher was too much!

The student forgot that I love the Chinese, wrote that I love the Japanese, and was physically punished by the volunteer teacher and angrily reprimanded for making mistakes

What happened:

The cause of the incident is not complicated, a vlogger who teaches in Dalian Mountain posted a video.

The video shows that at the time, the little boy was drawing in class, but the teacher found him writing the words "I love Japanese" on a piece of paper. The teacher immediately asked the child why he was writing this sentence.

Faced with the teacher's questioning, the little boy aggrievedly explained that he originally wanted to write "I love Chinese", but when he wrote it, he forgot the word "China" and only remembered the word "Japan" and wrote it.

The student forgot that I love the Chinese, wrote that I love the Japanese, and was physically punished by the volunteer teacher and angrily reprimanded for making mistakes

This scene was watched by the classmates next to him, and the little boy looked very nervous and uneasy. The volunteer teacher sternly admonished him: "You have to remember that you are Chinese, and the teacher can forgive everything, but this kind of mistake must not be made." The teacher then took out a ruler and slapped the boy's palm as a sign of punishment.

After the beating, the teacher once again emphasized his point of view in front of the whole class: "It is definitely wrong for me to beat the students, but some things must be strictly educated, otherwise they will not be remembered for a long time, and as a Chinese, the hatred of the family and the country must be remembered in the heart, and this point must never be forgotten."

The student forgot that I love the Chinese, wrote that I love the Japanese, and was physically punished by the volunteer teacher and angrily reprimanded for making mistakes

The teacher then asked the child to tear up the painting and throw it in the trash! I don't know if this incident will have an impact on the children's patriotic education, it's hard to predict.

Although the little boy was an unintentional mistake, it also reminds us that as Chinese, we must always remember our identity and dignity.

Why does this elementary school student only remember the three words "Japanese" but not the three words "Chinese", which shows that the cultural invasion of children is very serious, Japanese anime garbage has seen too much, and some people who have watched Japanese comics have forgotten who they are!

The student forgot that I love the Chinese, wrote that I love the Japanese, and was physically punished by the volunteer teacher and angrily reprimanded for making mistakes

Support the teacher, play well, you say that children don't know anything, so why did he write I love the Japanese? It shows that he does not understand history, this is not to create hatred, this is to teach him to know history, if you don't teach him, how will he know that Japan invaded us in history? How do you treat our people? Because their generation has not experienced it, they are asked to remember history.

Today's children not only forget hatred, but also don't know or care about what Japan does, it has nothing to do with them, nothing to do with themselves, and let the children live under the big tree forever and never grow up!

Don't forget the hatred of the country and the family! It must be passed down from generation to generation!

Children are a blank sheet of paper, it depends on how parents and teachers guide, Chinese thousands of years of historical experience tells us that in children's education, appropriate corporal punishment is also an indispensable process in childhood education.

It's a scary thing for a child to know how to love Japanese people! Sternly tell him that the bottom line of the Chinese people is right, don't forget the hatred of the country and the family! Prevention is better than prevention, and it must be passed on from generation to generation!

In the long run, it is worrying!

(The picture in this article comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)


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