
Ambiguous unspoken rule: If a man really falls in love with a woman, his body can't hide these 2 reactions

author:Harui Murakami
Ambiguous unspoken rule: If a man really falls in love with a woman, his body can't hide these 2 reactions

Shakespeare said, "Love is not seen with the eyes, but felt with the heart".

When a man is really in love with a woman, his love doesn't need to be said, it will run out of his eyes and be exposed from his body movements.

The subconscious reaction of people is the most real.

So whether a man is really in love with you, or uses you as a spare tire, "riding a donkey to find a horse", depends on his physical reaction when facing you.

When a man is truly in love with a woman, he can't hide these 2 physical reactions at all, which is very direct.


Possession and respect

Men's male hormones make them possessive.

When you fall in love with a woman, you can't help but possess her, dominate her, want to stick to her all the time, and completely control her.

Especially in the ambiguous period, both men and women have a fatal attraction to each other, pulling each other, hazy and tempting.

This feeling of "wanting to refuse and welcome" makes men unable to resist at all.

If a man is in the ambiguous period, when the atmosphere between the two is the strongest, but he has no feelings for you and no physical impulses for you, then he must not be in love with you.

Because the man who is in love with you has stars in his eyes when he looks at you, and when he sees you, he blushes and his heart beats wildly.

The most important thing is that he is extremely possessive of you, wants to be intimate with you, wants to stick to you, and can't wait to be your humanoid pendant.

The more a man sticks to you, the more he loves you.

The more I love you, the more I want to monopolize you and mind every opposite sex that appears around you.

Be jealous, have a sense of crisis, and treat every person of the opposite sex around you as an imaginary enemy.

Because true love for someone can make people sensitive, vulnerable, and petty.

A man is really in love with a woman, he doesn't want to share you with anyone at all, he wants to hide you and monopolize you.

Ambiguous unspoken rule: If a man really falls in love with a woman, his body can't hide these 2 reactions

If "possessive" means that the man is in love with you and is very impulsive towards you.

Then "respect you" means that this man really loves you to the core, and intends to develop a relationship with you for a long time and seriously.

A man only wants to possess you, which means that he just wants to satisfy his own pleasure, and the man's majesty and vanity.

But if he respects you very much in the details of his gestures, respects your feelings when getting along, and respects your attitude and opinions when making decisions.

Most importantly, when you want to be intimate, you will also respect your feelings.

Love is restraint, even if he loves you until his eyes are red and he longs for it, he will restrain himself fiercely and put your feelings first.

A man who respects you and feels sorry for you must love you miserably.


Strong desire to protect

Duras said: "When a man loves you, there will be pity in his eyes".

A man who is truly in love with you will not be full of only sex.

Instead, I want to hold you in the palm of my hand, spoil you as a little princess, and be willing to be your "flower messenger" to protect you.

When a man is really in love with a woman, in the details of life, he will unconditionally maintain and protect the woman.

Ambiguous unspoken rule: If a man really falls in love with a woman, his body can't hide these 2 reactions

Like what

When crossing the street, I always take care of you as a child, holding your hand and protecting you.

If you are wronged at work and have conflicts with colleagues and leaders, your first reaction is not to lecture you and reason with you.

It is to always stand on your side unconditionally, trust you, support you, understand you, and be your strong backing to give you enough confidence.

No matter how old you are, they will pamper you as a little princess, and will not preach to you, nor will they ask you to do things that are in line with your age.

In his eyes, he always treats you as someone who needs his good protection.

During the ambiguous period, if a man only wants to be intimate with you, but never defends you.

When you are wronged and have disputes with others, not only do you not come forward for you, but they even think that you are very troublesome, blame you for causing trouble, and teach you a lesson.

When you meet such a man, run quickly, he is just to meet his physical needs, and he does not love you at all.

Choosing a man is not about how beautiful he says during the ambiguous period, and how touching his love words are.

It depends on the person's desire to protect you and what he has done to protect you.

What a woman wants to see must be in the relationship, whether she feels the maintenance and protection from the man.

Give you a sense of security, you are a reliable man, and you are the man who really loves you.
