
Feng Shui Story: Exploring the Mysterious Power Behind the Champion: How Feng Shui Treasures Forge Generations of Wealth

author:Qingyin Taoist people say feng shui

1. Reading is kind-hearted, and the name of the ancestral tomb is on the gold list

During the Song Dynasty, there was a talented talent named Sun Ziqi, but his family was extremely poor. Sun Ziqi and his wife live in a modest hut and barely survive on a meager income. On a cold winter night, the north wind was howling, and the temperature outside the house was biting. Sun Ziqi and his wife curled up in bed, trying to resist the cold.

Suddenly, they heard a whisper from outside the room. One person said: "Shrimp feet." Another person responded: "The champion is set for this night, the silver ring is locked with gold locks, and the curtain is rolled up to the hook." These two sentences seemed particularly mysterious in the silent night, and Sun Ziqi and his wife couldn't help but feel very surprised, but they didn't know why.

Feng Shui Story: Exploring the Mysterious Power Behind the Champion: How Feng Shui Treasures Forge Generations of Wealth

The next morning, the land was covered in a thick layer of snow. Sun Ziqi is ready to go out, planning to borrow some money and food from relatives to make ends meet. Just then, a strange gentleman appeared in front of the door. He was carrying a backpack and a compass, and he looked like a feng shui master. The gentleman claimed to be feeling a little tired while passing through this place and wished to rest here for a while.

Although Sun Ziqi's family is poor, he is kind by nature and warmly receives this uninvited guest. In order to entertain this guest, Sun Ziqi borrowed money and rice from relatives and carefully prepared a meal. The feng shui master was very moved to see that Sun Ziqi's family was so hospitable and hospitable.

After the meal, the feng shui master asked Sun Ziqi if there was a grave of his ancestors in his family. Sun Ziqi truthfully took him to the grave of his parents. After careful observation, the feng shui master shook his head and sighed: "There is no blessing here, let alone wealth. Then, he looked around and his gaze fell on the ridge in front of him, "There is an excellent acupuncture point there, which I have observed for many years, and no one has occupied it yet." I don't know who that land belongs to? ”

Feng Shui Story: Exploring the Mysterious Power Behind the Champion: How Feng Shui Treasures Forge Generations of Wealth

Sun Ziqi replied, "That's my family's land. When the feng shui master heard this, his face showed joy, "This is really providence!" You can move your parents' bones there, and I'll do it for you for free. ”

So, the feng shui master chose an auspicious day for his grandson Qi and helped him move his parents' graves. After the funeral, the feng shui master said to Sun Ziqi: "This place is called a beautiful woman with a silver ring and gold lock in front of it, a beaded curtain and a jade hook, and the shrimp feet on both sides intersect. This is the reward of your kindness and kindness. Henceforth you should concentrate on your studies, and do not waste your good deeds. ”

Feng Shui Story: Exploring the Mysterious Power Behind the Champion: How Feng Shui Treasures Forge Generations of Wealth

After hearing this, Sun Ziqi was shocked in his heart, remembered the strange conversation he heard that night, and immediately understood the deep meaning. After the feng shui master said goodbye, Sun Ziqi studied more diligently, determined to live up to the expectations of this blessed land. Four years later, Sun Ziqi really topped the high school list and became the champion of all the people, completely changing the fate of him and his family.

Second, the descendants of the trade wind and water moved the ancestral grave and the descendants were admitted to the champion

In a small town in Henan Province, there lived a man named Liu San. Liu San is kind-hearted, loyal and kind-hearted, and often gives alms, running a rice shop to make a living. Although his life was not rich, he was a philanthropist and was deeply respected by his neighbors.

One day, a wealthy man in the town invited a well-known feng shui master to find a piece of feng shui treasure for his ancestors. After months of traveling through mountains and rivers, the feng shui master finally found an excellent acupuncture point on a scenic mountain. Feng Shui masters stay here overnight, hoping to receive a revelation of providence. However, in his sleep, he heard the rebuke of the land god: "This place is the ancestral grave of Liu Zhuangyuan's family, do not let others intrude, move quickly, otherwise a catastrophe will come." ”

When the feng shui master woke up, he immediately informed the rich man of the dream and suggested that he find another auspicious acupoint. Although the rich man felt regretful, he also knew that the will of heaven could not be violated, so he agreed to the advice of the feng shui master. The feng shui master then asked the rich man for the address of the house surnamed Liu and went to visit Liu San.

Feng Shui Story: Exploring the Mysterious Power Behind the Champion: How Feng Shui Treasures Forge Generations of Wealth

When the feng shui master came to Liu San's rice shop, he asked directly, "Boss Liu, does your family have a burial place?" Liu San was shocked when he heard this, and asked rhetorically, "How does Mr. know?" The feng shui master smiled and said, "It is the god of the land." Liu San sighed and said, "My father died last year, and he is currently only temporarily buried in shallow soil, and has not yet found a suitable place to bury, so he has not been able to let his old man settle in the ground." ”

After hearing this, the feng shui master told Liu San the details of the good cave and chose an auspicious day for him to be relocated. This piece of land is called "Phoenix spreads its wings", there are two natural pools in the two ribs, forming the water of the maintenance of the dragon, the acupoint is located on the mouth of the phoenix, the left and right wings are horizontally opened, the peaks and peaks are undulating, the former program mountain is in the shape of three stars, the bright hall is wide and the water of no vision is shining, the hall is lingering, and the city of Luo is tight. The feng shui master predicted: "Within a few years after the burial here, there will be a champion." ”

Feng Shui Story: Exploring the Mysterious Power Behind the Champion: How Feng Shui Treasures Forge Generations of Wealth

After hearing this, Liu San's heart was full of expectation and gratitude, and he immediately began to prepare for the funeral. Soon after, Liu San's father was buried on this feng shui treasure.

Liu San had a son named Liu Jikang. Liu Jikang is extremely intelligent, and he likes to read since he was a child, especially good at poetry. In the fifth year after Liu San's father's burial, that is, in the year of Ming Jingtai Renshen, Liu Jikang won the top prize in the examination in one fell swoop, and the official went to Hanlin to study, fulfilling the prophecy of the feng shui master.

Feng Shui Story: Exploring the Mysterious Power Behind the Champion: How Feng Shui Treasures Forge Generations of Wealth

Liu San was originally just an ordinary small family, and he didn't dare to expect his family to become a champion and become a wealthy family. However, providence is so, and Feng Shui Baodi finally chose the Liu family. Liu San was deeply gratified and grateful, and worked more diligently to run the rice shop, while also continuing to do good deeds and accumulate virtue for the benefit of the township. Liu Jikang also lived up to expectations and won endless glory for his family and hometown.