
I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

author:Read the entertainment

Text|A reading of Feng Yu

Edit|Yiyue Fengyu

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

The Pink Tax is the main culprit in hollowing out women's wallets, and it is clear that the price of men and women will be several times different for the same category, the same quality, and the same specifications.

This is a very irrational, very unfriendly and pervasive mispractice for women.

They know how to make a good product, but they don't want to provide it to girls, are women really wronged? I hope everyone can recognize the consumption trap of merchants, keep their eyes open, and don't fall into the pit of consumerism.

Okay, well, the boys' intentions are doing, and the girls' just need to raise the price, right?

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

I took it, wow, I really treat girls as wronged, it's 2500 a year

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

I see, that's true

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

This has a say, I really bought men's no-makeup cream and applied it directly as a lotion, which is very smooth and natural

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

It's off the big spectrum, you touch the same product, and the price difference is so much, are you crazy?

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

Men's clothes are made with quality, and girls' clothes are made with price

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

There are really a lot of this, and the price of men is different

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

However, the women's jacket has a maximum of three or four pockets, and it is also very shallow

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

It used to be a normal size, but lately it's ridiculously small

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

It's expensive and uncomfortable, how dare you

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

Some merchants are like this, and the price of goods will increase as soon as they become popular

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

No, I said that couples' pajamas are so open-minded?

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive

Finally, thank you for reading, I hope to get your likes, attention, comments!

Welcome all the little masters to pay attention, it will bring more joy to everyone~

I know the pink tax but I don't know it's so outrageous! Shocked to the same product, the girl is several times more expensive