
It was not only Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian", Li Chuan was on the list, and Su Rongqing was martyred

author:Sisi said the shadow
It was not only Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian", Li Chuan was on the list, and Su Rongqing was martyred

In the TV series "Spending the Year of China", the love story of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong is both tragic and full of complex power struggles. Twenty years later, they are reborn and face the test of fate again. Although Pei Wenxuan retained his affectionate love for Li Rong in his previous life, Li Rong's attitude began to change.

At a palace banquet, Pei Wenxuan inadvertently saw Li Rong, his eyes were full of nostalgia and pain: "Li Rong, after twenty years, you are still so beautiful and moving." Li Rong responded: "Pei Wenxuan, I have let go of the past." Although her tone was flat, the complicated emotions in her eyes were difficult to hide.

Their emotional entanglement is not limited to love and hatred, but also goes deeper into the whirlpool of power struggle. Pei Wenxuan knew that only by joining forces with Li Rong could he gain a foothold in the court: "Li Rong, the Yang family is getting stronger and stronger, and we must cooperate to fight them." Li Rong was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, since that's the case, let's cooperate for the time being." ”

It was not only Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian", Li Chuan was on the list, and Su Rongqing was martyred

Their relationship remains challenging. Li Rong has always been unable to let go of all the things in her previous life, "Pei Wenxuan, do you know, Qin Zhenzhen's matter has had too much impact on me. Pei Wenxuan held her hand, his eyes full of understanding: "I understand, but we have been reborn, and this time, we can choose a different ending." ”

In the plot of "Spending the Year of China" in the previous life, the love road of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong was not smooth. Qin Zhenzhen really appeared, which caused a gap between Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong. At a court banquet, a conversation between Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong reveals the complex emotions between them:

Pei Wenxuan felt bitter in his heart, looked at Li Rong and said, "Li Rong, the estrangement between us has gradually deepened since that incident. His tone was full of helplessness and loss.

Li Rong pursed her lips, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes: "Pei Wenxuan, I know that you once loved me, but you also know that my heart no longer belongs to you." There was a hint of coldness in her words, but she couldn't hide the contradiction in her heart.

It was not only Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian", Li Chuan was on the list, and Su Rongqing was martyred

Their emotional crisis is not just because of personal feelings, but also in the whirlpool of power struggles. The growing strength of the Yang family forced them to join forces to fight, and Pei Wenxuan knew that only by cooperating with Li Rong could they gain a foothold in the court. At a court meeting, Pei Wenxuan said firmly to Li Rong: "Li Rong, we must join forces against the Yang family, otherwise they will become a stumbling block for us." There was firmness and determination in his eyes.

Li Rong nodded silently, with a solemn expression: "Yes, Pei Wenxuan, we must unite." She knew in her heart that this was not only for her own interests, but also for the stability of Great Xia and the desire for revenge in her heart.

Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong's love and power struggles are intertwined, and they have to seek survival and development in a complex political landscape. Their relationship has been tortuous, with trials and challenges at every step of the way, and only mutual trust and determination can overcome these obstacles and lead to a more brilliant future.

It was not only Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian", Li Chuan was on the list, and Su Rongqing was martyred

In "The Year of China", the conspiracy of Shangguan Ya and Su Rongqing not only exposes the corruption of the political system, but also exposes the exchange of interests in the power struggle. Their conspiracy caused chaos throughout the Great Xia dynasty, especially after Li Chuan's serious illness and death, and the color of tragedy permeated the whole story.

Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong discussed the situation in a secret meeting. Pei Wenxuan frowned and said, "Li Rong, the union of Shangguan Ya and Su Rongqing has put us in an unprecedented crisis. Their conspiracy is not only a threat to us personally, but also a threat to the stability and justice of Great Xia. ”

Li Rong frowned slightly, and a trace of anxiety flashed in her eyes: "Pei Wenxuan, we must find a way to deal with it, otherwise everything will be ruined." She knew that this power struggle was beyond their control and needed to be cautious and keep a clear head.

It was not only Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian", Li Chuan was on the list, and Su Rongqing was martyred

With the exposure of Li Xin's true identity, the political scene has changed dramatically again. Pei Wenxuan addressed the court in an attempt to stabilize the internal turmoil: "Ladies and gentlemen, Li Xin is not a prince, and his birth status may have changed the pattern of the future of Great Xia. We must unite to meet the challenges that lie ahead. ”

Li Rong stood aside with a firm gaze: "Pei Wenxuan is right, we can't let internal strife and external enemies take advantage of the situation. The conspiracy of Shangguan Ya and Su Rongqing is only on the surface, and the deeper conspiracy behind it has not yet been revealed. Her deep will to fight and desire for revenge were rekindled, and she was determined to fight for the honor of her family and the Pei family.

Faced with new challenges and enemies, the four protagonists must unite while facing internal contradictions and external threats. Their destinies are once again intertwined, and they are destined to dance with the times for their own beliefs and ideals.

Although the previous life in "Du Hua Nian" ended in tragedy, and Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong seemed to have a chance to change their fate in their rebirth twenty years later, the new ending is still full of unknowns and challenges. In this complex court struggle, they have to deal not only with complex emotional entanglements, but also with a deep interweaving of political strategies.

It was not only Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian", Li Chuan was on the list, and Su Rongqing was martyred

In a private meeting at night, Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong faced each other's doubts and uncertainties about the future. Pei Wenxuan said softly: "Li Rong, our rebirth may be a second chance given to us by God, but whether we can truly change our fate depends on how we deal with the situation in front of us." ”

Li Rong smiled slightly, her eyes firm: "Pei Wenxuan, we have experienced countless tribulations, maybe in this life we can take the opportunity to avoid those mistakes and move towards the happiness that truly belongs to us." ”

Pei Wenxuan smiled bitterly: "I hope so." We must be vigilant against the enemies around us, and at the same time stay true to our original intentions. The conspiracy of Shangguan Ya and Su Rongqing is only on the surface, and the real crisis may not yet come. ”

Li Rong's eyes revealed firmness and trust: "We can, Pei Wenxuan." No matter how big the storm is, we will face it together. ”

It was not only Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian", Li Chuan was on the list, and Su Rongqing was martyred

In this world of ancient costume palace fighting, "Spending the Year of China" profoundly shows the complexity of human nature and the impermanence of fate through its complex emotional depiction and profound political strategy.

The audience will experience the depth of emotion and the unpredictability of fate with the ups and downs of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong's fates, as if they are in an ancient court infighting full of suspense and depth.

It was not only Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong who died tragically in the last life of "Du Hua Nian", Li Chuan was on the list, and Su Rongqing was martyred

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