
12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

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When it comes to this NBA second-round draft, it's like a carnival party!

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

12 transactions were completed in just two hours, which is faster than my TikTok!

Especially the Rockets and Warriors, the action is really fast, and they have strengthened the lineup a lot at once, and it seems that they really want to show their strength in the new season.

For the fans, this kind of big action is sure to make the blood boil.

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

Especially when you think about James, Big Brother finally got his wish, which must have been a huge boost for him.

On the big stage of the NBA, strength and luck are equally important, as long as you have the ability, you can always find your own position.

Heck, when it comes to the second round of the NBA draft, fans are fascinated!

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

In particular, the focus is on Chinese players Cui Yongxi and Bronny James, whose fates have come into focus.

The entire draft process was full of suspense and anticipation, with each team desperately looking for the best person to complement the roster.

These drafts are really a big drama, and they are more exciting than watching TV series!

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

Every team is targeting those potential stocks to pick up the next superstar.

Heck, the draft is a reality show, see who can set their sights on and catch that future MVP!

When you see that the Eagles chose French striker Zachary Rizzacher with the first pick, do you feel a sigh in your heart? This kid's flexibility and explosiveness are simply eye-catching.

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

Just like his movements on the field, it was called smooth, as swift as a cheetah.

The Eagles' choice is simply to make the opponent cry dad and mother!

Then there was the Wizards, who picked a Perth Wildcat-turned-center Alex Sarr.

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

I heard that he has a natural dominance on the inside, crushing his opponents to the point of being loveless.

However, I would like to know how handsome his violent dunk is, and whether it can be compared to the shock of Yao Ming's back then.

Next, the Rockets set their sights on University of Kentucky guard Reed Shepherd.

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

This kid is fast and has a very slippery shooting technique, which is simply a new benchmark for modern basketball.

The Rockets' move must be to show more on the fast break and outside offense.

In the world of the NBA, trading is like a crazy underground market, and it's dizzyingly fast!

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

No, the annual draft is like a discount season, and teams are scrambling to grab people, as if they are digging for treasure.

You see, the Eagles brought in Zachary Rizzache from France, this guy is the new favorite of the basketball world, and he has a good set of interior tactics!

And the Wizards did not show weakness, taking down Alex Sarr of the Perth Wildcats, this center is a basketball hegemon, and he will do it if he doesn't agree!

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

The Rockets seized the opportunity to select Reed Shepherd of the University of Kentucky, whose speed and shooting skills were top-notch, which was addictive to watch.

In the end, the Spurs were not to be outdone and picked Stephen Cassel of the University of Connecticut, this guy has super organizational skills and court control ability to kill everything in seconds!

The addition of these players is not only a major strategic adjustment for the team, but also a new starting point for their basketball careers.

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish

Come to think of it, they have had a love for basketball since they were young, and finally took a big leap in their lives at this moment.

However, this crazy trade also reminds us that the competition in the NBA is really fierce, and it is not something that the average player can handle.

If you want to get a foothold on this huge basketball stage, you have to stay in shape and adapt to your new environment.

12 transactions in 2 hours! The NBA second-round draft is even crazier; The Rockets and Warriors strengthened, and James got his wish