
How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

author:Bu Xiao Nuan said notes

What kind of people do you hate the most in life?

In our lives, we will definitely meet a lot of different people, some are our friends, but friends are also real friends and fake friends

There is a kind of person who is good friends with you on the surface, but in fact, she doesn't want you to live better than anyone else. When you get good grades, she is not happy for you, but pours cold water on you, thinking that everything about you is a fluke, such a person will often PUA you, and you must stay away


Let's take a look at the sharing of netizens

Some people have a really dark psychology, there is an old man in my hometown, he is a "five-guarantee household", people invite him to drink, and he keeps saying bad things

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

This kind of person often loses face, and it is the competitive person who stretches out his face to beat others

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

Who are these people? I don't eat her rice, and I don't have a good time

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

Such a person is a pink eye attack, and he is addicted to it

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

Cow, domineering, is to treat these people with broken mouths in this way, otherwise they will get used to it

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

[covers face] [covers face] [covering his face] What kind of people are these, sometimes relatives are not as good as friends

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

That's because your parents are kind and don't want to worry about them when they are relatives

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

Hahaha, slap in the face, and talk about people, and ask people, this cheeky is really thick-skinned

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

There may be something wrong with this person, and a child of a few years old can do it

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

So your cousin is having a bad time, and once she goes to your house, she will reach the point of breaking off friendship

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning on a rainy day? Isn't this Mr. Tomato's cool article? There are such people in life

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

Yes, they have light, I can still rub it, why should I be jealous of other people's lives, it's too tiring

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

This is a plastic sister flower, no doubt, it's better to stay away, this kind of recognition is the easiest to stab you in the back

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

Good guys, is this the Present World Newspaper? But pity the child

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

Yes, you really can't talk about money with acquaintances, talk about how well you are doing

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

[covers face] [covers face] [Covering face] Is there really such a bad person?

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

It's a distorted psychology, this person's conscience has been eaten by dogs

How terrible can human jealousy be? The answers of netizens are too real, and there are really a lot of plastic relationships

Everyone is unique, and we should respect each person's personality and characteristics, and should not judge others by wealth, status, or other superficial factors.

Second, we should strive to pursue our dreams and goals instead of comparing ourselves to others or being jealous of others.

Finally, we should learn to build healthy relationships with others, respect each other's differences, and strive to support and help each other.

We should approach life with a positive, open, and inclusive mindset, respect others, and pursue our dreams and goals, rather than falling into a vicious cycle of jealousy and hatred.
