
After Daji's mutation, the image of the fox was exposed, Han Xin strengthened next week, and Lu Bu adjusted to be launched on Thursday

author:Fingertip King

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers.,Planning is open again.,This time, the planners no longer use an account to go online at a fixed time.,But registered their own accounts separately.,So this time multiple plans answered some players' questions.,But get a positive answer.,And there's not much content about balance.,Let's take a look at what is worth looking forward to.。

Guan Yu increases battery life

After Daji's mutation, the image of the fox was exposed, Han Xin strengthened next week, and Lu Bu adjusted to be launched on Thursday

The planner had said before that he wanted to give Guan Yu some online endurance, but we haven't seen the implementation of the new version, so after the player mentioned it again, the planner's reply was "Code design and animation resource production involving interactive logic are progressing in an orderly manner, but the construction period is longer, but it won't be a pigeon."

So it's true that Guan Yu will increase the battery life in the future, but what kind of reply setting will be added to involve the production of animation resources? You can imagine it to your heart's content.

My previous point was that he would get a certain amount of natural regeneration after three seconds of running out of battle, so as to avoid the problem of increasing his tando due to recovery during the fight, and at the same time, it would also allow him to replenish his status in time after the battle, what do you think?

The strength of the veteran assassin is a problem, and Han Shin is strengthened

After Daji's mutation, the image of the fox was exposed, Han Xin strengthened next week, and Lu Bu adjusted to be launched on Thursday

Players said that the new version of the veteran assassin jungler still can't stand up after the new version update, and several junglers take turns to be at the bottom, is there a plan to adjust?

According to the planner, the problem of the decline in the strength of the veteran assassins has been recorded, and what he got is Han Shin's reinforcement plan (the others are not mentioned for the time being).

Han Shin's enhancement plan is in the state of production and will be launched next week, but other assassin strength changes are still being observed.

So Han Xin will be strengthened next week.,Implemented into the experience server.,Players who like to play Han Xin can look forward to it.,The strength of this hero is enough.,The popularity is definitely very high.,In addition, mentioning "resource production", I believe it's not just a simple numerical adjustment, there should be changes in the mechanism, otherwise it won't involve "resource production".

Lu Bu strengthened the online on Thursday

After Daji's mutation, the image of the fox was exposed, Han Xin strengthened next week, and Lu Bu adjusted to be launched on Thursday

Lu Bu's "strengthened" win rate does not rise but falls, which is wrong, so the experience server was urgently strengthened the next day, and the content of this enhancement will be launched next Thursday, and it is not recommended to play Lu Bu in recent days, although the enhanced version of the experience server feels very general, but at least it is stronger than now.

In addition, the problem that the cost performance of the Demon Breaker Knife is too low will also be revisited, so do you think the cost performance of this equipment is really low?

Hainault strengthened

After Daji's mutation, the image of the fox was exposed, Han Xin strengthened next week, and Lu Bu adjusted to be launched on Thursday

In the new season, Haino has directly become a clown, and it feels unreliable to walk in the middle and walk, and the winning rate has dropped significantly, and the planner said that Haino will be strengthened, but it is still in a state to be strengthened, and I don't know when there will be a real strengthening plan and implement it into the experience server.

Equipment will continue to be adjusted

After Daji's mutation, the image of the fox was exposed, Han Xin strengthened next week, and Lu Bu adjusted to be launched on Thursday

This answer is more extensive, players asked, the hero's basic attributes are renovated, whether there are subsequent changes to the equipment, this question has been answered positively by the plan, and there are plans for future equipment adjustments, but there is no mention of more specific adjustments.

Unpopular equipment such as Dream Breaker, Arctic Storm, and Blazing Dominator are estimated to be included in the list to be adjusted, because these equipment are too weak, and I hope that there will be a suitable version in the future, so that we can have more equipment options.

Daji mutates

After Daji's mutation, the image of the fox was exposed, Han Xin strengthened next week, and Lu Bu adjusted to be launched on Thursday

Daji is finally going to mutate.,A long time ago, the planning mentioned that Daji would have a nine-tailed fox form.,Now it's mentioned again.,The planning also sent an image of the original painting.,Let's take a look? (Isn't it the Nine-Tails?) )

So Daji's rework progress should have reached a stage near the end, and it must be very much expected to draw the nine-tails skin before.

So for the answers to the above plans, are there any topics that you are most concerned about?


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