
Hypersonic missiles fall from the sky! The United States miscalculates the importance of the Houthis, and China chokes the dollar!

author:Cuong loves science every day

This time the Houthis have completely choked the Red Sea shipping lanes, so what happened next?

Iran has developed hypersonic weapons.

In a recent news report, the Houthis announced that they had created hypersonic weapons in the desert, and this news immediately caused a global sensation, and many people were very surprised, after all, the Houthis have not been a powerful armed force until now.

So what is the reason why they have been able to grow so powerful in just a few years?

In fact, as early as the beginning of this year, Iran announced that it had successfully developed hypersonic weapons, and many people expressed doubts about it at that time, because Iran's scientific and technological level is not very developed, if they can really develop hypersonic weapons, then the United States and European countries have already successfully researched it.

Hypersonic missiles fall from the sky! The United States miscalculates the importance of the Houthis, and China chokes the dollar!

So this makes people wonder whether the hypersonic weapons that Iran announced to have successfully developed this time are really their own developments?

But in fact, everyone also knows that the relationship between Iran and Russia has always been very good, and on the battlefield in Ukraine, the drones used by Russia are from Iran.

In addition, the relationship between Iran and China is also very good, so from this point of view, it should still be possible for Iran to successfully develop hypersonic weapons.

Hypersonic missiles fall from the sky! The United States miscalculates the importance of the Houthis, and China chokes the dollar!

And now the United States and European countries have begun to gradually abandon the oil resources of the Middle East, so Iran can be said to be the biggest winner in the Middle East.

In fact, in the final analysis, whether it is Iran or the Houthis, the forces standing behind them are China and Russia.

Now that the Middle East has begun to gradually tilt towards China and Russia, this also means that in the future, the resources of the Middle East will flow more and more to China and Russia.

Therefore, whether it is the United States or other Western countries, it will be more and more difficult to obtain the resources of the Middle East in the future, and the Middle East can only ensure that it can make money in the future by clinging to the thighs of China and Russia.

How important the Red Sea shipping lanes are to the Philippines.

In fact, many people don't understand how important the Red Sea shipping lane is.

Located between Asia and Africa, the Red Sea Passage is the most important shipping route connecting the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

If the Houthis take control of the entire Red Sea shipping lane, the Philippines will likely end up cutting off its oil supply as long as it sides China is on the opposite side.

And ASEAN countries, which are major economies, will also be more dependent on the Red Sea shipping lanes for energy supplies in the future.

Especially in an energy-starved country like the Philippines, which has a population of more than 100 million, the Red Sea shipping lanes are undoubtedly very important for them.

Because their main oil imports also come from the Middle East.

But in fact, the Red Sea shipping lanes are not just important for energy-starved countries like the Philippines.

As an island nation in the East, the Philippines' main goal is not for turf, but for the rich oil resources beneath the South China Sea.

And over time, the oil resources on which the Philippines depends have become increasingly important.

Hypersonic missiles fall from the sky! The United States miscalculates the importance of the Houthis, and China chokes the dollar!

But the Philippines is not aware of this in its struggle for islands and reefs in the South China Sea – they lack energy.

If they continue to choose to follow the United States, there is a good chance that they will not be able to get more oil resources from the Middle East in the future.

So in any way, the Philippines needs to work with China in the future.

As for the United States, it will be more and more difficult for them to access the resources of the Middle East in the future.

Hypersonic missiles fall from the sky! The United States miscalculates the importance of the Houthis, and China chokes the dollar!

The Red Sea shipping lanes choke the relationship between oil and the dollar.

In fact, there is little relationship between the United States and Middle Eastern countries now.

But the United States controls the price of oil through its own trading system.

If the entire Middle East no longer uses the dollar for transactions in the future, then the dollar will be completely blinded.

Hypersonic missiles fall from the sky! The United States miscalculates the importance of the Houthis, and China chokes the dollar!

Therefore, after the Houthis choke the entire Red Sea shipping lane, they will completely lose their correlation with the dollar.

And now with the gradual rise of the Chinese RMB around the world, Middle Eastern countries will be more inclined to use RMB for transactions in the future.

When the entire Middle East begins to settle in large quantities in yuan, then other transactions in the oil sector will become insignificant.

China, as the largest VIP customer in the Middle East, will tighten its grip on the entire oil market in the future.

Hypersonic missiles fall from the sky! The United States miscalculates the importance of the Houthis, and China chokes the dollar!

So then, in any case, the Houthis should get their hands on as many hypersonic weapons as possible.

The author thinks

We can now foresee that future warfare will become more and more advanced.

As a big country, we must always be vigilant and constantly look for new breakthroughs in this global game.

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