
Is the college entrance examination fair? The school without a swimming pool produced 25 national-level athletes overnight, and Li Xueqin was among them

author:Sister said education

Li Xueqin said that "can't swim" caused controversy, and the defense of the issuing unit: the preliminary verification meets the qualifications of second-level swimming athletes!

Recently, actor Li Xueqin said in an interview that the video of herself not being able to swim fermented on the Internet. Some netizens found out that she was a second-level swimmer, so they asked, "Second-level swimmers can't swim?" "Sparked heated discussions.

Is the college entrance examination fair? The school without a swimming pool produced 25 national-level athletes overnight, and Li Xueqin was among them

She said in the show that she is most afraid of sports and physical education classes, and she is always the last to run. Physical education class is her shortcoming! This national second-level athlete is also too easy to be. As you can see from the information, she also participated in the 2013 National Children's Swimming Championships, and swam 01:26.03 in the 100-meter breaststroke competition!

A school without a swimming pool with a large number of national athletes popping up overnight! When will wholesale counterfeiting be closed?

Li Xueqin's alma mater, Benxi Senior High School, was exposed to the phenomenon of second-level athlete fraud, and 87 students received sports bonus points, of which 25 were second-level swimming athletes, but the school did not even have a swimming pool. This kind of "wholesale" fraud is obviously a serious desecration of educational equity.

Is the college entrance examination fair? The school without a swimming pool produced 25 national-level athletes overnight, and Li Xueqin was among them

Some netizens exposed that this matter has nothing to do with the individual, it was done by the leaders of Benxi High School back then, and hundreds of people in Benxi High School got second-level athlete certificates, the purpose is to add 20 points to the college entrance examination, especially all those with good results, including Liu Dingning, the champion of the two college entrance examinations that year, but many people did not use it.

This netizen said that there is no problem, the problem at the source must be big, and it is not an exaggeration to think that the source should be shot, as for Li Xueqin, it is also wrong, according to the existing statement, it is just an attempt. There are many popular people, and the guide of public opinion has no choice, so they should accept all kinds of voices from the public!

Is the college entrance examination fair? The school without a swimming pool produced 25 national-level athletes overnight, and Li Xueqin was among them

When will this kind of wholesale fraud stop, individual fraud, collective fraud, where is the fairness, fairness, and openness of education?

Random extra points, where is the fairness of the college entrance examination?

Li Xueqin's history at Peking University has been questioned, and the "turning over old accounts" of these celebrities is actually to promote the fairness of the college entrance examination!

Li Xueqin took the college entrance examination in 2013, although it has been 11 years ago, after the wave of doubts, some netizens feel that it is meaningless to turn over her "old accounts" at this time, not to mention that she didn't use sports extra points, why be so serious? Li Xueqin scored 633 points in the college entrance examination, with 20 extra points for independent enrollment, not extra points for sports. Note: The bonus points for independent enrollment are not the bonus points for second-level athletes in sports, they are obtained by really participating in the independent enrollment examination by virtue of their ability, 633+20 is 653 points, and the minimum admission score of Peking University in Liaoning Province is 635 points.

Is the college entrance examination fair? The school without a swimming pool produced 25 national-level athletes overnight, and Li Xueqin was among them

Although she didn't use it, but so many national second-level athletes, no one used it? It's impossible, the purpose of the school is to give students extra points! On the issue of the fairness of the college entrance examination, it is impossible to overstate it.

In order to put an end to the phenomenon of indiscriminate bonus points, in recent years, the Ministry of Education has clearly cancelled five categories of national college entrance examination bonus points, including sports students and middle school students' Olympiad, and gradually abolished 95 types of local bonus points.

Is the college entrance examination fair? The school without a swimming pool produced 25 national-level athletes overnight, and Li Xueqin was among them

It turns out that the rules are made for ordinary people. It can accommodate a special student, but it can't accommodate a top partial student! This is the current state of education!

It is strongly recommended to cancel all college entrance examination bonus points and treat every college entrance examination student fairly and justly.

The college entrance examination is fair, one paper in the country, one score line That's fair!

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